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Everything posted by ltd2004

  1. ltd2004

    trail cam pic

    Picked up my camera this morning and couldnt believe the buck that was on there. These cameras are awesome!! Im more suprised everytime I pick it up and see all the different animals. This pic is from three nights ago, along with 3 other bucks, pigs, yotes, and tons of quail. Hopefully rifle hunters wont find him and hope he stays in the area for dec/jan.
  2. ltd2004

    trail cam pic

    Amazing what you can do with a computer. This is what that buck really looked like before photoshopped!!
  3. ltd2004

    trail cam pic

    Yeah, not sure why the date was off???? Probably cause I bought the camera at fall-apart(walmart)
  4. ltd2004

    trail cam pic

    Here are two more pics of this deer, all about 15 seconds apart. Just wondering if anyone could say how wide he is and what he would he score??
  5. First I would like to thank you for having such an awesome website. One of my favorite websites, visit probably 5x a week and the pics and all the info are top notch. Anyways got off work saturday morning fired up to do some hiking and glassing in 21 and help three family members hopefully harvest some whitetail. Got into camp around noon and to my amazement they all filled their tags within the first 2 hrs of sunlight on opening day. [a ttachment=10545:GetAttachment_7_.jpg]
  6. Just recently started messin around with trail cameras and found a new hobby. So exiting to see whats on the camera. Anyways here is some pics from a drinker. All pics were takin over about a 10 night period and we got about 10 different bucks a couple of does and yotes and a ton of quail. First buck in the photo we found dead a couple of days after the pic(lion). (all muleys, not sure why everyone calls them carp on this site, equally as majestic and delicious as their coues counterpart)