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Everything posted by muskrat

  1. muskrat


    Thanks Stanley! Best of luck to you too!!
  2. muskrat


    OK, folks. Drew my first (rifle) Coues tag.. 27 Oct - 1 Nov Any and all advice or comments appreciated. Not looking for grid coordinates
  3. muskrat


    Based on my time off, etc., looks like I will be hunting on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday (28th, 30th, 31st). I'll be commuting from Queen Creek each day. If anyone wants to join me, they are more than welcome. Thanks again to everyone for the advice and tips.
  4. muskrat

    First Archery Elk

    Congratulations. Very cool.
  5. Scotty - I knew a bunch of the BP guys in the Houlton, Maine sector. Of course that was 9 years ago. Most of those guys loved it up there... Good luck with your choices
  6. muskrat


    Got it, Scott. Thanks!
  7. muskrat


    Still working out vacation days - I'll be commuting each day. If anyone wants to tag along for a day, let me know!
  8. muskrat

    WTT 7mm for .22-250

    I hadn't really thought of that. I guess around 425 or so, but I'd have to do some research and make sure I asked a reasonable price. (for me AND the buyer!) I'm not much of a gun dealer, I'm afraid
  9. muskrat

    Gnats, Gnats, Gnats

    From Merriam Webster, for .25-06 Main Entry: voi·là Variant(s): or voi·la /vwä-'lä/ Function: interjection Etymology: French, literally, see there -- used to call attention, to express satisfaction or approval, or to suggest an appearance as if by magic
  10. muskrat

    Gnats, Gnats, Gnats

    I don't know about gnats, but a Bounce sheet tucked in your belt or under your hat will keep mosquitoes and blackflies away. Thought they were nuts when I first heard this back in Maine/NB. Tried it, and - VOILA
  11. muskrat


    I have a pair of 8x42 Sidewinders and like them very much...
  12. muskrat

    Almost, but no cigar!

    Cool, DB! Good luck
  13. muskrat


    Stanley - I guess that's what I meant. You're right - in most cases there is a cattle guard, with a gate next to it. I have seen though, gates over cattle guards - those are the ones that made me scratch my head
  14. muskrat


    When moving cattle through a gate, how do the ranchers get the cows over the cattle guard? Do they lay something down over it? (Assuming of course, there is a cattle guard under the gate - I have seen them side by side, and combined)
  15. muskrat

    Bows For Sale

    Interested in No.2 PM sent More D - do you think your cousin could use #3? My daughter is only 8, so I wanted to get the one with a little less poundage. Marshall
  16. muskrat

    azgfd survey

    Enjoy the conference Tony. Maybe someday I'll get to one
  17. muskrat

    Bear hunting pics

    Nice pics... Same area, DB?
  18. I'll try and get some prizes. No guarantees. I did send you a PM, RR, to register. I'm gonna give er her a whirl...
  19. muskrat

    Who's ready for bear?

    I posted some scenery pics over here Bear Hunt Desert Bull is always a pleasure to hunt with, and yesterday was no exception. No exaggeration on the bear sign.. big piles of poop every 20' on the trails
  20. muskrat

    Camo COlors???

    I'm biased, becasue I do some writing work for Ghost Camo. I have been wearing Prairie Ghost, but am going to try River Ghost this year for the desert. Lots of browns and tans.
  21. muskrat

    SUNSETS pics...

    Here's a sunRISE.. Unit 23, this morning..
  22. muskrat

    Vortex Binos??

    Waterbuck - I am the Vortex Pro Staff guy, for Arizona. I live in Johnson Ranch, maybe we could hook up, and you could see mine, and have a look through them (8x42 Sidewinders). They have a great warranty - make sure you review it online. www.vortexoptics.com I became interested in them after reading about them on Archery Talk. In reading dozens, if not 100's of posts, I didn't ever see a negative post. Marshall I am considering selling them through my site, also.
  23. muskrat

    1 rifle, 2 shotguns FS--ALL SOLD

    Wow - dave - those look like good prices! Good luck!
  24. It's a sun spider, also called a wind scorpion. It's really neither, but it is an arthropod. Yes, also called child of the earth http://www.bugyman.com/slwndsc3.htm
  25. muskrat

    Who's ready for bear?

    Desert Bull and I heading out Friday....