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Everything posted by muskrat

  1. muskrat


    Thanks for the info AG - very much appreciated! Bill - maybe we'll run into each other down there...
  2. muskrat

    Unbelievable Dept. Mess UP!!!

    That's true theoretically. On a practical level, though - you can apply for every species, but the chances of getting drawn for every species are pretty much nil. Anyway, I'm done with this subject. It's divisive, and pointless
  3. muskrat

    Anyone get their tags yet?

    I bought a bear tag today
  4. muskrat

    Unbelievable Dept. Mess UP!!!

    Thank you, DB My views: My Webpage
  5. Here you go, DB www.graywolfwoolens.com
  6. I just ordered a pair from Vortex. I am reading a lot of good stuff about them, on Archery Talk www.vortexoptics.com
  7. muskrat

    Family Strengths

    The issue is either out now, or due to hit the stands any day now. My wife also got a call yesterday - apparently RAK does a segment now and then with Channel 12. They are coming out to film an interview on Monday. That is due to be aired on the Channel 12 5 O'clock News, August 4th....
  8. muskrat


    Did you see what Lance posted on bowsite? Lance - Hope it was OK to post this... Marshall
  9. muskrat


    Thanks for being such a good sport about it
  10. muskrat

    Left over Tags

    3160 looks to be limited opportunity (archery), Sept 22 - Oct 5 Units 15,17,18,19,20
  11. muskrat


    Cool - I'll look for you! I work with Emerson (Electrical Reliability Services, or ETI). Funny - I'm working on a water plant right now - arc flash study..
  12. muskrat

    Who Drew What?

    34A 27 Oct - 1 Nov
  13. If all of Amanda's sponsors are full, I have a Mexico outfitter that still has tags
  14. muskrat

    Yearly Advice

    OK guys - 34A got the nod...
  15. OK, gang.... time for my yearly polling of the masses (not a scientific poll ) to get advice on what to put in for, for deer tags... Not after a trophy.. need good opportunity versus reasonable draw odds Am limited to day trips, so needs to be an hour or two drive from the east valley. Let's hear your suggestions! P.S If your suggestion wins, and I draw that tag.... you get to guide me... FREE
  16. muskrat


    I drew a late October Coues tag for 34A. That's good enough for me....
  17. muskrat

    Bear hunts?

    NP - I'll put in for it today
  18. muskrat

    Bear hunts?

    Sunday? I think so. I'll check when I get home and send you an e-mail to confirm.
  19. muskrat

    has anyone spoke to AZGFD

    Thank you. Just what I've been saying, all along. I don't think anyone would begrudge AZGFD if their sub-contractor screwed things up, but the passage of info has been ludicrous. Now, the draw results will be suspect, regardless of what happens....
  20. muskrat

    Bear hunts?

    If you need a partner, let me know. Greg M and I tried to line one up last year, but it didn't happen...
  21. muskrat

    has anyone spoke to AZGFD

    This has actually reached a point where it is funny....
  22. muskrat


    I'm not very good at it DesertBull is gonna tutor me some more, this year
  23. muskrat


    Funny - my card balance went UP 10 bucks overnight, but there is no transaction shown... weird
  24. muskrat


    Any fresh card hits today?
  25. muskrat

    No CC hits, %$#@

    Desert Bull - I agree. All of the "issues" aside, the passage of information has been abyssmal. All of these conflicting statements just add more confusion to what is an already-messed up situation.