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Everything posted by hunter72

  1. hunter72

    Ground blinds?!?

    I have a double bull that works really well but im going to get a cheap one to use on public land so i wont be out so much money when it gets stolen.
  2. hunter72


    what did your bull score?hes a beast of a bull.
  3. hunter72

    Picked up the cams

    Looks like my pics no big bucks and lots of lion pics need to get some dogs and take care of some lions.
  4. hunter72


    Darn nice buck.
  5. hunter72

    Unit 1 or 27? Mule Deer

    Keep your points put in for the strip and the good hunts and pick up a leftover tag.
  6. hunter72

    Hit it big today!!!

    K now you have to show the big coues set.
  7. hunter72

    Hit it big today!!!

    That is a very good set score them for us!!
  8. hunter72

    Elite bows

    I have a 2012 elite pure that so far i like very much.Its my first elite and so far its good shooting bow hopefully it will stay in tune and hold up well.
  9. What is the cost for the half mount deer?I would love to get one done someday.
  10. I went with a 6.5-06 imp and i love it.I found the sweet spot is at 3040 fps with retumbo powder.
  11. hunter72

    One Good Shed

    close to a 400 bull if the other side matched.
  12. hunter72

    Friends in Flagstaff

    Darn i wish you were in south east az my wife would love some company god knows i drive her nuts.
  13. hunter72

    Looking to buy a Diesel and would like your opinion

    get a 05 or newer dodge with a stick stay away from auto trans in diesel trucks.
  14. hunter72


    Did you see the guy they made the devil in the new bible movie he could be a stand in for obumer.
  15. hunter72

    Fresh Pics...Nice buck

    high 90 buck should be over 100 this year.
  16. hunter72

    Arizona Unit 27 Archery Elk

    I hope we can get a few more rains in the new month.
  17. hunter72

    My biggest set ever!!!

    Man that get me fired up for the season lets go find some more!!!
  18. hunter72

    need arrows

    I have some 7595 arrows also some of the goldtip velocity 300 spine you can try
  19. hunter72

    Arizona Unit 27 Archery Elk

    I too have a 27 tag this year i will be doing a ton of scouting in hope of a 350 class bull.I hope it will rain this spring so they will grow big.will any of the wheat the game and fish come back up this year?The cow my son shot last year was snow white she was so fat.
  20. hunter72

    New CouesWhitetail.com Tshirts are in!

    I like it but would like the design on the back.
  21. I think the 260 rem is the perfect round for kids.If you load the 120gr bullets for deer and the 140 accubond for elk you havea great shooter with little recoil.
  22. hunter72

    weird lookin doe

    the one buck will be a good one this year.
  23. hunter72

    First lion on camera

    Yeah he has a belly full of big buck.I hope to put a bullet in him soon.
  24. hunter72

    Does Hunting Harvest Affect Horn and Antler Size?

    The rainfall has alot to do with it.the more food and water the bigger the horns.
  25. hunter72

    It happened to me!

    stud buck way to stick with it and get it done.