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Everything posted by onlycoues

  1. onlycoues

    2006 Raptor

    2006 Raptor for sale-- $3500 OBO
  2. onlycoues

    2006 Raptor

    New price $3000.00...if your interested i will send pics 520 390 2247
  3. onlycoues

    Neat little creature

    Do these things bite? I got bit yesterday by something that looks like that and it hurt
  4. onlycoues

    looking to relocate to tucson area

    Trust me, the market in Tucson is bad. I worked in remodeling for 8 yrs and I cannot find a job. Good luck to you though
  5. onlycoues

    FREE D'Backs ticket

    Hey guys. I watched the game on tv. Sorry it was such a horrible game
  6. onlycoues


    got my tag for 32 mule deer yesterday
  7. I used to love to hunt 30a for whitetail but my son is getting older now and I dont want to take him down there. I am afraid we will run into smugglers, illegals or who knows what.
  8. onlycoues


    My brother and I got 32 mule deer. He got early hunt and i got late hunt. My dad didnt get drawn
  9. onlycoues

    Hunters Safety Course

    Thanks, its no hurry. He has plenty of time before he turns 10 Chris
  10. I would like to get my son set up for a Hunters Safety Course. I checked G&F website but there is nothing in my area. I live in Benson but there was nothing in TUcson or Sierra Vista last time I checked. Does anyone have other suggestions? Chris
  11. onlycoues

    Arizona SCI

    Is this in Tucson, How do I go about getting tickets?
  12. onlycoues


    No elk tag , that makes 8 years in a row
  13. onlycoues

    Let it snow,let it snow, let it snow

    I live in Benson and it was 20 degrees outside this morning and snow covered the mountains all the way to Tucson. Too bad I have to work.
  14. onlycoues

    December Tags

    Im heading out to 30a tomorrow, good luck to you all
  15. onlycoues


    Katkiller I was in area 32. I believe I heard you talking about the lions on the radios. Just so you all know, looking back on it now, it makes sense that they didnt have a tag and thats why they left it but it really didnt occur to me at the time. I guess I was just caught up in the moment and I really wish I had gotten thier plate. My buddy may have run into the same people. That is why I asked the unit you were in. How did you do in 32 for deer? I really have taken a liking to unit 32 and 33. Katkiller Unit 32 was a disaster this year for mule deer. I only heard of one person getting a buck over a 2x2. Most hunters I know didnt even see a buck. My dad is hunting whitetail in 32 dec hunt and I am hunting whitetail 30a dec.
  16. onlycoues


    Katkiller I was in area 32. I believe I heard you talking about the lions on the radios. Just so you all know, looking back on it now, it makes sense that they didnt have a tag and thats why they left it but it really didnt occur to me at the time. I guess I was just caught up in the moment and I really wish I had gotten thier plate.
  17. onlycoues


    My brother was hunting down near Benson in Oct. My son and I were on a hill glassing east and my dad and brother were walking from the east towards us. I spotted hunters below me at 7am and watched them walk in a circle. We didnt see deer all morning and when the hunters made thier circle at 11am I stood up to strech and saw 4 deer running towards the hunters. I couldnt figure out why they were running towards the hunters. The deer realized the hunters were there and headed south towards us. I lost them in a ravine. I told my son that we were going to head back towards our truck to see if we can find the deer. We walked about 20 feet and my son said " Dad, there is a deer" I took a step back and saw a mountain lion 75 yards away! He took off and 5 min later I saw the hunters to my west take two shots, then they disappeared and I heard one more shot. My son and I meet up with the hunters about 20 min later on the road to our truck and they told me they had shot the mountain lion. They told me they didnt want it but told me where it was at. They also told me that there was 4 mountain lions above me that morning when I first saw them. I found the mountian lion, my dad went back into town to get a tag, because we figured we could keep it like any downed animal but we were wrong. I told game and Fish what happened and they told me I couldnt keep it.
  18. onlycoues


    I went to the website, these people are scary. They tell how to evade getting arrested and have links to websites that tell how to build bombs. Anyone know if these guys are around here?
  19. onlycoues

    New to Area - Unit 30A Tips

    Longshot, I pulled a tag in for 30a december whitetail, I love this area but I usually hunt skelton canyon, but it is locked out this year so im not sure what im going to do either
  20. onlycoues


    I live in Benson and we got hammered down here. I hope this helps my whitetail hunt in dec.
  21. onlycoues

    Family Strengths

    I am a foreman for a remodeling company, if any one needs remodeling let me know, chrismonc@yahoo.com Chris
  22. onlycoues


    I got drawn for 30a late whitetail but no elk, maybe next year
  23. Hey there JVS, I feel your pain, it seems like every year when I go out more nad more land is developed or closed off. If you have any ideas let me know how I can help. chrismonc@yahoo.com