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Everything posted by muskrat

  1. muskrat

    Why is there Wilderness Laws?

    I have noticed lots of spots, where the "no vehicle" thing is ignored. One great example is along Ironwood. North of the "real" dirt bike track is some land, I believe State Trust Land, that is festooned with "No Offroad vehicle" signs. There are tons of quads and stuff in there - they even set up tailgate picnics, campers, sun shade things, etc....
  2. There's a series of pics on the Outdoor Life site that show a doe getting eaten (alive) by a wolf. I know it's what nature does, but seeing her hanging around with her hams gone was disturbing.
  3. muskrat

    Family Strengths

    My wife and daughter were profiled in the August issue of Raising Arizona Kids. The article is finally available online, although without photos... http://www.raisingarizonakids.com/index.ph...w&ar_id=191
  4. muskrat

    First pig for son of bowsniper

    That is SOOO cool! This is year number 4 for me, and no pig yet! Congratulations!!
  5. I agree. I think the tag fee for premium hunts should be about $4000. That will REALLY weed out the ones that aren't serious...
  6. I don't believe the problem is so much WHO is down there - it's the ROEs (Rules of Engagement) under which they operate. I suspect those are established by the Feds (DoD?) We all know the political hay that would be made if some "undocumented immigrants" were shot by troops, be they NG, Marines, Army, or whoever, regardless of the circumstances. Remember, you're asking the same political entities that don't have the will to even enforce the exisiting laws - to authorize deadly force.
  7. muskrat

    Vortex Optics

    Thanks for that, Doug
  8. muskrat

    Vortex Optics

    Folks - I'm the Vortex Field Staff guy for Arizona. I don't get any compensation for selling their binos, but I thought the Classifieds section might be the best place to post. Here is their new 2007 catalog http://www.vortexoptics.com/files/cat_vt2007hunting.pdf For the best side by side comparison, Ross Outdoors carries several lines of optics, including Vortex.
  9. muskrat

    Vortex Optics

    jamaro - I got involved with them becasue of all the chat, especially on Archery Talk, I never heard a bad word. I'm not going to say they're AS good as Swaros, but for the money, I think it's better value (granted, coming from someone who can't afford Swaros lol). I just encourage people to get their hands and eyes on a pair, and decide for themselves. az4life - If you look at the catalog (being a .pdf it takes awhile to load) pricing starts around page 32. I think you'll find that generally they are less than the brands you mentioned.
  10. From the MacFarlanes http://www.asilentnightmovie.com/
  11. muskrat

    Treestandman - Accident!

    Get well soon, treestandman
  12. muskrat

    Last Day Coues

    I hope the hunters/huntresses don't mind, but I've linked all of this year's "Lady Hunter" stories together in one thread, over on my blog. http://arizonahuntingtoday.com/desertrat/?p=108 Great job on the deer!
  13. muskrat

    Got a tag, but no license

    I went through this one other year.. doesn't the license come separately, and a little later? *Duh** I'm actually going through it now, as well. I received only a tag, and no license. I assumed it was coming separately. MM
  14. muskrat

    WTT 7mm for .22-250

    still have it....
  15. muskrat

    WTT 7mm for .22-250

    But not until November, probably. My wife got me a new rifle (.30-06) for my birthday, so that will become my elk/deer rifle - replacing my Ruger M77 7mm Magnum. Very good condition, has a Nikon scope. Since its all sighted in and I'm comfy with it, I'll use it for my deer hunt (Oct 27 - Nov1) and trade after that. Would like to trade for equivalent - we can trade with scopes or scopeless. I'm looking for a .22-250 but will consider a .223 or .220 Swift. I'm gonna take up predator hunting, I think... The Ruger is blued barrel/wood stock. Let's talk :-)
  16. Jim - Great looking book! I printed out the order form and asked my wife to get it for me for Christmas...
  17. muskrat

    Over on AZOD

    Did you guys (and gals) see this??? http://www.azodchat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12950
  18. muskrat

    1 in a million

    Cool, Desert Bull.... Next time you're back at the bear spot, I lost my scope covers in that pucker brush that we busted through, on the way up to the glassing spot.
  19. muskrat

    36C AGAIN!!!

    Wow Ernesto! Those are some niiiiicce pigs!! Congratulations to all of you
  20. muskrat

    Spring Draw

    Same here
  21. muskrat

    Spring Draw

    Archery javelina for me too 34A/37A/38M
  22. This morning, west bound 202 (San Tan) big blue ford, license plate W8N4RUT Hi
  23. muskrat

    A day in 34A

    Well, I finally got out, for a day at least. It's looking like it might have been a one-day hunt; my vacation didn't fall into place the way I had intended... Anyway, a LOT of people from CWT, Arizona Hunting Today, and AZSJ gave me some good places to go. My friend (couestaxi) told me of a spot which happened to be closest, so I thought I'd give 'er a go... Wanted to take my daughter out to get some father/daughter time. I intended to be out the door by 4:00 AM, but it was 4:45 by the time the rubber hit the road... oh well. Got turned around in Tucson for a few minutes, and finally, arrived at Ye Olde Hunting Grounds... Talked to a guy hunting birds near a tank - he said he had kicked up a couple of does earlier - unfortunately, they went in an unsafe direction (houses). We picked a distant hill, and off we went, tromping through the trees and prickly pear. 34A is nice - some of you may recognize where we were: So, I was glassing, and my daughter was, well - doing what most 8 year olds would do - chattering, messing around, eating all her food and drinking all her water.... she did actually "glass" with the binos some.. Around 12:30 she asked me to dig some cactus needles out of her knee. I spent a few minutes messing with that, and telling her to not yelp so loud... stood up, and there is a big doe walking by, about 50 yards away. I'm whispering "look, look".. and finally she saw it. So, finally she had some incentive to try and quiet down, and to quit chattering. About 10 minutes later, another doe walks by.. same route pretty much, and again - about 50 yards away. This time I managed to get my camera out Here she is looking toward us (follow the ocotillo in the center of the pic - the doe is about halfway up, just to the right): and walking by: Anyway, we hung around until 2:30 or 3:00 waiting for the bucks, but none showed. Mom had been having some problems, so we needed to end the day early and get back home. Nevertheless, it was a good day! Question - the first doe was real big and more brown than gray - the second was definitely "looked like" a Coues, and was much smaller. Do mulie does and Coues does ever travel around together?
  24. muskrat

    A day in 34A

    Greg - that's cool that your daughter got her elk!! Amanda - I suppose it could have been. I was basing my guess on the fact that the first gal was big - like I would expect of an eastern whitetail - probably 130-140 lbs, and more brownish. The second one was more gray, and what I would expect of a Coues - 80-90 lbs. Just guesstimating of course, but they were pretty close (40-50 yards) and walking....
  25. muskrat

    WTT 7mm for .22-250

    Decided to buy a new predator rifle, so.. I will do a straight sale. I did manage to put a quarter sized scratch on the stock (butt) yesterday. I'd like to have $450 cash which will include the sling, scope & mounts, and a couple of half boxes of ammo. FTF, local meet only. scratch - near the top of the stock, in line with the swivel