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Ernesto C

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Everything posted by Ernesto C

  1. Ernesto C

    6.5 WSM or 6.5 SAUM?

    Hey STOMP and Doug, Thank you very much, you guys made my day.
  2. Ernesto C

    6.5 WSM or 6.5 SAUM?

    Hey STOMP or anyone else shooting a 6.5 WSM...What's your overall catridge or round length in the 6.5 WSM? did you make it the same as the 270 WSM? Thanks. Ernesto C.
  3. Ernesto C

    Trius Clay Trap Thrower FS: SOLD

    65 includes shipping to Yuma?
  4. Ernesto C

    Bill Quimby

    Wow I can't believe this....this breaks my hearth. I really admired him a lot. RIP my friend I thinks this is the time that Amanda was referring earlier..Amanda, me, Bill and Peg, Tj's wife. Ernesto C.
  5. Ernesto C

    Sonora Buck

    Had the honor to take my friend Michael to a hunt in Sonora Mexico and oh boy!...He killed a dandy of a coues!
  6. Ernesto C

    Savage Stealth 10 6.5 Creedmore $750

    Im very interested. Please pm me your phone number. Thanks.
  7. Ernesto C

    YETI drops NRA

    I hope every "outdoor" or "gun" or "hunting" store out there quit selling them!
  8. Ernesto C

    Draw Results out Today 4.18.18

    Congratulations man When I saw your post " Draw Results out today" in the Mexico Forum I was like...what????
  9. Ernesto C

    FS Docter Optic Nobilem 15x60B

    Yes Docters are better but if you like the Vortex thats awesome with me
  10. Ernesto C

    Vortex Razor HD 27-60x85

    How old is it?
  11. Send you a message, thanks.
  12. Ernesto C

    Summit Goliath 180 MAX Climbing Treestand

    My offer still stands if you want to ...
  13. Ernesto C

    WTB a Summit treestand

    Anyone has a Summit climbing treestand that will like to sell? Thanks. Ernesto C.
  14. Ernesto C

    WTB a Summit treestand

    elkrack thank you very much...let's wait and let me see if the other deal is going to work or not, thank you.
  15. Ernesto C

    WTB a Summit treestand

    Hoghnter yes I saw it after you bumped up I'm already in touch with Mike via text messasges, let see if the deal works out Thanks man.
  16. Ernesto C

    Results up!

    Congrats man, how many BP you had?
  17. Ernesto C


    Big Sale
  18. Ernesto C

    Outdoorsmans Pack and Triclawps setup

    Send me pictures of everything please, thanks.
  19. Ernesto C

    KUIU 3200 Icon Pro Verde $325

    It will be nice to know....I herd Kuiu packs are 3 to 4 lbs lighter than the Outdoorsmans optic pack.
  20. Ernesto C

    FS Remington 788 6mm Left Hand - $350

    I just let me brother know about this rifle...
  21. Ernesto C


    Did you received the pm I sent you yesterday?
  22. Ernesto C

    SPF SIG KILO 2000

    Cody, is your range finder still for sale?
  23. Ernesto C

    Hunting in chihuahua

    Maybe, because is to far?
  24. Ernesto C


    Can't do that my friend. I know...was just letting everyone else know where to start the bids