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Everything posted by DUG

  1. Santa may bring me a pair. But she, I mean he, wants to know what to get. I looked at both at SW and actually liked the SLC better for what little time I looked through them. These will be for all around use. I want to know what you all think. I know there is about 400 bucks difference in price. Am I going to see that when I look through them? I have looked through 10x42 EL and Ryans 15x SLC on a pig hunt and now know they are way better than anything I have. Thanks for your replies.
  2. DUG

    Swarovski's 10x42 SLC or EL

    I'm getting the SLC today but they have to go right under the tree. Darn!
  3. DUG

    Bass Pro Shop

    Last time we were there I had about 200bucks worth of stuff and was going to use gift cards I had. I was at the checkout and the manager comes up and says our computer is down ,you can't pay with giftcards today. So I had to use my credit card. So the manager says next time you come in we'll give you 10% off your purchase. So Sunday we were there and had about 53 bucks worth of stuff and told her about the 10% discount. After 5 minutes they couldn't figure out how to take 10% off the bill. Finally I said sell me this $10 hat for 4 bucks and call it even. Should of bought my SWARO's then and seen if they would of taken 10% off then.
  4. DUG

    My girls filled their bull tags

    Those are awesome bulls. Way to go girls! Still think girls can shoot better than most of us guys.
  5. DUG

    22 North Late Bull

    Nice bull Cody! Way to go.
  6. DUG

    Best Companion Pics

    Here is Muzzy hanging out by the X-mas tree.
  7. It's tough naming a new dog. We just had to name 3 in four weeks. Your golden retreiver is beautiful. My friend growing up found a small female golden and named her Trinity.
  8. Nice deer. Looks like a swarm of bees on his face.
  9. DUG

    Hard work can pay off!

    Way to go Ryan! That is an awesome 1st buck. Your uncle must have taught you a couple things about hunting. One being work hard at it and good things will happen. Oh, cool blue truck. I thought you were in better shape than that. We'll find out on Saturday chasing piggies.
  10. I got 6a turkey and son and I got 23 archery javelina.
  11. DUG

    Fun on the Kaibab!

    I'm surprised we didn't run into you up there. We were up there the 1st 4 days and the last 2 days. We heard a lot of people got little bucks by road hunting. We were surprised the forest service did a prescribed burn in the middle of the week. It was right where my wife jumped 3 nice bucks on the 3rd day. Anyway those are awesome pics you took. Here's a couple of does that came into a waterhole right after we left.
  12. DUG

    My Nov. buck

    Congrats on a very nice buck!
  13. DUG

    Very last day buck

    Very nice buck. Way to follow your instincts and make something happen.
  14. DUG

    First deer hunt a success!!

    Way to go! That is a great 1st deer.
  15. DUG

    Cool Pic!!

    My bad , I just assumed it was in Arizona. I'll shut up now.
  16. DUG

    Cool Pic!!

    Definitely a cool pic, but I hope the date on the game cam is wrong.
  17. DUG

    Kaibab Hunt Help

    only 25 days and counting...find yourself some nice bucks...whens lucas's elk hunt again?..ill try and go for a day with you guys Ryan, Luke's hunt is the 19th. Hope you can come up for a day or 2.
  18. DUG

    Kaibab Hunt Help

    I got Duwane's and Tony's book and there is lots of good stuff in it. I have also ordered maps from Duwane and am awaiting their arrival. We are going up to scout this weekend and learn some areas. My wife and I have the early 12A west hunt. She is not quite as excited about the hunt as I am.
  19. DUG

    Back-to-Back Antelope Hunts

    Very nice x2! Way to go.
  20. DUG

    Younghunter's done!

    Way to go! Ryan said you were in bulls about every day. Can't wait for the story and pics.
  21. DUG

    First Elk with a Bow

    Congrats on your elk! Those 100 grain Muzzy's are death dealers.
  22. One male left. Sounds like TATAat27 got 2 of them. Hope you enjoy them.
  23. 4 males/ 1 female. They have 2nd shots. Parents on site and they hunt. P.M. me for sellers info. We bought a brother and sister from this litter. They are very cute and smart. One of the males has a curly coat and another has a mostly solid liver head. They are already looking for birds. The sellers are asking $300. P.m. me if you are interested and I'll set you up with the sellers. Hopefully DownTheBarrel will ask his mommy and daddy if he can get one.
  24. DUG

    Binocular & Spotting Scope Sale

    Doug, how long are these prices good for? I might be looking at the Pentax 10 x50 you have.
  25. Your welcome and post some pics! Let us know what you name them. Our female is Hailey and our male is Muzzy.