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Everything posted by hunter1026

  1. hunter1026

    encore por hunter

    my girlfriend just bought me a encore pro hunter reciever now i need to get a barrel im thinking i want a 22-250. Anyone know where a good spot to buy one is?
  2. hunter1026

    first time posting pics hope it works

    its a oppossom i didnt know we had them here till i got a pic of one and talked to a guy who studied them he said we have a few that have moved up here
  3. hunter1026

    bucks 24a

    nice pics!!!!!
  4. i just checked my trail camera that had been out for 3 days and had 4 bears and 198 pics of does and a few spikes come dec. will more buck move in?
  5. hunter1026

    Bizzare Antelope horns

    wouldnt a 3 year old antelope horn be more beat up and weathered?
  6. hunter1026

    2009 Archery Pronghorn

    how far was the shot?