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About jonesface

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/31/1982

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  1. jonesface


    Just sent a PM for the W209s
  2. jonesface

    Powder and primers

    TTT Last time.
  3. jonesface

    Powder and primers

    All of the above pictures are still available. I will remove pics when items are not available.
  4. jonesface

    Powder and primers

    Everything listed is still available. I just got finished with editing the post.
  5. jonesface

    Powder and primers

  6. jonesface

    Powder and primers

    Just sent a message to you krp
  7. jonesface

    Powder and primers

    All items still available
  8. jonesface

    Powder and primers

    Selling powder and primers I have 16lbs of Red Dot 3/4 full on the Hercules Bullseye 5000 CCI primers 1000 Winchester (WLP) primers 700 Federal Rifle primers Willing to trade for some Winchester 209 primers
  9. jonesface

    Worth the Wait . . .

    Thanks for the invite. It was a lot of fun!
  10. jonesface

    Bird Dog Boots?

    +1 for Lewis Dog boots
  11. Good write up Tres. I saw a lot more upland bird hunters this season than I have ever seen and I didn't hunt on weekends. The good news is there are still a lot of carry over birds for next season. We are getting awesome rainfall totals at the perfect timing for our desert birds. I'm hoping this rain will cause us to have a "BOOM" population growth for our Gambel's quail. I would like to see more research and monitoring of both our Mearns and Scaled quail. We don't have a lot of information on our Scaled quail. No one really knows what triggers Scalies breeding cycle like we know with Mearns (summer rain) and Gambel's.(winter rain) I also enjoy and cherish getting to hunt with the legend quail hunters we have in this state.(Bob C. and Dave L.) Those guys are not only great shots but they also know how to hunt these birds very well. I amazed how they can walk every mile we do at 60-70 years old! I hope Im in that good of shape at that age in my life. They have mastered the dog/hunter companionship. I wish I could do something off of the Matrix where I could download all of their knowledge. Looking forward as well to next season! Should be a good one.
  12. jonesface

    1st Mearns

    Good job! They are so much fun to hunt.
  13. I went to this one as well. I believe its called "Arizona Pheasant and Chukar". I had a bad experience as well. The guy released the birds right in front of us and told us we can only hunt in this one specific field and only between these 3 corn rows. He said if the birds run into any of the other fields they get away.(But we still paid for them which is to be expected) He also laughed when I said I wont need any of his dogs help and that I will be using my Britt. My dog found every bird in the field we were allowed to hunt and held point very well on all of the birds. We didn't find 3 birds at the end of the hunt. He said: "You are missing 3 birds let me let my dogs out and get some exercise and see if we can find them." He let out about 6 dogs all at once and my dog was put back into the kennel. His dogs were running all over the place including the fields we were not allowed to hunt. All three birds had ran into fields we were not allowed to hunt. At the end of the day he said "Usually if you bring your own dog and I have to get mine out to find the rest of the birds I charge you more but Im just being a nice guy today."(He was fishing for a tip) I didn't give him one because I told him I didn't ask you to bring your dogs out that was his choice. If I did it again I would only buy the Chukars because they would hold real well. Pen raised birds seem to always have short tail feathers. The only way to get really long tail feathers is to shoot wild pheasants. I went wild pheasant hunting a couple years ago and all the roosters had 20" tail feathers.