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Everything posted by couesridge

  1. couesridge

    They are up!!

    another goose egg for me but dad drew another oct. bull tag 2 yrs in a row
  2. couesridge

    coues head

    nice find
  3. couesridge

    trail cam pics

    nice pics jerry
  4. couesridge

    kodys first elk

    Kody had drawn a jr. tag for unit 1 he had been shootin his 25.06 frequently and was comfortable out to 300 yds Oct. finally got here and he was going with us on his grandpas hunt first unit 28 bull rick_v.bmp opening morning 7:30 330" bull down so we were pumped going into kodys hunt the next weekend evening before opening day we bedded about 30 cows and 4 rag horns so the game plan was set after a short night of sleep I dont know who was more excited me (dad) or kody we awake to the sounds of bugling bulls we get to our meadow and see the elk feeding but it is still to dark for a shot so we wait for day break then out of nowhere thi freakin 4 wheeler comes scootin accross this meadow elk gone!!! fortunatlly I knew where they were headed so we put the badlands back on our backs and catch up to these elk about 3/4 miles away Kody makes an outstanding shot at 220 yds laying on his belly bypods fully extended holding himself up with one arm before I could say when your ready crack elk down kodys_elk.bmp
  5. couesridge

    First fish

    way to go
  6. couesridge

    Went out riding

    cool pics
  7. couesridge

    kodys first elk

    yeah I know willhunt4coues maybe we'll know something by friday
  8. couesridge

    Vortex vs Brunton

    I agree with red rabbit
  9. couesridge

    My 1st Bobcat! WOOHOO!!!!!!!

    congrats on that nice kitty
  10. couesridge

    Family Shed trip.

    that sure is a krazy find great pics
  11. couesridge

    went trout fishin today

    thanx crazyaboutcoues my kids cant get enough of the outdoors
  12. couesridge

    went trout fishin today

    we caught our limit in less than an hour this morning using power bait at cluff ponds
  13. couesridge

    san carlos

    we were catching them on a yellow and green grubs around 12 ft. down good luck weather seems to be gettin better
  14. couesridge

    While you wait

    awsome bull I cant wait to get out there and start callin
  15. couesridge

    prayer request

    prayer has been sent
  16. couesridge

    Holy Side Rack, Batman!!

    heck of a shed gets my blood pumpin cant wait to get out myself
  17. couesridge

    Kids Sheds

    nice pics
  18. couesridge


    nice to meet you dan
  19. couesridge


    heck of a find greaty job boys
  20. couesridge

    Lucky Find

    nice find its always cool to find both sides
  21. couesridge

    Couple more dry ground lion pics...

    nice pics
  22. couesridge

    Dec. and Jan. pics

    nice pics
  23. couesridge

    San Carlos Crappie

    just got back from san carlos 0 crappie 6 bass and 3 channel kats pretty slow
  24. couesridge

    Coueskiller's Wall of coues

    pretty nice bucks exspecially the drop tine
  25. couesridge

    This weeks grey fox

    I agree ive been using a shotgun alot the past 2 yrs. good job