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Everything posted by hunter72

  1. hunter72

    December Rifle Success?

    I do know three people that had the unit 27 late tag one shot a two point at the end of the hunt the rest had tag soup.They said there was no rutting action going on at all.There are some big mulies up there but the rut seemed to be late this year.
  2. hunter72

    December Rifle Success?

    I ate the tag it was a very tuff hunt.I had the late dec hunt in 2010 and passed on 95 and 100 inch deer a few times the 2012 hunt was super tuff no deer movement no rutting action at all.The biggest deer i saw was a 95 inch 4x5 that will be a giant some day but was not a shooter for this year.
  3. hunter72

    Remington 700 stocks

    wood adl short action 40.00 bucks i will take this stock.Pm me your info.Thanks Lex
  4. hunter72

    Thoughts on Cabelas 12x50 Euros

    I love mine and feel no need for swaros.I sold my 15s when i wanted to buy a gun and picked up the euros a year later till i could save more money long story short i like the 12 euros better.The fov lets is great and they are very clear.
  5. hunter72

    2012 Bowtech Insanity CPXL R/H 70 lbs WTT/WTS

    Trade for guns?Im interested in the bow as i draw 32 inch
  6. hunter72

    Who's called in a cat?

    I call in around 3-5 a year mostly with bird sounds.get lucky bird from foxpro.
  7. hunter72

    San Carlos Tag Filled!

    love the buck looks bigger good mass.
  8. how about 110.00 for both stocks?I will be bow hunting but will check back in the evening.Thanks
  9. hunter72

    243 Remington Varmit ?

    Get a reg 243 for her the varmint weight barrel is alot to carry all day.The 25-06 is a great cal also and there is some good factory rounds for it.
  10. hunter72

    .257 WBY MAG Mark V **SPF**

    where is this located interested if its close.
  11. hunter72

    3 buck in two days

  12. hunter72

    Rutting activity already?

    i hope so i have a late dec tag for 31.
  13. i would be interested if you have any way to get it to safford.
  14. Are the tool boxs still for sale?
  15. hunter72

    San Carlos Double

    Super nice bucks i hope to hunt the rez next year.
  16. hunter72

    Thank you Bud and Gavin

    I have both a trophy coues and mulies that i shot with archery gear.To me i love both so its whatever i find first in the hunt.I also use wellers and have never been let down yet.
  17. hunter72

    Mini 14

    The new one are better then the old they have better barrels and the action is made on new tooling.They are fun but for the money the ar will out shoot the mini every time.
  18. hunter72

    Getting It Done In 31

    Nice bucks will have to talk at work about the hunt.
  19. hunter72

    .270 for ELK

    270 is a fine round just stick with the 140 or 150 gr bullets.Its kills just as well as the bigger stuff a gut shot elk will go a long ay i dont care what its shot with.The accubond bullets work very well as do the barnes.
  20. hunter72

    Killing small bucks

    This guy is an anti kick his but off the forum.We dont need his post on such a great site.
  21. That is truly the perfect buck congrats on a buck of a lifetime.Even if you get one bigger i dont think it will be as good looking buck.
  22. hunter72

    Daughter's buck

    great buck and shooting keep it up.
  23. hunter72

    Hunting with team young Gunz

    Great buck i use wellers every year they are great always been very happy with there work.
  24. hunter72

    Laurie's Buck

    great buck i would shoot him.