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Everything posted by azphil

  1. azphil

    Globe Fur sale

    Lol at pics. Never seen such skillful taxidermy.
  2. azphil

    LOST GSP PUP in UNIT 21-- 1/24/14

    Happy ending!
  3. azphil

    Arizona over ASU

    I don't think the game was as close as the score indicated. Ha!
  4. azphil

    Finally, the curse is broken

    Congrats. I'm still working to break mine.
  5. azphil

    What does the buck say?

    That was really dumb but I couldn't turn it off.
  6. azphil

    24A bound

    Good luck on your hunt. We did not do well in the northern part of the unit around Haystack. 5 days with 2 of us hunting and not 1 Coues buck spotted. Lots of muleys with 1 tall 3X3 buck.
  7. azphil

    Anyone else eating tag soup??

    After 5 days in north 24a on the Nov1 hunt, Stumpsitter and I had the tag soup delivered to us by the crafty little coues. After glassing our eyeballs out and beating up the boot soles we saw not 1 buck. Several does and numerous mule deer including 1 nice tall 3X3 kept our interest up. It it was not meant to be. That area was our 5th choice 2 years in a row- same results last year. Looking for greener pastures next year.
  8. azphil

    Happy Birthday Amanda!

    Great site Amanda, and Happy B-day
  9. You do have to be a member to post. I visit there occasionally. Can I help?
  10. azphil

    24A bound

    Going for a look/see this and next weekends.
  11. azphil

    24A bound

    Me and Stumpsitter have the Nov 1 hunt. We hunted the north part of the unit last year.
  12. azphil

    My Mirracle

    A life changing event-no doubt. Congrats.
  13. azphil

    They're at it again Part 1,000,000

    it amazes me that people can't see the train wreck thats coming!
  14. azphil

    Bored out of my skull....

    Nice! The best I can do are stick figures.
  15. azphil


    Never forget
  16. azphil

    Draw Results are Posted

    24a - nov 1-7 5th choice
  17. azphil

    Becoming a leftover hunter

    After the draw AZGFD will post up the left over tags. Good luck.
  18. azphil

    we saved this old man a couple months back

    Pat on the back to you guys. He is lucky you showed up when you did. It is a desolate, rough area to have problems in.
  19. Great job on the show -a great hunt showcasing our state and the challenges couse deer hunting presents. Congrats!
  20. azphil

    1st Coyote

    Condolences on the loss of your Dad. Great story!
  21. azphil

    G&F EXPO

    Taking the grandkids Sunday
  22. azphil

    There is still hope for this country after all

    That stack looks great!
  23. azphil

    New guy from Reno,NV

    Welcome to a great site!
  24. azphil

    2nd Amendment rally

    I did attend the Phoenix rally. I would approximate 1500 -2000 in attendance. For a spur of the moment, off the cuff event, it went pretty well. They could have done a better job with a public address system and a stage. There was only 1 bull horn and you couldn't see who was speaking as the crowd was 10 deep around the speaker. The crowd was well behaved and enthuastic - no problems that I saw. Anybody who wanted to speak could. A good mix of all races and lots of women carrying their personal firearms. Probably 75% of the crowd had a firearm of some kind. Pistols, AK's, AR's, muskets, muzzleloaders - about everything you could think of was there. I got there at noon and stayed until 1:45 as I had to be somewhere else. The media was everywhere but I didn't get to see any reports on TV. They were interviewing lots of people. Did anyone see any of the news reports? There is another more organized rally planned for February as the article from the Tucson paper indicated. Make your voice heard!