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Everything posted by DUG

  1. DUG

    2015 Archery Buck

    Congrats! He looks like an old Warrior!
  2. DUG

    37b archery javelina Part 2

    That is so awesome! My hunt turned out like yours, with a kill and a brother along! Except my brother would not touch my pig! He did carry my swaros and bow. Congrats and welcome to the club! You have a very good writing style, too. Hopefully your pig is the 1st of many!
  3. DUG

    Any Javi jr hunters this weekend

    Good luck and bring a lion tag!
  4. Send in Warden Wagner.......
  5. Geissele makes some of the better AR triggers. They have different style triggers to match how you shoot. All in the 2 to 300$ range.
  6. Great story and pictures! You only forgot the picture of the rental car manager!
  7. I went back out to 37B for the 3rd time. The weather was perfect and just had a good feeling about seeing some pigs. My brother went with me for an extra set of eyes. About 9 I finally found some pigs crossing an old road about 800 yards out. Almost an hour later we were on the hill where we last saw them. I kept walking and finally found them in a high saddle. (imagine that, pigs in a high saddle!). We had already walked in over a mile when we found them and I decided to go after them in that high saddle. I just got to the top and they busted out in all directions. I chirped on my elk call to try to get some to come back. (lost my J13) I was looking to the left for one and then looked right and below me was a pig. I didn't range her and drew my bow as I turned in her direction. I guessed 40 yards and put my 30 yard pin on her since she was well below me. I touched the release and could not see the arrow fly but the pig bucked and took off. I saw the arrow sticking out of her and knew the shot was good. I waited for my brother and then we found her about 50 yards around the hill. There was not a blood trail at all. We did a MYRide GPS app. on my brothers phone for the walk back to the FJ. We were 1.9 miles from where we parked and it took us 59 minutes to get back.
  8. Updated 1st post with story...Here's more pictures.....
  9. DUG

    The streak continues . . .

    Good luck! I'm hitting 37B again this morning. I need to find a buddy with 15's............
  10. Probably 5 to 7 years now that you can't shoot fall turkey with a rifle......My last turkey was with my .270 when rifles were still legal. ETA: fall of 2008 was start of shotgun only fall turkey if I looked at it right.
  11. DUG

    37b archery javelina

    Very good read! I like it!
  12. DUG

    fnh spr a1 price reduced

    Here is a link... FNH USA - Distinct Advantage :: FN SPR™ A1 www.fnhusa.com › Products › Rifles › FN SPR™ Series FN Herstal The popular and affordable FN SPR™ A1 is chambered in 308 Winchester with a 24” non-fluted, cold hammer-forged MIL-SPEC barrel with a chrome-lined bore ...
  13. DUG

    The streak continues . . .

    Stick with it! (no pun intended}. I have not gotten an archery pig since 2006 and that was with a 70's era Bear bow and stitches in my hand. Nice deer too!!!!!
  14. I'm going back out next friday or saturday. Good luck!
  15. DUG

    Hand gun piggy

    It's ALOT easier to get one with a bow than a handgun in my experience. Just take some speed loaders for her.
  16. Wind was howling where I was at. I saw 3 WT does and no pigs. Again, I suck at glassing. I'm pretty sure there were some out there.
  17. I may hit the flats near Flo Jct. on my way back to the freeway. Good luck!
  18. DUG

    Cat In A Cage !!

    I know nothing about traps. Do you lure them in with scent? His paws are bigger than my lab's paws.....
  19. DUG

    Cat In A Cage !!

    How did you get him to stay still holding his legs like that? Oh wait...Ok I got it..... Nice cat! Weight?
  20. The new Redfields would look good. Made by Leupold.
  21. DUG

    Late season success for two great kids!

    Good shooting! Congrats!
  22. DUG

    37B Stinker..... Updated Mule Deer Down

    Nice ! Congrats!
  23. DUG

    pigs on ice.

    Saw 3 Coues does and no pigs. Snow was melting right before our eyes. We did see a huge bouquet of balloons way up on a hill......
  24. DUG

    2015 archery pig

    Nice job! We hunted the snow and saw none!