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Everything posted by DUG

  1. My wife had to help lay some people off and it is the worst thing for her to have to do. My company is not doing well and something is going to be announced tomorrow. Who knows what they'll say. Either we're sold or are closing soon.
  2. The next tournament is next Sat. the 21st. They have a hunter class if you aren't NSCA registered. They have a drawing for the Hunter class and usually give out free 1 year subscription to Wildlife Views. Hope to run into you out there.
  3. Saw a blue? Chevy with the CWT.com sticker below the tailgate. Not sure if you were there for SCTP or not.
  4. I don't know about buckhunter, but I don't use a dog. Biggest covey I saw was about 20 birds. I hit 4 of my best spots and 3 had 15 to 20 bird coveys.
  5. That was you. I'll look for you next time. We shoot sporting clays on a semi regular basis. Do you shoot any of the monthly tournaments?
  6. Great job on the birds. Did you find them to flush far out? I hunted Thursday by Punkin Center and ended up with 10 birds by noon. The birds quit calling after 10a.m. I stopped in 1 spot and did a big loop and didn't find them until I was 70 yds. from the truck, by then I was tired and missed 2 shots. I had the whole place to myself and found birds in the same places as I did in Oct. All the birds are big ones now.
  7. DUG

    Draw numbers up or down

    I'm not sure if they will be up or down. I think people who take hunting seriously will find a way to get in the apps and then save for the hunt if they draw. I just wrote 6 checks to G&F for our apps. Hope the wife doesn't yell to much, 2 of those apps are hers.
  8. I would go for the .270. I remember when I was about that age looking for my 1st rifle. I called every gun shop in town and got a Remington 760 pump in .270. I still shoot a .270 to this day. Good luck with your choice.
  9. DUG

    first archery anything!!!!

    Congrats on your pig. I like the way you have his mouth held open.
  10. The reward? That feeling you get when you do what's right. You are exactly right. I was more curious as to what monetary value someone places on high dollar optics that they were sure they would never see again. I'm sure most guys and girls on this forum would not accept a reward for finding something like this. I know I wouldn't.
  11. DUG

    Where to start ?

    Oh no, not another Wildcat. Just kiddin'. Go to AZGFD.GOV and you can download the regs for deer when they come out. Archery hunts start as early as August and then start again in the winter and most run til the end of Jan. General hunts start in the end of Oct. There's lots of places to hunt near Tucson. Welcome to the site.
  12. I called the number right after I posted. The lady who answered commented about how there are some great people out there. Wonder what the reward was?
  13. There is a classified ad in the AZ Republic. Someone lost their backpack between New River and Table Mesa Road on Jan 9th. 602-550-5258. Maybe this is it. Edit: Backpack is back with its owner.
  14. DUG


    Have you washed those 'lucky' hunting pants yet? Those pants were standing up by themselves on my elk hunt. Cool cat you shot Ryan.
  15. I missed a javelina last Friday. I shot high, missed 3 inches over his back at 47 yds. perfectly broadside. I showed my son how I had my arrow knocked. He said my cockvane should be down. I had it up. If the vane hit the little bar that goes over the rest to contain the arrow, would that make the arrow go high? I guess I may have to put a little sticker on my bow that says cock vane down. I always remember in practice, but in the heat of the moment I forget. I know I still have a lot to learn about archery hunting because I got a late start into archery hunting (wifes fault). My bow is a Switchback XT with a ripcord rest.
  16. A guy at work showed me the article. What about all the 'trophies' that don't get killed that year. They obviously pass their genes on. I've taken mostly dinks and freaks out of the gene pool.
  17. DUG

    Cock vane question

    That little bar seems kind of useless. It keeps coming loose anyway. Thanks for the help.
  18. Wow, that is a monster. Way to go Pops!
  19. DUG

    CAlico buck mistakin id

    Looks like that deer's daddy mated with a Texas Longhorn........
  20. Happy Birthday Ry Ry! Hope your day was great. Hope you can come pig hunting this Sat. or Sun.
  21. DUG

    My 2009 Desert Archer Mule Deer

    Congrats on a great buck! He went the way I'd want to go..........
  22. DUG

    FOUND: Binoculars

    That is very impressive what your son is doing. I'm sure he got it from his Dad. I'm sure if it's a pair of Swaros or other high end glass, someone is very upset. My nephew lost my old pair of Simmons on his 1st deer hunt north of Globe. Come to think of it he lost my steady stix, too. I've got his Swaro 15's in my safe right now, though. Hope you find the owner and kudos to your son.
  23. DUG

    2 ?s

    In flat terrain guys will set up 6 or 8 ft ladders to give them some elevation to see what's coming in.
  24. Ryan, don't sell those until after my pig hunt. I'll rent them from you. Flash, the tripod can be used while you are standing up. Not sure of exact height, though.
  25. DUG

    AZ Bull Elk

    Congrats on a great bull. He doesn't look to be all busted up either.