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Ernesto C

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Everything posted by Ernesto C

  1. Ernesto C

    Late November Tags Filled!

  2. Ernesto C

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Like..20 deer..3 elk ... 35 coyotes and 20 some javelinas?
  3. Ernesto C

    Double droptine buck!

    WOW Tim! Congratulations on a buck of a life time!! Your kids look really happy too that's very cool! Ernesto C
  4. WOW!! ...just amazing! Congratulations Scott to you and all your team involved. What a magnificent buck! Your persistence paid off my friend. Can't wait to see the video. Congratulations again! Ernesto C
  5. Ernesto C

    Wife's Dec buck

    Very cool, congratulations and thanks for sharing Ernesto C
  6. Ernesto C

    Long - range Chiricahua coyote

    Yes!! That was sweet! Ernesto C
  7. Ernesto C

    bigger in mexico?

    Well, if that the case then that will be normal... how many hunters hunt in a season here in the States and how many in Mexico? Also, know of lots of people from here that go and hunt in Sonora kill big bucks and they never say anything. Here just some of them ..
  8. Ask James, (JLW) he's a member here. He's the best predator hunter and his style or techniques are the best and the only one that will work Every hunter has it own way, style or technique for calling predators, my own way of calling coyotes have work wonders to me. I will send you a PM answering your questions. Don't want to upset any one. Once you get response from several people you can try everything and you'll get the best from each. Good luck on you upcoming predator hunts. Ernesto C
  9. Ernesto C

    Advice Please!

    I'm really happy for you... but at the same time.... very sad that the ones that suppose to server and protect... were no help Ernesto C
  10. Ernesto C

    My daughters last day buck

    WOW!! That's awesome congratulations! Yes this year girls ROCK!! Ernesto C
  11. Ernesto C

    Anyone going to hunt Mexico?

    Me I'm super excited!! Can't wait
  12. Ernesto C

    Tribute for a fallen member

    Thanks Casey for posting this. I had the honor to meet him. We were camping next to them when he Lord decided to call him. Ernesto C
  13. Ernesto C

    Sarah's 115 Late Buck

    OMG! WOW! AWESOME!! Congratulations to all involved... what a buck! Ernesto C
  14. Ernesto C

    What's your most important piece of hunting gear?

    RANGE FINDER!! You need to know how far your game is.
  15. I was able to help Tom early on his hunt. We located 4 rams together one evening and one of them looked really good. It was late so we decided to return early the following morning. We were able to locate the 3 smaller rams but not the big one. Unfortunately, due to a problem I have on my left leg (Sciatic Nerve) I could not help Tom the way he deserve or the way I wanted to help him. My lower left leg is numb and I twisted my ankle really bad twice cause I don't have control over my leg . I felt something tearing inside my ankle but did not felt any pay because it was numb. It sucks getting old! Since the day I helped Tom I haven't had a day off from work either, today is my first day off since I helped him. I'm only 30 minutes away from him and I'm not 100% ok with me leg yet I do text back and fort with him every other day. I'm sorry Tom I want and I wish I could be helping you but I also want and wish for you to kill the one you are after my friend. Ernesto C
  16. I should not be saying this about my self .... but I never lie or I haven't lie yet when I tell newbies "Welcome to best hunting site there is" So please guys...don't make me start lying Ernesto C
  17. Ernesto C

    My Desert Ram

    Congratulations man what a Trophy! What an exciting adventure ha? We were just a few miles north of you when you killed We were looking for a second ram. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the best hunting site there is Ernesto C
  18. Ernesto C

