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Everything posted by DUG

  1. Wow, what a great day for you. That's awesome getting a lion and 2 yotes in the same day.
  2. DUG

    little muley

    Good job, any deer with a bow is a great deer.
  3. DUG

    First mule deer

    I think Josh is Chuck's little brother. Way to go Josh. You are a hunting machine.
  4. Very nice! Way to go!
  5. DUG

    whats wrong with us!!!

    There's a lot of good advice given here. Enjoy the time with your dad. That's probably the most important. My dad wasn't a hunter so to speak. But he helped me alot. He was there for my 1st pig and deer kill when I was 13 or 14. He gutted them for me and then said the next time it's up to me. As far as finding animals and shooting them, I'm a big believer in luck and thinking positive when I hunt. You need to be ready when the opportunity presents itself. Just a couple of seconds can be the difference between filling your tag and not filling it. Sounds like you are getting tags and getting out there. It's just a matter of time I guess. Just remember anything can happen when you are out hunting. Good luck to you!
  6. DUG

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    Here's my hunting truck. Has hauled 4 elk and 1 antelope so far. Still waiting to transport a whitetail.
  7. DUG

    Stinging and Biting Critters

    They are out there. I had one right between my legs quail hunting in Oct. Some people though are snake magnets. They seem to always come across snakes when they are out.
  8. DUG

    5th day 5x5

    I got my bull after 4 hard days of hunting. Tuesday morning we got to our spot. My nephew Ryan spotted a group of cows on a hill. We were about to leave when he said there was a 5x5 with them. I started walking right towards them, using whatever cover I could find. The bull came out of the trees into a small clearing. I cow called and got him to stop broadside. Luckily I had ranged the hill and knew I would have to hold over him. My .270 did the job and hit him in the neck and he went down. Later we ranged him about 400 yds. A longer shot than I like to take but I had a solid rest and was not out of breath for once. I want to thank my nephew Ryan (Azryan) and my son for all their help. My wife and girls came up Saturday afternoon til Sunday afternoon and helped, too. The hunt could of been over with Friday morning when we saw a spike 1st thing. But Ryan said no spikes allowed this trip. We also jumped some bigger bulls in the pines but could never get a clear shot. We did way more walking than glassing and saw lots of different animals. We had a great time.
  9. Terry, congrats on your bull and your son-in-law's bull. It's always great to be there when someone takes their 1st animal. And you had family spending it with you. My wife and girls came up for Sat. and Sun. of my hunt and it was great to see them excited to help me look for elk. They actually spotted 2 nice bulls but they were on private property.
  10. DUG

    JeremyB got his Elk

    Congrats on a nice bull. That looks like a jungle where he was.
  11. Did you guys in Flagstaff get any snow yet? The news stations here in Phx. haven't said anything other than snow level will be 7,ooo and above. We are heading up there tomorrow morning. Thanks.
  12. DUG

    Any snow in Flagstaff today?

    Thanks for the update. Good luck on your hunt.
  13. DUG

    Spring left over tag

    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Back in the old days. 1980's? You could get a second tag if they had gone through the 2nd draw and first come first serve process. Anything left after that you could get another tag even if you had drawn one. I hunted 34A one year with 2 tags. But that was before 60 million people moved to AZ.
  14. DUG

    DPMS AR and Spare Mags

    Which model is $899? I can get a Sportical for $700 out the door. We are looking to get one for my sons X-mas/graduation present.
  15. DUG

    What are the odds?

    Wow that dude didn't want to get tagged did he? I saw a hunting show where a bull was shot and was running along some rocks and slipped into a crevice. It was not near as bad as this guy though. They had like 6 guys and finally got it out.
  16. DUG

    My Utah DIY Public Land Buck

    Way to go! That is a nice buck and great story, too.
  17. Here is an antelope my cousin shot up in Wyoming. She didn't care what she shot as she was a last minute add-on for this hunt. She shot this one her last morning there at about 30 yards right at sun-up. Notice the cape, to me it looks like antelope horns.
  18. DUG

    Freak Wyoming Antelope

    The 2 hunters that got to shoot their antelope before her passed on this buck. She wasn't picky.
  19. DUG

    Cody kills again

    Way to go Cody. That is a nice bull. Seems like Cody fills every tag he gets.
  20. DUG

    3C Archery Bull

    Awesome bull and awesome story! Congrats to you guys. Ryan you better not be busy Thanksgiving weekend........
  21. DUG

    2008 season starts off with a BANG!!

    Awesome pics! That's a dream hunt for most of us. Is your wife rich or something?
  22. Not yet, it is in my safe. I just bought my 1st cam and will put it out in my elk spot in early Nov. and not by water. If I was out and saw someone's cam I would probably wave and make a face but not do anyrthing to it. My mom taught me better than to steal other peoples property. I'm sometimes afraid to leave my truck parked when out hunting.
  23. DUG

    Relentless Pursuit

    That is one cool show. They spear hunt hogs. He shot a bumblebee with his bow. I saw yesterdays show and he had missed a pretty nice coues deer before he shot the small buck.
  24. DUG

    what ya dip!

    I've been off the stuff for over 8 years now, after using it for 22 years. Don't miss it and not dissing anyone for using it.
  25. DUG

    Bears in the pears!

    Do you think most people would take this bear? He looks on the small size to me. That is a cool pic.