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About couesridge

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/07/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    safford az
  • Interests
    whitetail-elk-and predator hunting archery or rifle fishin for catfish and crappie and doin it with friends and family

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  1. couesridge

    Winchester model 70 .243 wssm- sold

    Will you separate the rounds and brass
  2. couesridge

    Proven SA caliber for coues

    .vote .260 gets my vote built by stomp442
  3. couesridge

    3d shoot in safford az

  4. couesridge

    Anyone win anything good @ AES last night

    Our table did well ,lifetime hunting permit, 500 tickets ,7mm, outdoor edge,Africa hunt
  5. couesridge

    Diamond Razor Edge - $ 200 obo

    Where are you located
  6. couesridge


    ISO 140gr 6.5mm hunting bullets
  7. couesridge

    Leftover tags

    Got me a 32 leftover tag
  8. couesridge

    Anyone going to hunt Mexico?

    Leaving Friday morning Jan 3rd
  9. couesridge

    What rifle are your kids shooting???

    My daughters been shooting a 25.06 since she was 10 2wt bucks and an elk by the age of 12
  10. couesridge

    Spot and stock unit 32 antelope

    Congrats Justin nice speed goat
  11. couesridge

    Zeiss warranty turnaround time?

    Customer service is great sent in my kids binos let them know we had a hunt coming up and they sent me a loner pair while they fixed mine
  12. couesridge

    2009 arctic cat prowler F.S. 7000.00

    Rick 928 651-0964 for more info located in Safford,az