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Everything posted by SirRoyal

  1. SirRoyal

    Transferring tags to family members

    Coach , I was referring to the same parent that draws the tag must be the same parent thats in the field with the child! I just took a side road from your original post based on LVTHNT'S post about the intent of the law. Believe it or not This is the biggest issue for parents about this law! I wish we could get some more feedback on this!
  2. SirRoyal

    Year Bonus Points started in AZ?

    I believe 1990 or 1991 is when elk and antelope points started. I know for a fact deer was 1999 !
  3. SirRoyal

    Transferring tags to family members

    Has this been tested in court yet? Or are we waiting for a guinea pig?
  4. SirRoyal

    Transferring tags to family members

    So the parent say mom draws the tag and transfers to the child then Dad can take him hunting? Interpetation of the law by a game warden could be a problem!
  5. I think they used the same 2nd rated outfit from Tennesse and usaully to save a buck! I'm willing to pay a little higher app fee for a top quality Draw Processing Company.
  6. SirRoyal

    Stand United and Be Aware

    Man, Silentdog is long winded!
  7. SirRoyal

    G and F website just went down...

    When I was in school the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Who keeps changes things?
  8. SirRoyal

    CC Hits

    wbyfireman: I feel for you man, but listen There is no reason why u cant draw an average elk tag in Az with a mininum of 6 pts!
  9. SirRoyal

    Reply from AZSFW

    Ya done good , donniedent!! And amen to all the above! : )
  10. SirRoyal

    Matching mule deer sheds

    Great set! Very nice find!
  11. SirRoyal

    Reply from AZSFW

    Hmm I think thier getting it! A. Extremely low approval rating! B. Doing for others of thier same kind (selfish wealthy guys). C. Committing bushido for dishonoring the Average Joe Hunters! This we promise we will bury azsfw in an unmarked grave!
  12. SirRoyal

    Arizona Republic

    Good job Ringer! Thank you coueshunter for all your hard work!
  13. SirRoyal

    CC Hits

    Thank the Good Lord gotta Archery Bull tag early or late either way I win! Congrats to all the folks that have a tag and those that are gonna get one!
  14. SirRoyal

    Big Antelope Picture

    Nice to hear from you! Maybe I'll see you out in the field this year! Gotta buddy with max points! You guys better get that next world record before we show up!
  15. SirRoyal

    Big Antelope Picture

    I wish I knew where he was! Any way where you been? Thought you fell off the face of the earth.
  16. Funny stuff! Interesting! They can talk religion and politics at my fire I mean forum! I liked to know where a man's comin from even if I think he's dead wrong!
  17. SirRoyal

    When a bull elk scrapes off his velvet...

    Excellent descriptions! by Becker and coosefan!
  18. I agree with you. So Amanda must be your friend.
  19. I think having Amanda on the board is an excellent way to see whats going on in Ada. Especially if they know where she stands. The tough part for her would be if she's alone on her views and they try to confuse the issues and show thier justifiable reasons for their views , she will need support or at least feel that she has the support of the majority of the average joe's! I was reminded by a member of this site keep your friends close , keep your enemies closer!
  20. At the very least the Republicans are the best of the worst! I will never vote democrat.
  21. SirRoyal


    Great video .
  22. SirRoyal

    More emails I received

    You are right ! DesertBull. I was just venting after recieving his email today! I also was peeved at a post that was deleted on another forum site known to be frequented by Jay Lopeman and Mossback guides! I had said things like : "Good old boy network" and" cronyism between some guides and wealthy clients" To me this is a passionate subject and I am treating it like, when I go hunting and those that know me or my posts know I usally get what critter I am after!
  23. SirRoyal

    More emails I received

    Total hypocrisy from these guys . These guides stand to make alot a money if this goes thru. Wonder how much tequila was consumed around the campfire as they brewed up a plan to screw the average Arizona hunter. Mr. Hamberlin : Please quit sending me your emails. I am not buying into your rape of the Arizona hunters!
  24. SirRoyal

    Azsfw facebook page

    Nick, Thank you for your stand against corruption in high places!
  25. http://m.facebook.com/azsfw?__user=100000747855346#!/azsfw?v=feed&__user=100000747855346 As many folks as possible should write on Azsfw's wall on thier facebook page!