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Everything posted by joeybari

  1. joeybari

    Camera Land Service

    whats there web adrs
  2. joeybari

    Camera Land Service

    im going to order from them for sure
  3. joeybari

    Unit 8 Turkey

    nice with a bow very nice
  4. joeybari

    09 NM Carp and Lope

  5. joeybari

    Any luck in "c"

    the funny part is that we are reading the hole post and then seeing that it was posted in 2007 and i bet somone said to them self what deer hunt is open at this time of the year
  6. joeybari

    what do you think he'll score?

    cant tell from the first pic but the last two pics help i think your looking at a 105 to 110 he is wide that will put him over the 100 mark i think
  7. joeybari

    Game and Fish population surveys

  8. joeybari

    Trail camera Pics...

    nice looks like there a big one in the group is the time right on the cam
  9. joeybari

    Unit 8 Mule deer hunt

    LOL red hill
  10. joeybari

    Unit 8 Mule deer hunt

    i try to be as descriptive as possable
  11. joeybari

    Unit 8 Mule deer hunt

    here some help take a right at the tree then south at the rock go 300 yards right at the water hole 5 ft north at the 2nd ant hill go east about 1 mile then turn around and walk east 10 feet and X markes the spot untitled.bmp
  12. joeybari

    Not sure real sure on how to ......

    try a sait lick with a trail cam. Try to find the trails that the deer are going down to drink water and set up a salt lick try that on as many spots that you can find some deer trafic. i think that your best bet and then set up a good blind good luck
  13. joeybari

    unit 37a water

    That’s a great thing to do Here is a crazy idea why doesn’t the g&f have something that if hunters want they can go out to the unit that they got a tag in and do some thing for that unit help the game and fish and by doing so each hunter can get a bonus point
  14. That’s what friends and family are for My hat is off to you I don’t know you but you sound like a strait up guy Nice write up good story
  15. joeybari


    I we have a hunting buddy that always seem to forget things at home or just always seem to borrow thing from someone you name it boots, shirts, binnos rifle it’s the biggest pain he does it every year and every year I we tell him we are not going to help him the next time. So last year I know that he was going to pull the same garbage. We were up glassing in Tucson (he was using one of my tripods) I stared eating a energy bar about 5:30 pm shore enough he asked for one and little did he know that I gave him one laced with a Laxative in it Funniest night I ever had camping and hunting I never told him
  16. joeybari

    22-250 vs 243

    you may think this is bit over kill but go with 30-06 or a 308 good gun to grow up
  17. joeybari

    22-250 vs 243

    LOL makes me think should i do the same to my boy
  18. joeybari

    22-250 vs 243

    +1 im think about the same thing with my son funny how thinks have changed when my dad gave me my first gun a 30-06 when i was about 10 or 12 and said this is a mans gun and learn
  19. joeybari

    Waterholes and "Loitering"

    what is that all about i would love to hear this B/S
  20. joeybari

    He's Done!

  21. joeybari

    What do you think of this terrain...?

    It would be a great spot if there was no road there. Its has a perfect ridge with nice hills on both sides the water hole is a plus but keep in mind during the rut the bucks are really not thinking about eating or drinking but that being said if the ladies are going to drink there then you will see a buck or two. I can tell you that the odds of a monster bucks showing up is not in your favor because of the traffic and if there was a monster there he has long been hunted down. Look at it this way ask yourself how long did it take you to find that spot how easy was it to get there and is there sign of people all over the place if so HEAD FOR THE HILLS. But if this is your first time and if you just want to get some experience under your belt I would give that spot a chance for two days and if nothing, move on to another spot. A good way to tell if there is some deer movement there or if there is a buck put up a trail cam not on the water hole but find a deer trail close to the water hole and set up Get your self a good set of binos and glass glass and glass Good luck
  22. joeybari

    Desert Bighorns

    Those are cool pics I live in fountain hill az and the same thing happens with bob cats, pigs and yots we see them every day in the front of the house that my wife calls the Jones from next door the pigs are the worst o you can walk up to them about 5 yards