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Everything posted by mcgrew24

  1. mcgrew24

    March Madness - Forum Etiquette?

    This is the worst topic I've read in awhile. Do all yourselves a favor and turn the page.
  2. mcgrew24

    What Now???

    lots of deer on the western part of this unit. take sasabe highway to milemarker 8 and head up in the hills.
  3. mcgrew24

    Sparky getting bounced?

    The real reason for the change is the program has gone downhill and many dont think its fixable. So they figured they start with the uniforms and go from there. I heard the next suggestion is to just get rid of the program. I vote for getting rid of ASwhoooo for good since the Cats are the real team that represent AZ. GO CATS
  4. mcgrew24

    Wildcat Update

    Baseball update. ARIZONA 5 Arizona St 2 FINAL. No need to say anything else the score says it all. GO CATS
  5. mcgrew24

    Wildcat Update

    Just wondering if any of the haters caught the game. 93-77 ARIZONA. GO CATS
  6. mcgrew24

    Wildcat Update

    A wins a win. Just enjoy the show bud.
  7. mcgrew24

    Wildcat Update

  8. mcgrew24

    To all the single men

    Another one bites the dust. Jk Congrats Justin. Sounds like a keeper does she hang and tape to.
  9. mcgrew24

    Border Hunting

    I have hunted 36B for about 10 years now and occassionally 36a and 36c and have never had a problem with the illegals or drug smugglers. I have ran into both on plenty occassions and they have either stayed down and tried to hide or just continued on their way. That being said I always have a sidearm with me because you never really no someones intentions and I have heard stories as well as others on this site. Theres just too much good hunting to let the illegals and smugglers get the best of it. Josh
  10. mcgrew24

    1988 Toyota 4x4

    calle me 520-784-1111 Josh
  11. mcgrew24

    kitty update

    UofA wins again. still in first. ASWHOOOOOO still in last, Good job guys keept it up. GO CATS
  12. mcgrew24

    kitty update

    Pacific-10 StandingsTEAM CONF OVERALL Arizona 8-2 19-4 Washington 7-3 15-6 UCLA 7-3 15-7 California 6-4 13-9 Washington State 5-5 15-7 Oregon 4-6 11-11 Stanford 4-6 11-10 USC 4-6 12-11 Oregon State 4-6 9-12 Arizona State 1-9 9-13 Expanded Standings Go Cats
  13. mcgrew24

    Dillon's first Javelina

    congrats. good job guys. Justin were u able to take the field for your archery hunt
  14. mcgrew24

    the largest army in the world

    awesome post.
  15. mcgrew24

    kitty update

    yeah yeah yeah talk all u want but the scum devils will be sitting at home while the cats do work against ok st. Enjoy the game bud hope there someone there to give u a hug when the cats win. GO CATS...ASwho.
  16. mcgrew24

    Archery Bull

    congrats to your buddy on a great bull
  17. mcgrew24

    1st Archery Success

    awesome bull and video. thanks for sharing
  18. mcgrew24

    Brothers Bull

    congrats on a nice bull especially for a first
  19. mcgrew24

    36B Very Dry and Very few Deer

    my brother and dad had the 36 b october hunt and we saw 16 bucks and not sure of the amount of doe in 3 days. i thought the unit was fine, its always dry out there besides a few of the game and fish or cattle tanks. I personlly wouldnt hunt water this time of year out there any ways, i have a camera set on water and i see deer activity on there from about 8 pm to about 11 pm
  20. mcgrew24

    Congratulations Dad!

    awesome buck. congrats to your dad
  21. mcgrew24

    36A and my first Coues

    very nice first coues. Its a respectable buck in any case,and your right that is a very nice unit with alot of bucks. the itch for coues is driving me crazy as for my hunt is in 2 weeks. job well done
  22. mcgrew24

    two coues in two different units

    congrats on two nice deer and thanx for sharing
  23. mcgrew24

    2009 Coues deer

    very nice buck and awesone story. hope to hear lots more in the future.congrats
  24. mcgrew24

    185" muley

    very nice buck. way to seal the deal after that 8 mile hike.
  25. mcgrew24

    09 achery bull

    great bull. thanks for sharing