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Everything posted by DUG

  1. DUG

    Anyone hunt unit 10 elk last year?

    A lady shot a nice bull in the late rifle hunt right by the place that you chase little white balls around with a club..............
  2. DUG

    Swarovski Riflescope Clearance Sale

    Wow thanks! That looks easier to use than some of the others. Anybody here have this scope?
  3. DUG

    Swarovski Riflescope Clearance Sale

    Hey Doug, do you have anymore info on the 52032 w/ the Ballistic turret? Wondering how it works I guess.
  4. DUG

    when is it going to be MY turn

    We put everyone in our family in seperate for elk and antelope. That way we hope at least one tag will get drawn. It kind of backfired when 3 of 4 of us got elk tags this year. I just to like to elk hunt and would rather go alot than wait 10 to 20 years for an early bull tag. Whenever my wife gets rich in the future I will buy a Governors tag and then get a big one. Yeah right..........!
  5. DUG


    I got 7W Oct. cow. Luke duke got the late cow in 7W. And the wife got 6A late rifle bull. My girl didn't draw, she will help Mom this time. Going to be a busy fall again!
  6. DUG

    AZGFD Outdoor Expo

    It was nice meeting you today Amanda. Thanks for the discount on the shirt.
  7. DUG

    I hadnt seen it

    Not again........
  8. DUG


    Darn it! Now I want steak and eggs for breakfast.......
  9. DUG

    Finally They're UP

    So someone will start a new post about when they really are up and this one will fade away into the sunset. Hurry up already!!!!!!
  10. Good one Mr. Quimby. I was going to say a wench rides in the truck and a winch sits on the front......
  11. I watched that one this morning. It was Relentless Pursuit. Can't believe he shot and missed twice and then connected with a Hail Mary in the neck on the 3rd shot. (He was bowhunting.)
  12. DUG

    AZGFD Outdoor Expo

    Hey cool, my son Luke will be working the fishing tank in the kids tent on Saturday. You can't miss him he looks like an offensive tackle.
  13. DUG

    Finally They're UP

    I have you beat I am 30 years old and on meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol and now have a sist under my knee cap. I DO NOT want to see 31 years. I have you by 15 years but mine is 183 is because of meds........dohhhhh! Come on Friday we need to be put out of our misery.
  14. DUG

    Finally They're UP

    I just called and got my results!!!!!!!!!! My cholesterol is 183!!!!
  15. DUG

    Got a new puppy!

    Good job! Way to whack him.
  16. DUG


    It's too bad that some people get jealous over a nice buck. I'm not sure I remember your story but congrats on a nice buck that you obviously worked hard for.
  17. DUG

    Wild Pigs makes news

    It says no hunting license needed. I'm assuming you need one but not a tag.
  18. The dept. refused his resignation and then fired him. Sucks to lose your job over an old about to die jaguar.
  19. DUG


    I just heard they were about to do the draw and an old guy in a Prius crashed through the wall and into the computer that does the draw........ dang Toyotas!!!!! Fortunately the guy walked away from it because his airbags deployed.
  20. Very nice man! That Black Label Society song really gets it going. Can't wait for the video.
  21. DUG

    Got a new dog from the pound yesterday

    Wow, what a pretty dog! How about Tikka? Lots of people here shoot the Tikka rifle. The name means an indian meal of meat, vegetables and spices. You won't have to tell anyone that..........
  22. DUG

    Toyota Recall

    I heard on the Prius you can't shift to neutral while you are driving. Still you would think to turn off the engine and then coast to a stop. The steering wheel should not lock unless the key is removed. Toyota still has some explaining to do IMO.
  23. DUG

    New Rifle

    Are you scoping it right away? Our 270 WSM has been in the safe since X-mas. I'm trying to save money for a scope before we shoot it. Getting a new gun is always cool and there always seems to be something in the way that delays enjoying it. Hope it's a good shooter for you.
  24. DUG

    Leupold vx3 4.5 x 14 x 50 For sale

    Just curious, did someone from here buy it or from somewhere else?
  25. DUG

    Leupold vx3 4.5 x 14 x 50 For sale

    How old and do you have a picture? What model #? I'm interested.