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Ernesto C

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Everything posted by Ernesto C

  1. Ernesto C

    Browning Xbolt 308 factory ammo

    Yes this!.. You might spend a little money at the begining but if I were you I'll buy a box of ammo different grains and different brands from 150 to 180 and everything in between. Shoot 5 shots groups letting your barrel to cool off between shots. Pick the brand and grains that group better. Good luck to your friend and I hope he gets to love the sport!
  2. Ernesto C

    How do you measure success?

    I remember not to long ago you could take a buck and a javalina. But they only did thar for a year, maybe two. That was nice!
  3. Ernesto C

    How do you measure success?

    Every single day that I don't hunt, is an unsuccesful day!
  4. Ernesto C

    WTB Spartan Bipod and Phoenix Shooting Bags

    Leonidas 😁🙈
  5. Ernesto C

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    5' 3" and 6' 9"
  6. Ernesto C

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    You can buy Slik Pro 700DX with the 3-Way Pan/Tilt Head included. This is what I got in mine and it does the same as the other head that I just mentioned. https://www.ebay.com/itm/353691740410?chn=ps&var=623043966153&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=21562-222008-2056-1&mkcid=2&itemid=623043966153_353691740410&targetid=295159191359&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1013523&poi=9143319&campaignid=19868683663&mkgroupid=145907810526&rlsatarget=pla-295159191359&abcId=&merchantid=6296724&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1OmoBhDXARIsAAAYGSHDOFX_jaHaEEjOG0xZMiQrhwz8PArm8vvwTloHbQfk9tj0U-Xzq64aAluQEALw_wcB
  7. Ernesto C

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    I'll verify later on but is something very similar to this...
  8. Ernesto C

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    When get off work and get home I'll let you know what model I have.
  9. Ernesto C

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    Then I recommend you to take a look at the Slik Pro 700DX. I have that one too but is just a little heavier with the quick deploy legs that I like. That one will fit you perfectly!
  10. Ernesto C

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    I have had my Bushnell for....God good question...15, 20 years? I really like it. I started with the Manfrotto but then I switched to the Busnell because it was lighter and also faster to deploy. I has serverd me well on all my hunts supporting my Swaros 15's. I still have the Manfrotto but I used as a back up, you know just in case.
  11. Ernesto C

    Looking for a Tripod LOWER PRICED Not $500

    I highly recommend you this.. https://www.bushnell.com/additional-products/accessories/advanced-titanium-tripod/BU-784040.html
  12. Ernesto C

    Head Lamp

    I asked the same question years ago. Several members suggested Coast head lamp and that's what I chose. It has served me well on my hunting trips. Light weight adjustable beam. I also have another one with the Red light.
  13. Ernesto C

    Mexico dead head

    No no no, don't do this! You can't bring sheds either.! unless you do it the right way! The legal way!
  14. Ernesto C

    Mexico dead head

    You need to know for sure if it was found, hunted or how he got it. Unless the street vendor owns a UMA and the registration is current, with all the proper documents and tags yes you can bring the head properly cleaned and tagged.
  15. Ernesto C

    Sold Thanks

    Dang! That's a great price and with a great mount included too! Great Long Range Scope!
  16. Ernesto C

    Loose primer pockets

    In the mean time..a cordless drill, a socket and a torche will do the trick.
  17. Ernesto C

    Loose primer pockets

    I find very hard to believe that you have loose primer pockets on the 2nd firing. (unless is a very bad batch of brass?) Maybe you need back out and start at 62 grains of powder instead of 65? check your velocity, sd and es and of course how well they group. Then 62.3, 62.5, 62.8, 63.1, 63.4, 63.7 and so on. Load 5 rounds of each load. Check every piece of brass after every firing and look for sings of pressure. If on a specific load you start to see sighs of pressure Stop rigth there! Write down all your info and choose the best load with the best sd, es and of course the best group. If the brass wasn't fired on your rifle, I'll bump the shoulder 1 to 2 thousands and go from there. Don't forget to anneal your brass before rezising. Im sure some where in the 2900 to 3000 fps there is a happy recipe for your rifle and brass. Good luck and keep us posted.
  18. Ernesto C

    Loose primer pockets

    Crap, was walking in the store a guy walking towards register with the 8lb jug of R19. Only R7, 16, 17 and 23 left.
  19. Ernesto C

    Loose primer pockets

    I think I saw RL19 at Sportsman here locally. I'm heading that way later today, I'll check.
  20. Ernesto C

    Loose primer pockets

    Don't forget that using different brands of brass may cause more pressure in some. Some brass brands are thicker then others. Maybe, using the brands you are using but do a test..reduce your powder charge, try get them on the 3000 fps and compare point of impact between the 2 brands of brass you are using? You may experience also different velocities from one brand to other (because of pressure cause by brass thickness) Stick to one brand and when you ran out of those then use the other brand but verify point of impact and velocity. Ernesto C
  21. Ernesto C

    Loose primer pockets

    Correct, or use it to check your primer pocket before loading your rounds to see if they are loose. I learned this from Davidinthesun he's a very nice fellow coueswhitetail member with lots of reloading experience.
  22. Ernesto C

    Loose primer pockets

    Have you tried one of this? ... https://www.brownells.com/reloading/measuring-tools/case-length-gauges/swage-gage-primer-pocket-gauge/ Ernesto C.