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Everything posted by DUG

  1. DUG


    Got 10 points for sheep now and no deer draw for whole family. Still got elk to look forward to.
  2. DUG

    First hunt(s)

    I grew up in Tempe. We hunted deer and javelina in 24A near Kearney. Got my 1st deer at 14 and 1st pig at 13. We always hunted doves in Casa Grande/ Eloy area. That was 30 years ago.
  3. Nice looking pup! That's part of the fun of getting a new pup is naming it. How bout CW (short for coues whitetail or cute weimeraner). We spent a few days naming our 3. Good luck!
  4. DUG

    Azryan's Gobbler

    Way to go Ryan! You are turning into quite the hunter. Glad your Dad was there to share it with you.
  5. DUG

    Friday Bird

    [MMMMMM! Mike and Rhondas... Im hungry. Man I miss Flag. Congrats again In case you didn't know there's a Mike and Rhondas at 51st Ave and Bell. Same menu and food. It still tastes better in Flag though.
  6. DUG

    Results are out

    I drew 2nd choice 7 West rifle bull. The wife and kids got nothing.
  7. DUG

    Went Shed Hunting

    We were in 7 last year or the year before near the end of April and found 3 bucks running together with headgear still attached.
  8. DUG

    New Ride

    Looks sweet. What size KM 2's are those? They look at least like 35's.
  9. DUG

    1992 Tiyita Landcruiser

    Anything else you can tell us. Are the tires good? Any accidents with it? We're looking for something for our son. I'll try to call you Friday. Thanks!
  10. DUG

    Rifle w/scope and Swarovki's

    Is this stuff from the kid who kills something everytime he goes hunting? If so someone should jump on it. I'm sure Ryan knows him.
  11. DUG

    What did you apply for?

    Elk 1st 7W Arch Bull 2nd 7W Rifle Bull Ant. 1st 7 2nd 19B sponging off the wifes points.
  12. DUG

    Roosevelt Snow

    Nice pics! There seems to be deer everywhere around Roosevelt.
  13. DUG

    Stolen Browning A-45

    Hope you get it back. Just a reminder, it only takes a thief a moment to make off with your stuff. One guy I shoot clays with had his truck loaded and just walked inside for a minute to get his glasses and hat. When he came back out 2 shotguns and his range bag were gone. There is nothing worse than a thief. Anytime we are getting ready for a trip and there is a gun involved our garage door is closed. You never know who is watching.
  14. DUG

    My sons first big game!

    Way to go! That is a great javelina and great story. Next he'll want to put in for elk and antelope.
  15. DUG

    bogus points for lope

    My last antelope tag was in 2006 and I think I had 14 or 15 bonus points. My wife has 13 pts. this year. Hang in there you'll get one.
  16. DUG

    41. REM MAG

    Have you tried Randalls in Glendale? 623-934-1164
  17. DUG

    1980 Toyota Land Cruiser

    That's a nice rig alright. But for 24k you could buy a new FJ Cruiser and it would go just as many places the FJ 40 would.
  18. DUG

    Opinion on unit 23 South for elk

    A friend of ours shot a nice bull in 23S in the early rifle hunt in 2006. There is a big burn area where you can glass a lot of country. The area is just above Punkin Center.
  19. DUG

    Vortex spotting scopes?

    Talk to Jason at Ross Outdoors. Jason works at the Prescott Valley store. He'll help you out any way he can.
  20. DUG

    Penguin Slugger

    322.9 and I quit, my wrist is hurting.
  21. Awesome buck! Way to go!
  22. Lukeduke and I will be entering again. Hope he can shoot one this year and not be a Barney Fife when one comes within 15 yards of him.
  23. DUG

    Applying for tags question

    Thank you both for the replies. I am going to try and get my wife to do hunter ed. with her so she can get an extra bonus point.
  24. My daughter is nine and will be ten in April. She is not old enough for hunter ed yet. So here are my questions. Can I have her apply for elk and antelope this winter? Does she have to be 10 when she graduates hunter ed or 10 to even start hunter ed? If I can't get a definitive answer here, I'll call Game and Fish. I checked the regs and know they have to have hunter ed and be at least 10 to hunt big game. Thanks for your help.