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About SirRoyal

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  1. SirRoyal


    Actually You just private messaged me yesterday. I do not visit this site anymore. A friend just told me this morning about your negative innuendo. To those of you that did donate , we have never stopped working on this. I have all the records and attorneys names of whom we paid. Sometimes you have to just keep working without revealing all you know until you do know.
  2. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    Actually I do not have clients!
  3. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    I love running my cameras and have friends that do also. This is the most unintrusive way to see and look at wildlife in their natural habitat and learn to understand the cylces of Nature. I only started doing cameras in 2014 and do it every year with or without a tag and with or without a hunter. That should not be illegal! Now if I have a tag or Im taking somebody I think 48 hours before hunt starts you cant check or your look at a camera in the unit your hunting and through the hunt is a good compromise. It still meets their supposedly fair chase narrative. You cant legislate morals and ethics. But they sure are trying to. They did it all wrong and they have continued down this pathway of we are the commission and nobody questions us and our decisions.
  4. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    I did read you very well . Just commenting about the reference to the Commissioner that hasnt hunted in 9.5 years.
  5. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    What a great idea! Hadn't thought of that! 🤣
  6. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    Knothead, you need to think about what you just said. They could of just shut it down during a hunt where you held a tag or a guide has a client. It is pure Enjoyment that yes some have abused but now all must suffer. Next its Fish finders , then rangefinding Binos that gps where your game is. And long range muzzleloaders and Radios and cell phones . Little by little they take away privileges until your completely dependent on the State for answers of whats right and wrong. AZFGD states In many situations, Fair Chase is not something that is enforceable by law. Rather it should be guided by each person’s own ethical compass, which compels them to do the right thing when no one else is watching—even when doing the wrong thing is legal. This is on their own website. This is a Movement by a commission that gags at gnats and swallows camels! Wake up you tone Deaf Hunters. Where do you draw the line? Go read their reasons for banning its not even justifiable. They are grasping for straws. Its crazy and all only opinion based.
  7. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    You dont even make sense. Your a good rambler. Everything you just said is just your opinion! We stated facts! But your an ostrich and have accepted a goverment agencies one size fits all and we know whats best for you even if you disagree by a huge majority. They love folks like you along with the US Humane society and Sierra Club. All in agreement with them. PATHETIC!!!!! More goverment control without a reasonable solution. It could have been done better.
  8. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    Its what you dont see you should be worried about!!!!
  9. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    Yep Gonna make thieves out of once Honest people.
  10. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    So no hunting Coyotes or rabbits or lions or bears or javelina or quail ? No hunting camps helping others or your kids? If so well I guess your not a hunter then only in your mind.
  11. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    What you posted does not disprove anything Ron said. There is only one real hunter on the commission thats Todd Geiler.
  12. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    There were 3 problem units is what we were told. The commisson penalized the whole state for those areas. One Size fits all they said. We do not even have a problem, with not using them during your hunt or your buddies hunt your helping. I believe we could of had a better solution. Im running cameras now its a blast I get alot of data and info into wildview through the lense of a trail camera. Next year we wont be able to run cameras even during non hunting times because any images you have and you share can and will be used against you . Especially if someone you know uses it as an aid to pursue or harvest the animal you have on camera. UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. It has nothing to do with Fair chase( its the excuse). it was a personal agenda picked up by Chairman Davis by promising the Folks over at the Legislature he would deal with the issue through the Commission. The LIE ( Significant Public Health Safety Threat) without any research or any scientific research) never one time has been addressed by AZGFD or the Commissioners they have avoided it from day one! WHY? They changed their narrative to Fair Chase . Interesting fact is Charles Podolak is retiring . He is the one who gave them permission to open rulemaking. Folks to much smoke here for there not to be a fire somewhere. That or your just flat out drinking the commissions kool-aid!
  13. SirRoyal

    Field & Stream Article on Arizona Trail cam ban

    Yes, Todd Geiler is actually the only avid Hunter and a good Hunter!
  14. https://www.fieldandstream.com/hunting/sportsman-group-fights-arizona-trail-camera-ban/
  15. SirRoyal

    G&F commission voted unanimously to ban trail cams

    You are correct the commission has given the public a license to steal! But I guess there will be a lot more prosecutions of theft by the sheriffs dept. How are they gonna prove that a person is targeting a certain bull until that bull is dead and if you didnt kill it then they have to connect the dots to prove whether you were involved with the aid or take of that animal. Its an unenforceable rule based up on THE LIE!