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Everything posted by briant_az

  1. briant_az

    Non-Typical Archery Buck

    That is one BAD buck!!!!! He looks like he has a little red stag in him from those antlers! HAHAHA
  2. briant_az

    Wide San Carlos buck

    That is a nice looking buck for sure!!! The palmation on that right side is awesome!
  3. briant_az

    Wtb Hoyt bow

    Looking to see if anyone had a Hoyt maxis or crx that they wanted to sell. Let me know Thanks Brian
  4. briant_az

    Shame on you

    This is only allowed on the reservation!
  5. briant_az


    I have not hunted a lot in 37b this year and the days that I have been in there I have only seen 1 buck. He was a nice 3x4 and I would have shot him if he would have stopped long enough for me to catch up to him(at least I wish I could have)! He was all by himself but he was on the trail of something because his neck was huge and his mouth was wide open the whole time I watched him. He walked right by a doe bedded and she was obviously not what he was looking for.
  6. briant_az

    Pest control companies

    I am the owner of Squish'em pest control. Pm me with any questions that you may have and I would be more than happy to answer them! Brian
  7. briant_az

    Is the rut here?

    I am going to be down in 33 until Wednesday. If you see me out there say hi. I will either be in a grey silverado that has my companies lic # on the back windows or a white 2500 silverado with a camper on it. I'm Brian btw. Do you have a javelina tag or are you just hunting deer?
  8. briant_az

    i knew this would make you guys proud!

    I couldn't agree more!
  9. briant_az

    Need some Advice

    YOU need to be happy with the buck that you take. The first buck I ever shot was a small 2point Muley but to me it was a 200" buck. Do what will make you happy.
  10. briant_az

    Closest stalk yet

    I chased a nice buck today too and he would not stop walking! He was all by himself and I spotted him walking and I started after him but he just kept on going. It is amazing how much ground these animals can cover! A fat old man like me just can't keep up.
  11. briant_az

    Which Quiver for my Bear Truth II?

    +1 on the tightspot quiver! I put one on my bow and absolutely love it! Check them out!
  12. briant_az

    Find the deer pic

    HAHA I see the quail hunter! Did you by chance get his license plate number? Maybe a picture of his truck? LOL Just kidding I stared at the top picture for a while but I haven't seen anything move yet. I can't seem to find the deer.
  13. briant_az

    23 Year Drought Over!

    Man all these pictures of muleys is really making me want to shoot one!
  14. briant_az

    First deer!

    Awesome buck! I really wish I could get a deer with my bow!!
  15. briant_az

    Two big desert MD bucks....

    Those are two dandy bucks!! Makes me want to shoot a mule deer this year!
  16. briant_az

    Intentionally rude or just ignorant?

    I think after reading this post I am going to write down the license plate and make/model of all the trucks/cars of any quail hunters (and duck hunters I guess) that I see this year during my archery deer/javelina hunt! All kidding aside if I were driving down that road and saw the three of you, I would have assumed that you were quail hunting. I have never hunted ducks in AZ and have maybe met 5-10 people that actually do it (I am a native so I have met a couple people in 30 years). That being said I have no idea when duck season is or even knew that people visit water holes in the middle of the desert to do it. I think that you are taking this a little too seriously. You have to realize that most people, myself included, see someone walking in the desert with a shotgun will automatically assume that person is hunting quail. Anyway I don't think either him or you did anything wrong but this is just my opinion. I personally think that during the archery hunts no one should be in the desert with any kind of gun, but obviously you feel differently. Luckily we all live in America and we are free to have and voice our own thoughts and opinions. Happy hunting! Brian
  17. briant_az

    My late November buck

    I have to agree that's a very unique buck and I would be real happy to have that hanging on my wall.
  18. briant_az

    Find the coues buck!

    That was easier than finding them when actually hunting for me! I thought I would never find it because I was looking at the picture on my phone but he stuck out like a soar thumb. I wish they were always that easy for me to find.
  19. briant_az

    They r up

    Same old tag for me 33/37b archery. Other than shooting at a nice coues buck nothing is more fun than chasing stink pigs with a bow!
  20. briant_az

    Draw reaults

    Same old tag for me 33/37b archery. Other than shooting at a nice coues buck nothing is more fun than chasing stink pigs with a bow!
  21. briant_az

    Colorado Was Good To Me!, 5x6 191" Mule Deer

    That bucks a stud!
  22. briant_az

    Oct 2011 Hunt - My First Writeup

    Sounds like you guys had a good time! Don't get discouraged if you haven't shot a buck in 3 years, it took me 4 i think before I got my first deer and I have shot one the last 3 years in a row. The buck i shot this year was the biggest and I am going to have a hard time finding a bigger one! Good luck next year!
  23. briant_az

    3 for 3

    Was he in his bed when you shot him cause it looks like he is taking a nap on a pillow! haha Great buck for sure!
  24. briant_az

    Great Hunt , 1st coues

    good job on that buck!