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Everything posted by soazarcher

  1. Haven't heard about that one. I see illlegals every day. I live, hunt, and work within 20 mile of the border. I have never had or seen an issue. I've had them sleeping on my doorstep and found a couple that were in no position to help themselves. Just be aware of your surroundings and hunt with a buddy, and have fun.
  2. soazarcher

    Blm maps?

    Thanks for your help guys! I know it's out there somewhere.
  3. soazarcher

    Blm maps?

    Looking for the Quemado quad BLM map for unit 12. PLIC mapcenter says they are out of print. Does anyone know where to get this map? Thanks, Matt
  4. soazarcher

    Blm maps?

    That's the truth! That's why the map is so dang important
  5. soazarcher

    Draw Results

    Card just got hit for my Wife's Antlerless elk tag, can't remember what she was put in for. That's in addition to her Arizona 7w bull tag! Now she wants a Dec coues tag!!!
  6. The following is an email I just received from SCI, no doubt many of you got it also. Quote: Dear SCI Members, We are looking for information about members’ hunting experiences on Federal lands in the Arizona Strip north of the Grand Canyon. In particular, we seek to know if you hunt on the Arizona Strip using lead ammunition, the nature and extent of your hunting, and the probable impact on you if Federal agencies ban the use of lead ammunition on the Arizona Strip. We understand that the State of Arizona has a fairly intensive voluntary program encouraging the use of non-lead ammunition for hunting. If you respond, please confirm that you do use lead ammunition for your hunting there. For information about the Arizona Strip, please go to http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/fo/arizona_strip_field.html. The reason for this inquiry is that an environmental group – the Center for Biological Diversity (“CBD”) – has sued the Federal agencies that administer the Arizona Strip. One of CBD’s claims involves the agencies’ refusal to ban non-lead ammunition for hunting on the Arizona Strip. CBD is unhappy about the fact that, rather than banning lead, the federal agencies only encourage the use of non-lead ammunition. SCI is considering whether it should participate in this litigation and if so, in what capacity. For this, we wish to know the impact on our members if CBD succeeds in forcing the federal agencies to ban lead ammunition on the Arizona Strip. If you and/or other SCI members have hunted on the Arizona Strip with lead ammunition and/or plan to do so in the future, please provide a description of your past and/or future planned hunts to SCI Litigation Counsel, Doug Burdin, at dburdin@safariclub.org. Please e-mail or call 202-543-8733 with any questions. END QUOTE In the first paragraph, it asks sportsman to reply ONLY if they use lead ammo for hunting on the Strip. Let's hear some CWer's opinions on the Lead Vs. Non lead debate Inquiring minds want to know what is wrong with non lead bullets. It seems like the dept. is really pushing non lead on the strip, due to the Condors Do they not perform as well? Please set me straight, Matt
  7. The Claw is always worth packing along On a side note, I heard you can get them through Jim White and Outdoorsmans. Looks like they are catching on.
  8. soazarcher

    New Tripod and Head Question

  9. soazarcher

    Is it raining where you live?

    Rio Rico area has been getting rain since yesterday afternoon. Good deep soaking.
  10. soazarcher

    RAIN!!!!.....sweet rain

    So AZ is getting it too!!! Woo-Hoo!
  11. soazarcher

    New Tripod and Head Question

    Correct and correct. "regular" style and fluid. Check with "the Claw" guys to purchase one
  12. soazarcher

    New Tripod and Head Question

    701HDV is the head you want Put it on a solid Bogen tripod and you're all set.
  13. soazarcher

    Bowfishing tourney?

    Does anybody know when the Bowfishing tourney at Roosey is? Can't find dates anywhere on the internet. Early April? Thanks, Matt
  14. soazarcher

    Non-lead bullets on the Strip

    Agreed, they performed perfect for me, also. My 2007 strip buck fell to one well placed G&F supplied bullet. Why is SCI anti, and AZGFD pro??? Do only "condor lovers" shoot copper?
  15. soazarcher

    AZ Lion from 5-5-09

    I guess I'm not clear??? Where do people get dogs from? If you are a really great lion hunter, do they just come to you? I don't know Tyler, but he seems to be posting pics of dead cats, I don't see the problem. Huntem, maybe post your name to help clear things up. Matt
  16. Just glancing at the current regulations and noticed the success rate on the new archery hunts in 12B and 12BWest. 0% for each? Really? No body shot anything? 15 tags in 12B and 75 in 12BW / 0 bucks killed Is this a misprint? Does anyone know if this is correct?
  17. soazarcher

    No more Fall Javelina hunt

    I think they got rid of it after fall 07
  18. soazarcher

    Guide License

    25 true/false and 25 multiple choice. Takes about 12 minutes.
  19. soazarcher

    Arizona Deer Association

    3 year member here, wife also. Count that as 2!
  20. soazarcher

    Seasonal Differences on Hunt Success

    Unfortunately, without mandatory harvest reporting, the numbers don't mean a whole lot. If I remember correctly from last year, a couple of those numbers increased this year, some by 10%. Seems like Oct 34A was 21 or 22%. I was surprised that Dec success was that low in 34, wasn't in the 60% range?
  21. soazarcher

    Late desert Mule Deer hunts?

    Bill, I was kidding, just trying to make a point. 300, exactly! Drop 20 tags from unit 8, 27, 23, 10, 44 or 39 or or anywhere in the state and add 5 high quality tags and entirely new hunt option to Arizona. A high quality hunt option. Heck, charge triple, people will pay it. Would the "regular" hunt draw odds be that different if tag #'s dropped from 300 to 280 in unit X? We have seen more dramatic changes, and nobody raises an eyebrow It struck me as funny that you can hunt basically every species in AZ with a rifle in the rut. Obviously, with very low draw odds, but high success. Everything but Desert Mule deer. For that you have to head further south and pay 8-12K!
  22. soazarcher

    Late desert Mule Deer hunts?

    Why do we not have any late desert mule deer rifle hunts? Just curious, seems like it would be a great hunt. Maybe a VERY limited number of tags, dec 1-15 time frame, in central and southern AZ. I’d bet a lot of higher BP holders would jump on the opportunity to hunt desert bucks. I can’t really think of any negatives, maybe you guys can enlighten me??? As an example, 5-10 tags, in 5-10 different units, for a total of 25-100 tags. The first two weeks of December would not conflict with anything, except sheep hunts, and these could be easily avoided. (and hunted in different terrain). You could even alternate units each year, as we do on some other species. Sorry if this is crazy, I’ve been on the road a lot lately, maybe I’m thinking too much for my own good. We have high demand hunts (rut,trophy,etc) for Antelope, Elk, Coues, RM mule deer etc…. just not desert mule deer. These would be higher success hunts (+50%), but with a small number of tags, I can’t seem to find any negatives. What do you think? Matt Woodward
  23. soazarcher

    Badlands Ox???

    Looking for a new external frame pack. Anyone have experience with the Badlands Ox?
  24. soazarcher

    Badlands Ox???

    Thanks guys, I guess I'll have to wait and see what they do with. Thanks Doug, I'll check those out.
  25. soazarcher

    Late desert Mule Deer hunts?

    Well put Dub I know I'll get blasted for saying this, but I would pay double for a deer tag, to have 1/2 the hunters afield