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Everything posted by DUG

  1. DUG

    bear close encounter

    If the bear was going to do something Amanda would only have to outrun her friend.............
  2. DUG

    Rifle scope for 7mm

    One more for Leupold. I have the 4.5 to 14 x50 mm VX3L CDS on my BAR. I just ordered the free dial and should have it in a couple weeks. Nice looking rifle you are building up there.
  3. DUG

    excitement at my cabin

    Mr. Quimby, where was your camera? Just kiddin', I bet that was cool to see!
  4. DUG

    Well the time has come, I will have my very own...

    Sounds like a winner! Good luck with your new place and we hope to bring you some business.
  5. DUG

    2009 Coues Mount

    Nice mount! Your wall will be full once that buffalo gets up there.
  6. DUG


    Oh that's me. Do you happen to be in the white toyota truck? I start work at 5. What area do you work at?
  7. DUG

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    It was nice meeting you today Eddy. I talked to you at Sadies softball benefit. Sadie played just about every inning of the 4 games played and hit a homer to boot.
  8. DUG

    North of Roosevelt Lake?

    Yeah, you don't want to hunt there. All the deer left.
  9. DUG

    AZ pronghorn units

    19B is a good choice if you want to pay 1500 bucks to hunt. We always used to put in for 19B. But we don't even put in for it. Lots of big ones there for sure. Not much public land open to hunt anymore there. My wife has 15 points now so she should get a tag in the next few years.
  10. DUG

    Zone 6 California Bighorn

    Congrats on drawing a tag. Looks like your work is just starting. Let us know how it goes. When is the hunt?
  11. DUG


    I thought they should rename themselves the D-bags. They are not playing good ball at all.
  12. DUG

    Deadline AZ Draw

    Maybe they will be up on the furlough day and the lines will be open. There will be nobody there to answer anyway.
  13. DUG

    PEAKS ON FIRE! (photos)

    Holy crap!!!!! How'd this one start?
  14. Fathers Day came a little early. It has some nice wood on it. Thanks kids!
  15. I've narrowed my choices to these 3 rifles. Remington Speedmaster 552, Browning takedown semi auto and Browning Lever BL-22. They are all about the same price. Anybody have any of these? The Remington and the Browning Lever hold 15 .22 LR and shoot shorts and longs. The Browning semi auto holds 11 or 12. I like the sights better on the Remington than the Brownings.
  16. DUG

    Unit 7 fire

    Oh man, that's a bummer. Hope they control it soon.
  17. DUG

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    Nice write up Sadiebug! Congrats again and Briley laughed when she read your joke!
  18. I already have one of those. The kids love it too. I put a Hogue stock on it and bought some 25 rd. magazines.
  19. DUG

    Pictures from work

    Great pics Luke Duke. Hope this week brings some more good ones!!
  20. DUG

    I'm toast

    Congrats on 33 years! Let's hope you make it to 34........!!!!
  21. After many mind changes I am getting the Browning takedown semi auto. I've always wanted one anyway. It's shipping out today and I will have it next week, just in time for Fathers Day.
  22. DUG

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    Congrats to Sadie and everyone else!!! That's a monster buffalo!!
  23. DUG

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    Thanks Derek, wasn't sure how that worked. Then I got to thinking , I hope the wife mailed it out.....
  24. DUG

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    Are you mailing raffle tickets to those of us who sent checks by mail? I haven't got mine yet. Thanks!
  25. DUG

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    I'm sure she will get one this time!!!! Good luck Sadie!!!!