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Everything posted by azphil

  1. azphil

    7mm MAG

    I've had excellent results with the 160 gr. Nosler Accubond- flatter trajetory than the 175 and still packs plenty of punch and bullet expansion- I can punch 2" groups with them at 200 yds with a factory Remington 700 ADL
  2. azphil

    only baby bucks left.

    I have the same hunt dates in 36B and was thinking the same thing- BUT- Faith, knowledge, hard work and a little luck will prevail!!
  3. azphil

    2008 Father/Son Success

    Great story- awesome bucks!
  4. azphil

    First Coues hunt and Buck, Unit 31

    congrats- patience and persistance pay off
  5. I understand you have to stay on numbered roads unless you are retreiving downed game!
  6. azphil

    First hunt(s)

    Came from a non hunting family, but did have an uncle who would take me on his dove hunts to shag birds- got a little taste of hunting- Moved to Phoenix in '69- some firends I worked with talked me into applying for deer and elk in '73 -I didn't even have a rifle - that year I got my first mule deer 4X2 in unit 22 and first cow elk in 4A- beginners luck- I have been pretty sucessful- I also bow hunt- after all that time, this is my first Coues hunt- 36B last weekend in Nov- and I'm pumped! This a great site- good advice and good company!
  7. Prayers go out to Chris and your whole family, for a speedy and complete recovery.
  8. azphil

    Opening morning 3 X 3 down

    Good job on the calming words of a father- congrats!
  9. azphil

    Opening morning trifecta

    Great story- congrats!
  10. azphil


    As being relatively new to the group, am I correct to assume carp= mule deer?
  11. azphil

    Noon Siesta or

    If you have a honey spot you can be a little more choosy about going back to camp for lunch- if you are learning a new area you are probably better off spending as much time in the field as you can. I remember napping one fine day under a juniper in 23- sleeping real good actually- I don't know what woke me up, but when I did there was a yellow and black centipede almost a foot long right next to my face- scared the bejeezies out of me- since then it's been much more difficult for me to nap in the field- nap sitting up, look around, and move slowly when you wake up. It still gives me the chills thinking about that centipede. Good Luck!
  12. azphil


    Good luck guys- the early hunts last year were hot too- but it's better than sitting home with no tag- I'll be out last weekend in Nov 36B- definitely take lots of agua so your pelotas don't do what Sun Devil says- Hunt hard and have a safe hunt!
  13. azphil

    Witnessed an Attempted Murder

    No hate- just logic- fewer 'yotes- maybe more deer, antelope and elk = more draw permits= more outdoor time and fun
  14. azphil

    Witnessed an Attempted Murder

    Great story- had me going too- We all need to make it a point to make as many varmint expeditions as possible. Keep 'em thinned out!
  15. I hope everyone has a safe and sucessful hunt- I have 36b 11/28-12/04
  16. What I can't figure out is why are all these ex controllers of these failed banks and financial organizations are still in positions of power- controlling billions of tax dollars- They made millions of dollars from their failed banks and companies- why do they get to keep all that money while the investors of their failed companies lost their butt-ets- They need to be investigated They are working in the Bush administration and for the obama election campaigns- obama wants to clean up poiitics, but its just old fashioned Chicago sewer politics- that'll be real change- The state of illinois is in chaos because of liberal democrat policies- this is where America is headed if obama is allowed to put his policies in place. God help us all!
  17. azphil


    The people at CVA were very helpful and had all the info- it is one of their rifles- thanks for the views
  18. I recently won a Winchester X-150 muzzleloader rifle at a raffle- It has a 45 cal barrel and a 50 cal barrel- It's brand new and has never been fired- I did some searching on the internet for info- It"s supposedly made by CVA or by a Spanish Company BPI- It appears to be an older model rifle, maybe 2005 vintage- it came with no instructions or info- Any idea where I might get some paperwork for this rifle? The person who donated the prize no longer has the papers
  19. My friend Jim and I were drawn for our first whitetail hunt in 36B- last weekend in November. Is there a group camping area? We're mainly concerned because of the border issues. We'll probably be scouting near Pena Blanca Lake. Any help would be appreciated-
  20. azphil

    camping area 36B

    sorry about that winmag- nice buck
  21. azphil

    camping area 36B

    Thanks for the help guys-it gives us a couple of options- Nice buck diamondbackaz- hope to see you guys out on the hunt