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Everything posted by buglethemin

  1. buglethemin

    Unit 27 Bull- a quick picture tale

    Sorry not killed today but was harvested by early rifle hunter. Great job on your hunt and great bull
  2. buglethemin

    Unit 27 Bull- a quick picture tale

    Your pic of huge bull laying in tank just before you kill pic that bull scored 428 and was killed today by early rifle hunter.
  3. buglethemin

    Elk Pics??

    Elk bugling good today. Just couldn't get my buddy on them. Rutting hard in 3c. Talking till 0730 and started again at 4pm till dark.
  4. buglethemin

    Under Armour pisses off hunting community

    Here is how I see it. Every day we are under attack by the anti hunting groups out there whether it's a hunter or sponsored hunter posing next to an African kill like a hippo/elephant/lion and the back lash is ruthless from the anti hunters and the non educated community. We all know that on those hunts the hunters are conservationist and the money supports the local tribes, herd Blah blah blah. However on this one, The bear kill with a spear I believe went too far. Not that it's illegal or against the regulations but to me it appeared they did this only to up their ratings, film something new. The reason I say that is why would you put a go pro on your spear to film this kill without thinking about the outlash and negative feed back we as hunters already receive from even quick humane kills like using a rifle or bow. We need to be smarter then that and not let ratings or fame or how many likes or hits we get onYouTube be the driving force to do things like this. The video looked bad and the attitude of the hunter showed it all. To get a kill anyway he could on film using a spear. What's next? Throwing knives at the bear. Anyhow my opinion. We are better then that as a hunting community. Oh as far as under armor. I love it and it's all I buy boots socks shoes underwear pants shirts jackets hats. Yes I'm a UA model and will continue to buy it. 😊
  5. buglethemin


    I know what you mean. I tried every other round through my tika 270wsm and nothing compares to the accuracy of the 150 gr ballistic silver tip. Good prices on the ammo your selling.
  6. buglethemin

    Vortex 20x60HD or Swavros 15x56????????

    Swaros for sure I will never get rid of them. A little story a friend and I were glassing during a junior hunt and he had the vortex hds. It was a cloudy mid morning and I glasses up two bucks about 1 mile away. I could make out antlers asn he could not. I ask him if he was sure he couldn't see the antlers and he said no. At this point I asked to look through his and yep you couldn't make out or see the antlers through his vortex. Go with Swaros.
  7. buglethemin

    Tenkara fly fishing Colorado

    Got a chance to try this new Tenkara style fly fishing. I was great and compact to carry down the mountain streams and rivers. I was fishing the pine river north east of Durango and here are a few pics. The only thing about Tenkara was the reach of the line. I couldn't get out as far as I'd like in some of the bigger parts of the river. Otherwise it was simple and fun to do.
  8. buglethemin

    Tenkara fly fishing Colorado

    Sorry for the sideways photos ???
  9. buglethemin

    Alone II

    Oh they pick those people on purpose. They want quitters or ones they know will tap out the first day. So they can make the show look like its so hard and tough to be alone camping in the woods . Shoot id be hunting and fishing every day.
  10. buglethemin

    antelope bonus points

    Man I've have applied for archery in the past and nothing rifle and nothing. Now I'm sitting on 22 points. I would love to hunt antelope just once here in AZ. I wish they would make it a lifetime tag for rifle only. Might as well it's taking that long. Then after you draw a rifle tag. The only options you have left would be archery.
  11. buglethemin

    Water damaged i-phone (need help)

    They are all over. I did a Google search and there are companies that will meet you and do it Mobil. I used some shop near metro center mall. I think it was called CPR cell repair
  12. buglethemin

    Water damaged i-phone (need help)

    I did the same to mine. Took it to a phone repair shop and for 45 dollars they for it working again. It lasted for about 4 months after the repair but it gave me enough time for an upgrade
  13. buglethemin

    Co. Mule deer?

    No archery is a draw and usually is harder to draw then rifle. Maybe 2-3 bonus points depending on unit. Non resident deer tags whatever weapon is about 389. However there are lots of areas for otc bull and cow elk hunts archery during the rut and rifle seasons That will cost you 639.
  14. buglethemin

    Co. Mule deer?

    Yes there is. Archery then muzzy then second rifle then 3rd rifle and then fourth rifle. Second rifle easiest to draw usually has a 70% non res draw success rate. Usually one point to 0 points for second rifle
  15. buglethemin

    Co. Mule deer?

    Yep. Did it in 2014 but it's a draw. I put in for bonus point last year and will use that point this year to hopefully draw. Here is 2014 success
  16. buglethemin

    Dunk contest

    Gordon by hands down should of won
  17. buglethemin

    Hopi Hunts

    Azgfd set aside a number of permits for elk and antelope for Hopi tribal members only. Those tags are good for the entire unit not just the Hopi lands. By doing this the agreement was that the non tribal members would still be allowed access to hunt Hopi land by a sign in and sign out process if they wanted to hunt those lands in that particular unit. Once the draw is finished and if they didn't get enough tribal members to apply for the tags then the tags go up for grabs to all of us during the left over process. Hope this clear it up
  18. buglethemin

    Spot the deer

    Ok find this one.
  19. buglethemin

    2013 Polaris ranger 900xp

  20. buglethemin

    2013 Polaris ranger 900xp

    Going a different route for a hunting rig. Selling my 2013 Polaris Ranger XP 900 limited edition w electric power steering. Full front windshield roof and back glass. Rigid LED light bar up front Street legal. Registration good till 12/16 and OHV tags good till 8/16. Hauled out a few elk, mule deer and coues deer. Excellent condition and garaged kept. Just a few scratches from the hunts. 1200 miles and 159 hours. Price $11,500. Pm or text if you have any questions 602-769-9408
  21. buglethemin

    Muzzleloader Desert Mule Deer

    I want to thank all my friends that helped on this hunt. It was a great hunt minus the rut. None what so ever in 4 of the 5 units I hunted. After 10 hard days of pounding the hills behind the glass and glassing up several solitude mule deer bucks and bachelor groups of bucks. I couldn't pass this guy up. He was running with 6 other bucks and was the biggest of the group. I was presented with a 256 yard shot and the 250grain TC shockwave from my CVA LR did its job. I still had ten days of hunting left and was really wanting to hunt these bucks in the rut but After passing several bucks most guys would shoot in the blink of an eye I told myself I better go after this guy. I passed up several bucks and great ones too on this hunt. A big thanks to Geno,Manny,John,Mike and Rod for taking time off and helping me glass the desert floors. Enjoy the pics.
  22. I have a co worker interested in the swaro said I'll send you a pm so you can reply with your cousins number. Thanks
  23. buglethemin

    2013 Polaris ranger 900xp

  24. buglethemin

    Muzzleloader Desert Mule Deer

    Score wise I don't know what do you guys think 160? I need to put some tape on him. Maybe 170ish?
  25. buglethemin

    Muzzleloader Desert Mule Deer

    No solo most of the time DIY December muzzleloader tag. My buddies came out on weekends or took a vacation day to help glass.