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Everything posted by Dodgerboy999

  1. Dodgerboy999

    Rumble in the Rocks Raffle!

  2. Dodgerboy999

    Fast Eddie XL triple stack $250

    5202702196 text me if sight is still available
  3. Dodgerboy999

    Bear Apprentice III

    Message sent
  4. Dodgerboy999

    ***SOLD***Bowtech/Diamond Prism Bow LH

    Message sent
  5. Dodgerboy999

    Metal coating euro skulls (Bronze, copper, etc.)

    Where you located
  6. Dodgerboy999


    Shoot me a text today if they are still available 5202702196
  7. Dodgerboy999

    Looking to replace my home A/C unit

    Sent you a private message
  8. 5202702196 text me today I will take it
  9. Dodgerboy999

    2024 Coues Deer!

    Hey guys, January was really good this year. I was able to see a lot of animals and was able to go on plenty of stalks. with that being said, I also got my butt kicked plenty of times. With January winding down. I found myself on the 27th looking at this deer in his bed in a really good area to approach him not being a fan of hunting in August in September I decided that I would be super happy with this buck if I was lucky enough to close the distance and get an arrow in him. With the conditions that day being super windy, it helped a lot with my stalk and I was able to get into a comfortable distance and get a shot on this buck when he got out of his bed. It all worked out and I was very happy with this buck and the stalk that I put on him.
  10. This amazing local company partnered with our youth archery league/team to help the kids raise money for future events and equipment. The kids are selling coffee and get a kick back for every bag sold. The company is law enforcement owned and great people and the coffees is pretty good! Iam gonna provide a direct link if anyone is interested in helping plus they will ship it to as well. Battleborn Coffee Roasters is the company name. pretty cool they made the kids their own custom coffee stickers for the bags! https://www.battleborn.coffee/products/hug-archery-fundraiser-guatemalan-single-origin-direct-trade-coffee?sca_ref=4827939.dWZQYCVijY&sca_sourceb=Stewart
  11. Dodgerboy999

    Youth Archery Fundraiser/ Coffee Sale

    Absolutely will take donations of bows for some of the kids that can’t afford them. That’s what’s so great about this coffee sale is the kids get a chance to buy equipment with the money raised
  12. Dodgerboy999

    Youth Archery Fundraiser/ Coffee Sale

    Hey Casey thanks for supporting battleborn and the kids I got your order today I will call you tomorrow to meet you and give it to you!
  13. Dodgerboy999

    Youth Archery Fundraising/Coffee Sale!

    5202702196 if you have any questions, you can call me
  14. This amazing local company partnered with our youth archery league/team to help the kids raise money for future events and equipment. The kids are selling coffee and get a kick back for every bag sold. The company is law enforcement owned and great people and the coffees is pretty good! Iam gonna provide a direct link if anyone is interested in helping plus they will ship it to as well. Battleborn Coffee Roasters is the company name.  pretty cool they made the kids their own custom coffeestickers for the bags! https://www.battleborn.coffee/products/hug-archery-fundraiser-guatemalan-single-origin-direct-trade-coffee?sca_ref=4827939.dWZQYCVijY&sca_sourceb=Stewart
  15. Dodgerboy999

    Youth Archery Fundraiser/ Coffee Sale

    5202702196 give me a call if you have any ?
  16. Dodgerboy999

    Starter Bows Youth/Adult.

    Hey guys I run an introductory archery team/league down here in Tucson and we start the kids and adults out with bear archery products because they decent quality for the money. Some of the kids /Adults have since upgraded their setups and we have a handful of great ready to shoot setups for target and hunting. Send me a private message if your interested for a kid or friend wanting to get into archery/hunting. bows we have are bear paradox bear g2 cruiser bear species all bows are rt handed and a mix of 50/60 or 60/70 g2 cruise are adjustable all poundage and drawls the. Iam not an archery shop
  17. Dodgerboy999

    Starter Bows Youth/Adult.

    5202702196 text me
  18. Dodgerboy999


    Shoot me a text 5202702196 see if I can take that bow off your hands
  19. Dodgerboy999

    Remington 870 Express Magnum 20 Ga.

    Sent you message with phone number I can take it off your hands this morning
  20. Dodgerboy999

    Pine Valley, Utah… Unit 30?????

    Thanks for the response and yes I will keep all updated!
  21. Hey guys my 12 year old son drew a unit 30 early archery mule deer tag and I was wondering if anyone had any general info or starting points for the hunt cause were not gonna be able to prescout. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Dodgerboy999

    Wtb binos in the 400-600 range

    I have a pair of maven 12x56 I would let go in your price range call me or text me 5202702196
  23. Dodgerboy999

    Wtb 12x50 binoculars

    I have a set of maven b4 12x56 I will let go for 750.00 text me or call me if you want more info 5202702196
  24. Wow! God is great! I am still in shock! I found this buck 4 days ago. The very brief encounter sparked my interest and I could not get him out of my head. I knew he was a good one and continued to look for him for next 4 days. Finally, I found him again, put a stalk on him, and got very luck considering the country was so thick. He was actually with 2 other bucks. I almost shot the wrong buck because the other one was a 105ish! I thought it was him at first. Don’t get me wrong, I would have been tickled with the 105, but then he stepped out from an oak and I realized I was on the wrong buck. It all happened so fast. I set my sight to 65 yards and made a great shot and he expired within 100 yards. I still can’t believe buckfever didn’t bite me, but I was very calm until I walked up on him! I didn’t realize how big he really was. He ended going 121 gross and 117 net.