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Everything posted by DUG

  1. DUG

    U7W Mule

    Congrats! Lot of territory on the northside of Sitgreaves Mtn.
  2. DUG

    Who hear is a leader/boss?

    Donuts/Bagels a couple times a month especially if they are busting butt and working OT. Maybe pizza after a great quarter. Document the slackers and like someone said "praise in public". Make everyne feel included.
  3. DUG

    Spring draw

    Never seen it do that before. I got tag 230 but 23 archery has 300 and 23 HAM has 275. Those were my only 2 choices. I got 1 of them.
  4. DUG

    Credit card hits tomorrow ??

    Got a hit for me. Hopefully 23 Archery. Bub got a hit for jr. 22/23. She has not got a javelina yet.
  5. DUG


    Very cool!
  6. Brother and sister. Quality of life went down hill fast for both. They were over 13. Sad but the best thing for them.
  7. Had to put my 2 Brittanies down last month. I will have another 1 or 2 in about a year. Hope Blake gets to spread his seed. Good looking Britt!
  8. DUG

    Arrow Length

    It will flex more. But will also add energy because it weighs more. If you are shooting 340 spine at 29" might want to go to 300 spine for 30". That's about all I know.
  9. DUG

    Bloodiest Guns

    BAR .270 Win. Has killed roughly 17 elk, 6 pronghorn, maybe 2 deer, bunch of rabbits and p-dogs and coyotes. It's currently in retirement replaced by another BAR but in .270 WSM.
  10. DUG

    Clover's First Elk

    Congrats Doug! So that's what they look like. Lol! Clover is a lucky dog!
  11. I just went to Easton Axis 5mm match grade with 50gr. brass insert. The original inserts were about 16 gr. I'm sure my new arrows are slower as I had to adjust my sight slightly. Not sure of my total arrow weight as I have no scale. Just using standard 2" Blazer vanes. Accuracy is definitely better. Went from a 340 spine to a 300 spine also.
  12. DUG

    Good luck to u kiddos

    Yep, this is it for my girls jr. hunting career. She has a couple deer and a spike elk to her credit. Hoping for a nice fat cow tomorrow. Next year at this time she will be in College. They grow up fast is an understatement! Good luck and be safe!
  13. DUG

    Self defense shooting

    Was thinking what if it was the guy playing the guitar on the traffic curb at 3:30 A.M.? Some people would miss him. Cactus Jack knows who I am talking about.
  14. DUG

    Short Cow Bison Hunt!!

    Nice work! Congrats! What cal. and bullet choice if you don't mind sharing?
  15. DUG

    Road Hunting discussion

    It's all about the speed you drive. If you are driving along at less than 5MPH Mr. Game Warden might stop you for road hunting. If you are going from point A to point B at a faster clip and see something then pull off the road and have at it. Can't tell you how many times I got behind somebody going 5 MPH and they wouldn't let me pass or worse yet coming up to a truck in the middle of the road with both doors open and nobody around.
  16. DUG

    Bubba Shot a Bull

    Awesome mean ol' looking bull! Nice work Bubba!!
  17. DUG

    Brand new Mathew VXR left hand

    Dang where was this 4 months ago?? Lol! I was in the market but unfortunately not now. Good luck with sale! Shouldn't last long.
  18. DUG

    First Bull With A Bow

    Congrats! And nice shot!! That smile says it all!
  19. DUG

    2020 Archery Bull

    Congrats!!! Very nice bull!
  20. DUG

    1/4 mile rule

    I think the rule was created to keep the deer safe in rural subdivisions. Some of the deer my buddy gets on camera are pretty nice. I guess they don't want them dying in someone elses yard if they don't go right down. 🙄
  21. DUG

    Archery Antelope

    Congrats! I've always thought what good is a rangefinder in the heat of the moment? Glad you got him and great buck!
  22. Good luck. Better weather for sure.
  23. DUG

    Micro Arrows

    I've been using Easton Axis 5MM and just went to Match grade Axis 5mm with brass inserts. Groups seem a little better already.
  24. DUG

    Micro Arrows

    Some of us are trying to eat lunch.......😣
  25. DUG

    Tundra oil change.

    I would be pissed. Make sure to document what happened and if any thing goes wrong in the next few days to few weeks they will be hearing about it. Then again, you may have no issues at all. Just another reason I do my own.