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Everything posted by joeybari

  1. joeybari

    isuzu box truck

    do you have a pic
  2. joeybari

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    unit 36c dec 10 baby
  3. joeybari

    Draw results

    WOW the thing we do for hunting
  4. joeybari

    They are out

    I got to much attention but hey buddy don't you ever talk about my mom or dad that is taking it to far. I am having fun and this time of year is the best. But hey you still went to azgfd site before you got on here so guess what you have the sickness too. Oh and by the way I have a Archery bull tag for sept so a deer tag is just a bonus. "Oh and by the way I have a Archery bull tag for sept so a deer tag is just a bonus." now i really hate you
  5. joeybari

    They are out

    thank s for that rub it in
  6. joeybari

    They are out

    Clay I don’t care what anyone says about you. You are the man I love it you get guys so upset that one day there going to go to your house with crosses and pitch forks. Thank you for making work funny and keep it up PS You got me %^&* Jerk
  7. joeybari

    Canelo Hills

    ya like he said
  8. joeybari


    here we go the fun starts
  9. joeybari

    newly found water soursce

    so were did you say that spot was i seem to be missing the GPS cords LOL
  10. joeybari

    7mmRM at 1000yrds

    jeffro dont fool your self the 7mm is one of the best for that yardage
  11. joeybari


    the bar with lots of girls LOL
  12. joeybari

    Draw Results

    here we go
  13. joeybari

    Primos Trail Camera

    not a fan of Primos stuff its cheap china items use two times and then dispose of it.
  14. joeybari

    when is it going to be MY turn

    The pain I have been going out for the past 6 years with friends and family who have been drawn, helping them scout , pack, driving, camping, cooking, bugling, calling, pointing the shooter the right direction and to top it off working to get 700 lb out of the woods. I will be the first one in this group of hopeless no permit having hunters to say that WE LIE when they tell you “I’m so happy you shot that 390 bull” that I handed to you on a silver platter. It was fun the first 6 times, but you know WHAT, when is it going to be MY turn Damit. PEOPLE I AM here today to tell you rise up against your fellow elk hunter who has been drawn for the past three year in a row and tell him or her that’s I will not help you, For you are on your own this year. I WILL NOT give you my secret spot any longer for some day in the DISTANT future I will have a tag in my rotten old hands and then realize that there is a sky scraper built there about twenty years ago. Regardless read this letter that I’m sending to you I WILL NOT HELP THIS YEAR on the week of September 11 I have to go help my mother in-law but the week after I’m all yours. PS Don’t tell the wife
  15. Honda! You can come up with something better then Honda I don’t even consider the two on the same playing field Just my two pennies. I don’t mean to offend
  16. more like aston martin and ferrari
  17. joeybari

    Whitetail seasons

    sorry dude but your pic is disterbing (avitar) It reminds me of my x wife
  18. joeybari

    Border issues?

    You know what I’m not changing my hunting spots/ways for no one. Ok maybe the wife ok ok the in-laws wait the boss ok my son but that’s it. LOL. I won’t be changing anything. This is the one thing all year that I get to do for myself you would have to tell me that my wife is coming with me on my hunt to stop me from going down south. Let’s see drug runners or hunting with wife I rather take my chances with the drug runners LOL.
  19. Lucky you W/C I was suppose to go then work happened
  20. You are sick for exploiting something like this My eyes That’s it Im calling the FCC Federal Communications Commission on you This kind of stuff make me sick You sicko Don’t you know there are children viewing this?
  21. joeybari

    This makes me sick!

    Just disgusting 36c is like that all over
  22. joeybari

    delete delete
