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About CritterGitter

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  1. CritterGitter

    Swarovski BTX with 85 and both stay on cases

    Message sent
  2. CritterGitter

    Vortex Razor Spotting Scope

    Is this still available?
  3. CritterGitter

    AKC lab pups

    Stud is both. Hes about 90lbs
  4. CritterGitter

    AKC lab pups

    Hopefully the pics show up here
  5. CritterGitter

    AKC lab pups

    I have 2 chocolate male and 1 black female left and looking for new homes. AKC registered sire, dam and litter. $750 each. Will be 8 weeks old in a few days. 520.990.4030
  6. Now that 23S is closed, would my weekend be better spent hunting an open area that I'm totally unfamiliar with, or scouting the few spots I do know while waiting for the next hunt to open. Since the Bears travel so much this time of year, what are the chances they might even be in the same canyon a week later?
  7. I was making up a batch of ammo using 180 gn accubonds last night for my 300 Win Mag. I had to open a new box of bullets and when checking measurements, noticed that the ogive on the newer box was 10/1000ths closer to the bullet tip than the previous box. Has anyone else experienced this and do you have any idea how it might affect the ballistics? i reset my dies so seating depth is where it's supposed to be, but this doesn't make me confident at longer ranges.
  8. CritterGitter

    Closed Units

    I think I'll just set up camp and cook bacon continuously while I relax in a chair and wait for one to wander in.
  9. CritterGitter

    Closed Units

    I guess it's time to try to find some new spots.
  10. CritterGitter

    Closed Units

    I gotta say I'm quite disappointed that my chosen bear unit is closed already. Surely I'm not the only one experiencing this frustration. Thanks for letting me vent.
  11. CritterGitter

    Mule Deer Range

    I have pictures from almost every night since January 1.
  12. CritterGitter

    Mule Deer Range

    Here's one from the only time he stopped by during daylight and unfortunately, not during deer season.
  13. CritterGitter

    Mule Deer Range

    I am curious how large of any area a mule deer uses, especially during the rut? Normally, I look for does just before the rut and soon enough, the bucks will be there. It's not the unknown places where they hang out all year long but the places and distance where they are now. The reason I'm asking is because I'm hunting a buck that I have only seen on camera. Like clockwork with rare exception, he comes to water every night between midnight and 4 am. There are does in the area and I've seen other bucks, but not this guy. Through process of elimination I have been searching areas within a few miles of the water but with no luck. Any thoughts?
  14. CritterGitter

    My 1st Bear! Woohoo!

    Outstanding! That is awesome. It gives me hope that it can be done later in the fall. I'll keep after my first one.
  15. CritterGitter

    Questions for all you successful bear hunters

    Thanks for the thoughts Kidso. You mentioned that you call in a canyon for 45 minutes. At that point do you switch to a new canyon? My reason for asking is that the canyon I was calling in was miles and miles long and a long way across, well over a mile from top to top. Also, what type of call do you think works best? A cottontail, jackrabbit, cub in distress, fawn bleat? thanks.