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About hunter1026

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/26/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Corona de Tucson

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  1. hunter1026


    Do you still have a puppy left ?
  2. hunter1026

    Colorado Unit info

    I just moved there. It's very pretty we live in unit 37 elk and deer are everywhere
  3. hunter1026

    Favorite Find

  4. hunter1026

    Special Gould's draw

    I got this email last friday
  5. hunter1026

    Spring results

    Just got off the phone with them and who ever didn't get put into the draw gets put on a spread sheet that they are going to give to the commissioner. I also drew my second choice even thought first choice had left over tags
  6. hunter1026

    Bergers FAILED me horribly

    78% of the time they work every time!
  7. hunter1026

    6A muzzleloader

    Got this bull on the muzzy hunt this year in 6a
  8. hunter1026

    Where's the elk in 2b?

    I'll be heading up there Thursday to help my dad on that cow hunt
  9. hunter1026

    Freeze dried horns?

    Ya ill never do the fake I think it looks horrible
  10. hunter1026

    Freeze dried horns?

    Her first solo spot and stalk made a 40 yard shot
  11. My wife killed a Nice buck yesterday and we are getting him mounted, where can I get the horns freeze dried? I'm located in tucson.
  12. hunter1026

    Vortex razor 48x or 60x

    OK thanks
  13. hunter1026

    Vortex razor 48x or 60x

    I'm going to buy a vortex razor hd spotting scope and I'm torn between the 16-48x and the 20-60x I'm not worried about the extra weight. Alos how much diffrence is there between the razor and rhe viper? What are your guys thoughts on them thanks
  14. Mine was only 5 but scored 19 15/16
  15. hunter1026

    Credit hit

    I just got hit too