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About DUG

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 10/18/1964

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    Kentucky now

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  1. DUG

    Hearing protection for quail hunting

    Walkers Razor Slim from Amazon. 34$ Takes AAA batteries. Hard to beat.
  2. DUG

    License to apply

    I just bought my license today and bought bonus points today. I don't recall seeing what you are saying. I remember seeing that you had to have a valid license by the deadline date.
  3. DUG

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    7 West late rifle bull? I'm a non res.
  4. Not sure if you are willing to go out of state to KY. The breeder of my Brittany just had an orange roan litter. Same Father as my little guy. I can pm you his info if you want. If not no worries. Good luck and post some pics when you get one!
  5. DUG

    Reloading 12 ga. shotgun shells

    A couple of guys I shoot with back here in KY said they're loading for about $6.50-$7 a box. I'm not sure how much the price of components varies locally. I sold all my stuff back in 2008ish when shot prices went sky high. I was going to load 28's but couldn't find components, especially primers here. Good luck! I sent you a pm.
  6. DUG

    Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

    Merry Christmas!!!!
  7. Yea, I had more points than that Shockey guy...........Still got more than him!🙂
  8. Just curious how much solicitation you and other tag holders received from guides for your sheep hunts?
  9. Awesome! Congrats on a nice ram!
  10. 7W is my favorite elk unit. I had my first rifle tag soup on the bull hunt back in 2021. The day before the hunt, I saw 2 bulls feeding 150 yards from the truck. They never looked up. I really believe they know when a hunt is on. Between me, my son, my wife, my girls, and some friends, we've taken about 20 elk over 30 years in 7W. And to answer your question, yes, some years seem weird.
  11. DUG

    Codyhuntsaz aka Cody Smith has passed away

    So sorry to hear this. Prayers up to the family.
  12. DUG

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Congrats young man! That's awesome!
  13. DUG

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    That saguaro in the background is going WTF are all these people doing here? Waiting patiently for pics of hunt.
  14. DUG

    Late Bull Semi-Live Hunt

    Congrats!! That's awesome!!!
  15. DUG

    23 late bull

    My nephew was able to arrow and tag a bull coming into water the Tuesday of the archery hunt in 23. His brother has the late rifle tag today in 23 so hoping to hear good news. He did say bulls were getting harder to find.