    My mexico buck

    Chef has been asking to post pictures of the buck I took in Mexico this last season. Sorry but I dont have field pictures. The night before taking off to Sonora put my camera to charge and forgot about it completly on the dinning room table. I regret that till this day, I guess I was to excited to take off? Any way here the pictures...always wanted a 4 point so here it is: Guys I dont know if the pictures will show up..I having trying to up load the pictures for 2 hrs now but I dont know what's the deal with photobucket. Ernesto C
  19. Finally, after 3 years of trying to take my daughter Ana to her first deer hunt I was able to do that by getting the weekend off work. We arrived to our hunting area Friday night so early in the morning of Saturday; me, my wife, my son and my daughter were hiking this mountain were the year before I glassed several does and bucks Right away we glassed some does on the ridge in front of us. A great opportunity to teach my daughter Ana and my son Emmanuel to glass and find the does feeding Here my son Emmanuel using the range finder and telling me the how far the does were Then the hunt turned more exciting when we located two bucks on a far ridge The bucks were 725 yards away and they were moving so we did the same thing to try to stay parallel to them and not lose them. They stopped on top of this ridge for a while but still to far for a comfortable shot. The bucks kept moving away from us and we couldn't keep up with them, but I saw the canyon where they went in. We decided to call it quits for the day since we already were far away from the quads. I told my daughter we will have to wake up very early the following morning cause the bucks were far away and we needed to be glassing before sunrise. On our way back to the quads we stopped for a while to rest from the hiking; here is my son Emmanuel asking: "Do you think this pants make my butt look big??" LOL So the following morning the hunt was on, here she is half way thru the hike We located the smaller of the bucks, we glassed and glassed and could not locate his bigger buddy. We back track a little and moved about 300 yards more to the south and now we were 450 yards from the buck, still no sign of the other buck. I tried to get my daughter set up for the shot but the buck moved again. We saw the buck disappear in a group of trees. I knew we were tired for a long hike but if we wanted the buck we need it to do something about it and soon cause was getting late. I explained my daughter that we had two choices give up or go down the canyon, walk the bottom of the canyon for half a mile and then hike up again and come up above and in front of the buck. What do you want to do I asked her? She said, lets do it! So down the canyon we went and then up again. Before getting to the top of the ridge I told my daughter that we needed to stop for a couple of minutes to catch up our breaths. I told her to wait for me there while I took a look over the ridge. I located the group of trees where I saw the buck disappear, I set up my tripod and binoculars and the first thing I saw thru them was the buck bedded down underneath the trees. I called her and asked her to come, I set up the rifle for her and she got in position to shoot. The bucks was 200 yards away, I asked her can you see the buck well? she said yes; ok put the crosshairs right in the middle of his front shoulder and squeeze that trigger. I covered my ears and put my eyes on the binoculars and ......................BOOOOMM!!! The buck jumped gave two steps forward one backwards dropped and rolled down hill!! My daughter started jumping saying I GOT IT, I GOT IT!! I smiled back at her and we were both very happy :) Ah but my fellow coueswhitetail members, the story doesn't end there while me and Ana where hugging and jumping of joy, out of the same group of trees the other buck came out running!! I told Ana hold on, I jumped back to the binoculars and saw that the deer had antlers! I said it's a buck, let me take him.... the buck stopped for a few seconds and BOOOMM!! the buck dropped like a ton a bricks Now we had two bucks in a matter of seconds laying like 30 yards apart from each other :) so we started to jump of joy again! Special thanks to my brother Mario, I call him "The All Terrain Hunter" man he can hike and walk.. thanks to him we were able to get those deer out of the canyon I can't express how proud and happy my daughter make makes me. But Thank you Lord for such a beautiful blessing and opportunity. Thank you guys and you all take care. Ernesto C
  20. Ernesto C

    What would you do

    Do all 3 of them. If you can't do all 3, then use a) to hunt/scout the area and so she can receive a early Christmas present Ernesto C
  21. Ernesto C

    you think the wife will like these

    OK perfect Now make sure she's not watching and you can put the firing pin back on now!
  22. Ernesto C

    11 year old scores an awesome buck!! Pic heavy...

    WOW what a great hunt and memories that will last for ever!! My hat off to all you and two thumbs WAAAYY UP!! Congratulations! Ernesto C
  23. Ernesto C

    Would you rather

    If you mean that you aren't applying for deer next year...then yes; go after a mule deer with your bow! Ernesto C
  24. Ernesto C

    Last day bruiser

    A W E S O M E !!