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Everything posted by SirRoyal

  1. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    They did but it may have been to measurers or records book people . There is public record of those statements at the 2018 commissioners meetings. Irregardless ITS NOT A FAIR CHASE ISSUE WITH ANY HUNTING ORGANIZATION!
  2. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Hunting with Trail cams is not the point ! Has it been abused yes like everything else in hunting. ITS ANOTHER FREEDOM TAKEN AWAY!! HELLO! The point is even in an off season a guy cant go out with his kids and check cameras. The ultimate treasure hunt. They are catering to special interest groups. Kurt Davis is in his glory because now he can got out with a bang and all under the DISGUISE OF COVID !! NO LARGE GROUP MEETINGS!!!
  3. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Covid was the perfect storm they were waiting for!!!
  4. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Sir I was referring to 2018 at the 2nd commissioners meeting . Sorry if I did not clarify that. I watched the meeting and one of the Commissioner's called them.
  5. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Yep all pre planned! I had to finish a job so couldnt keep watching. It had to be Geiler though
  6. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Never gonna happen!
  7. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Kurt Davis the chairman of the commissioners is very staunch anti trail cam fan . I admire him tho because he voted with the rest of the Commissioners in 2018 realizing there wasnt enough support for it at that time and tabled it in spite of his objections. Maybe now he thinks he has enough support at this time to pull off a trailcam ban. I just hope Todd Geiler and the other commissioners aren't swayed by his thinking. One of the commissioners called all the Record books such as B&C and Pope &Young and Safari Club and Longhunter Society. Everyone of them said Trail Cameras are not a Fair Chair issue. Game and Fish is using that very issue (Fair Chase) to back their claims. Also Someone may have got smart and threw in the Anti Hunting organizations are coming after us on it so we might as well get proactive on it. I believe this came came from State Legislators that have powerful Ranching lobbyists and other Lobbyist putting pressure on them!
  8. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Never thought about being knighted with the name SirRoyal. ( 5thpoint on a bull elk) My thinking was to shallow! But I like it Thank you! now I have another arrow in my quiver. Now as long as I know more than you! 😁
  9. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    All Good Andrew Thank you! I STAND MY GROUND ! I get it if guys comeback at me. In fact I want them to . At least they show they may have SOME MAN IN THEM! 😁 And now days thats a plus!
  10. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Thank you!
  11. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    I started in 2014 . Its alot of fun ! Its a treasure hunt! Im fine if they put a season on say shutting it down before Archery deer or similar. I spend alot of my summers running cams probably average 15 to 20 cams a year. I love seeing the growth each year of the antlers and the lions and bears and deer and elk and people on them. 😁
  12. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    You Sir have been on this site for many years. And You know there is a huge byass against guides among alot of these keyboard hunters on here . That's why this forum has become the Craigslist of Hunting! Most guides do not frequent here anymore! As for Your skills I actually do believe you have excellent hunting skills but think your caught up in your own little world view of what you think guides are or are not! Maybe you need to hang around me for a hunt or 2 you might actually be shocked that there are good people 1st and good hunters 2nd and good guides 3rd that love to help people even experienced ones like yourself!
  13. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    You Sir are blaming the wrong people! Nobodies ruining anything for you . Your using guides as an excuse to justify your lack of skill! If they do take away cameras so be it . I will still harvest Trophy animals as I always have before cameras . Because 1st and formost I am a hunter. Most of the professional guides will still take trophy class animals. Thats why we get hired . We are out there more than you, we know more than you, we put in more time than you, thus we get paid more than you. And believe it or not not all outfitters or guides are jerks . I will venture to say I see more morons that are wanna be hunters out there doing stupid things with their barage of family and friends that dont have a clue!
  14. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Excuse me If I offended your obsession CouesFrantic. But no one is paying you to think what you think you know about guides. Your jealousy wreaks and has given you a byass against guides that is uncalled for. Kinda like Hillary throwing us all in the Deplorable basket. You must be a left wing nut job! Where I hunted this year individuals cameras out numbered guides cams 5 to 1 . Most guides are courteous and dont check a cam till midday unlike individuals who dont think of others and they check them at all times.
  15. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    You sir are an uninformed wanna be that has exactly no knowledge about guides or what we do. Your jealousy based byass wreaks right along with your loser hunting skills. Individuals with Trail cams out numbered guides cams 5 to 1 were I hunted this year in one of the Top units! Guys like you are the computer blowhards that dont get off there fat behinds and do the work but think they know something!
  16. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Well as for an Army of Guides that happens for sure. Myself I am an Army of One Guide. I do all my own work although I work with an outfitter. Im not interested in the money I have a good Business. But I do like to at least get the return costs on my gas , scouting and expenses. I used to pay it all out of my own pocket and helped many people . There are many on this site here I have help and or been in the field with on my dime. I found guiding gets me out more often in units I love to hunt. So too sum it up I run a non- profit Guide organization and I love it!! Sorry your so misinformed! 😁
  17. SirRoyal

    My WILD 12AW Late Hunt Trip

  18. SirRoyal

    My WILD 12AW Late Hunt Trip

    I was wondering who it was that helped Josh! Thank you buddy! He sure was talking about those steaks you guys had grilling up!! 😁
  19. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    They wont ban them completely! So it will be very close to an existing rule because AZGFD believes in uniformity!
  20. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    You Sir are miss informed! Your byass speaks volumes!
  21. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Very True!
  22. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    The biggest is The Humane Society of the US!
  23. SirRoyal

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Not gonna happen !!!