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Everything posted by SirRoyal

  1. SirRoyal

    Holy Smoke Funeral Services

    Think the atheist's will line up for HOLY smoke?
  2. SirRoyal

    3A Rifle Antelope

    Awesome buck! I wish I knew someone that had that tag. I,d post all the forums AZ hunter, monstermulies/arizona and such!
  3. SirRoyal

    And We're Back!!

    I thought thats what I get for trying to become an advanced member ( to 100 posts)in the last couple of weeks. I must have offended somebody!
  4. Called at 3pm. I drew a 36b tag 1st hunt Least I get to hunt! Alot of leftover tags down south. It must make hunters nervous hunting down next to the border. Oh well, Ignorance is bliss
  5. Got rained out saturday. I mean soaked to the bone! We went and ate at the lodge and finished the course late afternoon. My group was 4 adults and 5 kids from 5 and up. We all had a blast!
  6. SirRoyal

    Best bow for a teen

    1st. Is this interest for fun or hunting? I recommend starting with a Genesis bow its fun blue ,green,red, and colorful arrows, she will learn alot about archery, then eventually go to a hunting bow if she wants to! I do not pressure my daughters to hunt thats up to them! Most people over bow themselves, archery is about having fun, there is always time to get serious Just my 2 cents: Affected by raising 3 daughters now 28, 16, 15, beside boys
  7. What a great picture! I love old vintage hunting photos!!!!
  8. SirRoyal

    Morning Catch

    Wow ,what a gorgeous fish. Thank you for sharing!
  9. SirRoyal

    Progression of a neat buck

    What a great set of pics! Good luck!
  10. SirRoyal

    A few pictures

    Great pictures!
  11. SirRoyal

    Shot my elk this morning

    Thats awesome !
  12. SirRoyal

    New pics

    Man, have you a honey hole or what!
  13. SirRoyal

    1st Lion

    That is so cool! Great pics
  14. SirRoyal

    19A Muzzleloader

    If you draw you have to call that day to reserve a spot . These ranches only allow so many hunters at a time! When you get close to the draw next year pm me for my cell#. I'll put you in touch with the right guys!
  15. SirRoyal

    2 sheds Within 2 weeks

    Good find! great pics!
  16. SirRoyal

    application number drop article

    Well lets see they have almost doubled tags fees , They refused to pay additional .50 cents per application to use the most reputable company SCI to handle online draws. Hmmm thats just a few major reasons.
  17. SirRoyal

    19A Muzzleloader

    Forget 8 its a very tough hunt even with alot of scouting . 19a is coming around again , pay the trepass fees get on the 2 ranches that have the most antelope and you also have free access to another ranch walk in only. If you ever draw let me know I'll help you since I live up here. I took a good buck in the 2008 muzzleloader season.
  18. SirRoyal

    stoen cameras

    Hold it, hold it, hold it. Someone's,gotta to referee this CWT Match. I can't I have already chosen sides WIMPS Rule! El Cabron Drools !
  19. SirRoyal

    stoen cameras

    elcabron: Welcome to the best hunting forum out there. Of course, we all know you did this for attention. Hard to get very many people rieled up on this forum. Be glad to tell you about another forum where you can have a heyday and they eat guys like you for lunch
  20. SirRoyal

    Some Mounts.......

    Wow I am blown away by these pictures . You are truly an artist , I think its time I changed taxidermist!
  21. SirRoyal

    My Monster Desert Muley!!!

    That is a really great deer, Congrats on taking him.
  22. SirRoyal

    Nontypical Bucks on the cam.

    Awesome pics! Almost time to take him down!
  23. SirRoyal

    170 lbs Tom

    Very nice lion , Welcome to the site!
  24. SirRoyal

    19A Hunt starts Friday.. I'm ready

    Hey , Kent sorry about the camera,there is some jerks out there. Good luck on your antelope hunt.