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About DUG

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 10/18/1964

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    Kentucky now

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  1. DUG

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    There's a guy who goes by Desertmoon on AR-15.com. He's in AZ and is an authority on the Automag. If you can figure out who he is, maybe he wants the ammo?
  2. DUG

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    I wish Pluto TV had a Clint Eastwood channel..........
  3. DUG

    And the Card hits will begin

    Not necessarily......but likely a miss.....
  4. DUG

    Max’s Texas Bison Hunt

    Congrats!! Buffalo meat is some of the best tasting meat! Mine was gone in less than year, between giving some to family members and eating it 3-4x a week. Enjoy!!
  5. DUG

    Reputable Toyota mechanic in east valley?

    Check with Neal Enns at Network Alignment in AJ. Not sure if he does timing belts but does suspension and wheel bearings. He does lots of Toyotas there.
  6. DUG

    2025 HAM hunt

    Congrats! Awesome with the kids! My boy (33 now) was right behind me about 30 ft. when I got my 1st archery pig. When they scattered a couple ran between him and me. I think he went home without underwear that hunt.
  7. DUG

    Javelina Rifle and Cartridge

    I wish rifle season was only for straight-walled cartridges for adults. Kids could use regular stuff like .243, .223, .270, .300 Win mag, etc. My first and only Javelina with a rifle was a good ole Mod. 94 30-30.
  8. DUG

    Hearing protection for quail hunting

    Walkers Razor Slim from Amazon. 34$ Takes AAA batteries. Hard to beat.
  9. DUG

    License to apply

    I just bought my license today and bought bonus points today. I don't recall seeing what you are saying. I remember seeing that you had to have a valid license by the deadline date.
  10. DUG

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    7 West late rifle bull? I'm a non res.
  11. Not sure if you are willing to go out of state to KY. The breeder of my Brittany just had an orange roan litter. Same Father as my little guy. I can pm you his info if you want. If not no worries. Good luck and post some pics when you get one!
  12. DUG

    Reloading 12 ga. shotgun shells

    A couple of guys I shoot with back here in KY said they're loading for about $6.50-$7 a box. I'm not sure how much the price of components varies locally. I sold all my stuff back in 2008ish when shot prices went sky high. I was going to load 28's but couldn't find components, especially primers here. Good luck! I sent you a pm.
  13. DUG

    Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

    Merry Christmas!!!!
  14. Yea, I had more points than that Shockey guy...........Still got more than him!🙂
  15. Just curious how much solicitation you and other tag holders received from guides for your sheep hunts?