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Ernesto C

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Everything posted by Ernesto C

  1. Ernesto C

    Custom Coati Mount

    Impressive!! Very good work. Ernesto C
  2. Ernesto C

    New Grey Fox Mount

    Wow Josh that's a nice trophy room! I like the bobcat/rattler snake mount...........but........you have taken about 1253 coyotes and you dont have one??...what's up with that? Ernesto C
  3. Ernesto C

    Guess the Score Contest!

    112 6/8's Ernesto c
  4. Ok guys, thanks for all you replies to Scenario # 1 and 2. Scenario # 3 is going to be a little different. You'll have two options, Option #1 is where you'll make your own scenario, how far you want the buck? You want a easy or challenging scenario? You choose distance, angle and wind direction. You are welcome to type events before, during and after the shot, make it and have fun doing it. Option # 2 (or you can make both if you want) Using this picture will you like to place a scenario for some one else and challenge him to make the shot? Have fun and take care......here is you dream buck: Ernesto C
  5. Ernesto C


    That's what we supposed to do, right? Ernesto C
  6. Ernesto C


    With the rifle unloaded, did you tried several times and can you hear and see the bolt hitting or firing the pin? That happened to me with a Remington 660, I was taking the safety off and BOOMM! rifle was going off. A small screw become loose inside and that was causing the problem. Ernesto C
  7. Ernesto C

    FS - Swarovski 15x56 Binoculars

    Mmmmmm.......very tempting Mr. west!
  8. Ernesto C


    Holy Cow!! that's a brute!! Thanks for sharing........................Ernesto C
  9. Ernesto C

    A Prayer for my son

    Tray, please keep us updated on your son's health and let me (us) know if we can do something to help you out with this issue. We will mention you and Garrets name in our church service tomorrow; also, every monday is "prayer service" where once again we'll be knocing on doors until we (along with this unity from cwt. members) open the one with Garrets heal or well being. Take care and God bless you all. Ernesto C
  10. Ernesto C

    Traffic jam at the trailcam!

    Maybe at a puma!?
  11. Ernesto C

    Back from World Cup! Did some hunting

    That is A W E S O M E !! a african hog is one of my dreams! Congratulations and thanks for sharing your adventure. Ernesto C
  12. Ernesto C

    Happy Birthday TAM!

    Happy Birthday Tim, best wishes and they may extend all the way to your hunt in Mexico with a muy grande buck! Ernesto C
  13. Ernesto C

    Have a great one Fatfootdoc!

    Adam, what's up buddy? Lots of blessings to you Ernesto C
  14. Ernesto C

    Here is # 2

    Ok the first one was a hard one because of the wind and for some the distance. Here is scenario # 2. Again, this is based on the rifle and scope you own. Tell us caliber, scope bullet grain etc. Will you hold over? How many inches? How will you make this shot? Can you make it? Last day of your hunt, the buck of your dreams, only one hour of daylight left you are coming back to your truck from 2 days of back pack hunting far away from the roads when you notice some movement on the oposite ridge only 300 yards from your truck! It is a Big Buck! The one you always wanted for your wall. You decide you want this buck but have no time to get closer..he is at: 400 yards Wind: 5 to 10 mph from right to left ......Where will you aim? Thanks......Ernesto C
  15. Ernesto C

    Thanks Jim Reynolds

    I was hoping you made it Tony, I was looking forward to meet you. How's your mother doing? I hope she's better. Ernesto C
  16. Ernesto C

    what's the best scope??

    Go with option # 3. Or go with Nikon 6 X 18 X 44 BDC Buck Master. Let us know what you decide. Ernesto C
  17. Ernesto C

    Amanda's legal defense fund!

    Amanda, you need to do what Chef told you. You need to give them a cwt. sticker but....I think you need to carry lots of them Ernesto C
  18. Ernesto C

    12AW tag..

    Congratulations Allen I bet is going to be a loooong wait for opening day......another member here drew the same unit. Ernesto C
  19. Ernesto C


    + 1
  20. Ernesto C


    + 1
  21. Ernesto C

    Leftover tags

    Go to here: (hopefully works out) http://www.azgfd.gov/eservices/documents/2...ster_100715.pdf Ernesto C
  22. Ernesto C

    Thanks Jim Reynolds

    Jim lots of blessing to you and your wife for opening your house to us and for all your hospitality, THAN K YOU! Chef it was really nice to meet you and Daryl and many more members that showed up. Texas hunter is the man! It was nice to meet lots of members that share the passion for the outdoors. I was glad to see old friends, Larry (scout'm) and Chris (sundevi). I had a great time with all that showed up. Food was excellent weather was nice for a Yuma boy Jim please consider what I told you....we need to put your name and your antler collection in the Guiness Records. There are no words to describe your collection, I want to go back and see it again Ernesto C
  23. Ernesto C

    Tikka light .243 Sold PF

    Mike, I dont own a 270 WSM or a 300 RUM but .....you are welcome to use any of my rifles if necessary, you know...just in case. Sorry to hear about your situation my friend, you two take care and remember to stay in touch. Ernesto C
  24. Ernesto C

    Happy Birthday Firstcoueswas80

    Ooooooooooooohhhhh What's up with that!!
  25. Ernesto C

    Happy Birthday Firstcoueswas80

    Ooooooooooooohhhhh What's up with that!!