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Everything posted by hunter72

  1. hunter72

    Mathews Drenalin (used)

    Interested in your bow but where do you live?Im in safford thanks
  2. hunter72

    Remington Model 7 243 with scope, dies and sling

    How much for just the rifle i have dies and everything else already.Thanks Lex
  3. I would like any loads for 130 and140gr berger bullets.Thanks Lex
  4. hunter72

    1st Arizona Coues

    Great buck all the work pays off most of the time.I think you just have to go the extra canyon and stay out longer than most and you will get a mature buck.
  5. hunter72

    Our two 2010 Bucks

    I really like your buck he has good mass and will look great on the wall.
  6. hunter72

    Coues Deer hide

    I use wellers and have been very happy with the work they do.I also like that you you get your mount back very quick.
  7. hunter72

    unit 27 last day success

    That is a pig of a deer awsome share more of the story with us.
  8. hunter72

    2010 October Coues 130" and 98"

    Wow great bucks its killing me not to have a tag.
  9. hunter72

    1 shot

    Dang nice buck seems to be a good year so far.Were the deer moving good?
  10. Im working overtime so i can get one of the jan tags that cost 1500 but never get to hunt rez much.I would like any info on the zones as what is the best and worst to get.I would like to say this is a huge amount of money for me so i have to get it right the first time.Thanks for any info Lex
  11. hunter72

    San Carlos NT Coues tribal hunt

    Wow super buck make it easy to work overtime to buy a tag next year.
  12. hunter72

    Quiet AND Waterproof camo

    I use the Kings rain jacket and so far its been great.Im not shure if you were in Alaska how it would do.
  13. hunter72

    Left Over tags

    How do you find out if you drew a left over tag?
  14. I use the cheap plastic shower caps from hotels for a rain shield for my binos.They work great and dont weigh anything.
  15. hunter72

    Guess the Score Contest!

    118 1/2
  16. hunter72

    Thanks Jim Reynolds

    Thank you for a wonderful time my son and i (lex and preston)had a blast.What a great bunch of hunting nuts like myself.We will be at the next one for shure.
  17. hunter72

    Party at Jim Reynolds' house

    Me and my son will be there Lex and Preston Mortenson i look foward to meeting you all.I will bring a couple 12 packs of soda pop.
  18. hunter72

    Bullet Selection for CWT

    I would try the 130 berger or 140 berger and shoot groups at 200 yds and use the one that groups best.With a 1-8 twist they will do fine.
  19. hunter72

    Inverter 3 balde "TRI-VERTER"

    I like the old two blade steel head very much but i use two layers of clear tape and not the rubber o ring they make too much noise and have to slow down the arrow.I think you will have to make a head without the o ring for it to be a real big seller.
  20. hunter72

    4x spot hogg lens

    Will this work with a seven pin site with the wrap?
  21. hunter72

    Bull Basin

    What brand bows are they going to carry.I want a new bowtech bad.
  22. hunter72

    7 deadlypins

    I have three of them and love them so far no problems with any of them.Make shure you get the one with the wrap it makes a bid diff.
  23. hunter72

    pick test of my 991/4 4x4 jan buck

    Cool my pic worked.I was close to this buck and a bigger one for three days and wanted to get the bigger one but on day three he was feeding to me and the big one was chasing a doe at 85 yards so i took the smaller one at 18 yards.He is still a great buck i took him to wellers to get a shoulder mount done.Next year the bigger one should be around 120+ so i will have to hope he is still in the area.
  24. hunter72

    Considering bullet change

    try the berger bullets first then if they dont shoot well try the accubond