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Everything posted by briant_az

  1. briant_az

    2022 Deer Regulations?

    After all these years, you'd think I would know this already!
  2. briant_az

    2022 Deer Regulations?

    Should be out any day now. The deadline will probably be June 7th or 14th.
  3. briant_az

    Taxidermist: Friend or Foe?

    I have first hand experience that tanneries do get behind and lead times are not always as stated. I am not sticking up for the above taxidermist in any way but through all of this covid BS, things are not the same in any industry. I will also say there is a big difference in the quality of the tanning from pre-covid to now. I see a lot more holes in capes now than the year prior to covid. I only have one year of experience with this before, but I assume that is due to having to hire new employees and the learning curve involved. McKenzie and others are back ordered on a lot of forms. I ordered a bear form over a month and a half ago and still haven't received it. I received 10 other forms that were ordered but not that one. 2 years ago it would have been to our house in a week. Again things are not the same anymore. Taxidermist's tend to take on more work than they can handle. Its hard to say no to money. I'm sure most of us can agree on that. I am going through the same deal myself right now. My wife and I have been trying to start a taxidermy business for the last 4 years. I've done euro mounts for probably 6-7 years now. I work a full time job M-F, and most of the time work more hours than I care to. Luckily my wife is a rockstar and is the one that has done all of the shoulder mounts that have come in (all friends or co-workers that know we are still learning). In the little time that we have been doing this, we have seen how hard it can be. Posts like this make me realize that I could quit my job and probably be able to make it work, but that's a tough thing to do. Like I stated earlier, I like money and having a steady income is important to me. Customers are also important to me. Sorry for the rant. I can tell you this, if you called me to inquire about your mount, I would be honest with you and tell you what's going on with it. I feel honesty is the best policy, even if that makes you upset.
  4. briant_az

    WTB 25-06 brass

    Where are you located? I have a bunch of once fired that I would be willing to sell to you. I sold my 25-06 almost 10 years ago and still have a bunch of brass from it.
  5. Greg at Primal Rights is doing a live stream on Youtube right now and giving a bunch of stuff away. He is trying to get to 10k subscribers. Give it a watch if you have some time. https://www.youtube.com/primalrights
  6. briant_az

    Lapua 6.5 prc brass

    140gr EOL's, 205 EOL's and 245gr EOL's too. The 245gr lasted about 2 seconds. I was able to get a buddy 4 boxes though. He should be happy!
  7. briant_az

    Lapua 6.5 prc brass

    @zslayer Just sent you a PM
  8. briant_az


    Who did the tanning?
  9. briant_az


  10. briant_az

    Lapua 6.5 prc brass

    @07Guardian Just sent you a PM
  11. briant_az


  12. briant_az


    6.5 PRC brass in stock at Midsouth Shooters Supply
  13. briant_az


    dang that didn’t last long at all.
  14. briant_az

    Different brass question

    I'm talking headspace comparator, not bullet. Sorry should've been more clear on that.
  15. briant_az

    Different brass question

    In new brass I usually run a mandrel through the case mouth or use the expander in a die, to make sure they are not “out of round”. Then I load them and fire. This will fire form to your chamber (kind of). Then ask Lance what to do next. @lancetkenyon 😂 In the past I would then full length size with the die touching the shell plate and that was it. I learned with my ultra mag that this works but after a couple firings on the brass, it can be difficult to chamber. I wasn’t bumping the shoulder back like I thought I was. Get a headspace comparator set. I’ve found it very useful and have eliminated this issue by measuring after firing and then bumping the shoulder back .002.
  16. briant_az

    Different brass question

    To each his own I guess. I much rather put in the extra work and get a lot more firings out of my brass.
  17. briant_az

    ISO 300 PRC Brass or Ammo

    Mile high has lapua brass in stock
  18. briant_az

    Lapua 6.5 prc brass Natchez

    Hahahaha I was just going to post this. I finally got 200 of them about a week ago. It will probably show up everywhere now.
  19. briant_az

    New Member

    What a crazy situation. Can we now refer to Kenny as Natureboy? All in favor? Or is there anyone on this site anymore that even knows what I am refering to?
  20. briant_az

    Franchi o/u 20 gauge ( renaissance classic )

    I believe he was talking about the op. Not hoghunter
  21. briant_az

    New Member

    It's all part of the new cancel culture.
  22. briant_az

    New Member

    It's been pretty weird around here lately, that's for sure!
  23. briant_az

    New Member

    Seems the world is out to get you lately! Not sure why that is though.
  24. briant_az

    Stereo receivers

    I have these 2 receivers and a bunch of speakers hanging around collecting dust. Anyone want to buy all of it for $100? None of it is Bluetooth, all old school wired speakers. Both subs are powered. Located in Chandler. McQueen and Chandler Heights.