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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    Desert Bighorn Tag

    Congratulations sir! This is a little late payback for all that you have done for wildlife over the years! Right on! Really happy for you! Nick
  2. Heat


    If you draw a Kaibab tag you can buy a buff tag. Call your regional office. Pretty sure you have to kill a cow or yearling but that may have changed. I believe it does count toward your lifetime bag limit as well. Good luck!
  3. Heat

    6A/22N Rocky here I come

    Congratulations! I put in for that hunt too. Now I can pick your brain when you are done! Ha, ha! Best of luck! I'm really pulling for you knowing that you are doing it with your bow! Nick
  4. Heat

    interesting ear mark????

    Here's my 2010 Pronghorn with some of Jim's "ear magic". I thought it was pretty cool that he was able to make the ear as real as possible. Thanks again Jim! Nick
  5. Heat

    Sheep Draw Odds

    I just want to reinforce what some guys have touched on. Like the other lottery says, you can't win if you don't play! Unless you are in the max pool or very close to it, forget about points and apply! Get in the drawing no matter what. I only had 8 points and drew a tag out of a unit that didn't have any tags taken out of the max point round. I had tag #1. My childhood friend got the same tag on a different application the same season and he only had 10 or 11 points. Good Luck to everyone! Nick
  6. Heat

    Unit 12 Late Deer Options

    Hi Ken, Considering you are an accomplished archery hunter, if I was in your shoes, I would consider the early archery hunts in 13B and 13A way before I consider burning points on 12B. They have killed a number of giant bucks during those archery hunts. Nick
  7. Keep wishing and keep applying TJ! If it can happen to me, it can happen to anybody! Good Luck! Nick
  8. Heat

    AZGFD in the news #3

    yes...again... http://www.azcentral.com/community/peoria/articles/20130529officer-lake-pleasant-boating-accident-released-abrk.html What I want to know is, how does a boat just capsize while on "routine patrol"? Sorry someone got hurt, but that's going to cost the sportsmen and the wildlife of AZ quite a bit once all the doctor bills are paid and a new boat is bought! Nick
  9. Heat

    AZGFD in the news #3

    I want to clear a few things up. I have a number of friends with the Department. This was not meant to be an attack on Arizona Game and Fish Department or any of the individuals involved. I am still very curious how this happened. I apologize if any Game and Fish Employees were offended by my post. I also hope and pray that Officer Ruben Gonzalez makes a full and speedy recovery and I apologize to him and his family for not making my sentiments more clear in my first post on this thread.
  10. Heat

    AZGFD in the news #3

    123456, that's a clever handle...did you think of that one yourself or did your teacher help you out with that? Have you ever heard that it's poor grammar to use the same adjective more than once in a paragraph? "Clearly" not. Oh wait, I forgot, you're still working on numbers 7-10...OK count after me Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten. I said I was sorry the officer got hurt, how more direct do I have be! Maybe someone with a better handle on English than 123456 could explain how I was "bashing" Game and Fish by linking a story and asking some questions that other people obviously want the answers to, based on the follow up posts to mine. Lighten up tough guy...It's not cool to call someone you don't know the "low of the low". You don't know me from Adam. I doubt you would call me the "low of the low" to my face. We can work that out if you want. I said I was sorry the officer got hurt. How much more detailed do I have to be that I feel sorry that people got hurt? Or did you just completely ignore that part of the sentence? You came to your own conclusion that I was worried about money "rather" than someone's safety. I honestly don't know how you could come up with that when my words are right there in black and white ( in this case brown).
  11. Heat

    Father/Son Outings

    Am I the only one that finds it ironic that it was a Mountain Dew can left behind? Doesn't that crap have some of the highest caffeine content? Too funny! Don't care what group it was, they should be ashamed of themselves for leaving the forest littered like that, and even more ashamed for doing it in front of youngsters!
  12. Heat

    3 personal bests in one trip!

    NICE! Great report! Thanks for sharing!
  13. Heat

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    I could not disagree more with what Couesmagnet has to say! That is ridiculous!
  14. Heat

    'Simplified' Fees by AZGFD

    We kept the premium tags out tghe last time they got approval. This is what happens when you lwt your guard down enjoy your 114 ek tag while it lasts September archery bull hunters because it5 will be your last! This is rotten to the core!
  15. Heat

    Greer fishing

    Fished the Greer area a few times last summer. Fished Big Lake all day and Greer lakes a few hours and caught 2 trout at Big Lake. Tried Sheep's Crossing to change things up during my antelope hunt and caught my limit in minutes. My take on the fishing up there is it takes considerable more skill and luck to catch them in the lakes, especially at Big Lake, but the quality at Big Lake is much better. If you can drift a nightcrawler downstream at Sheep's Crossing or probably any of the creeks, you will catch fish! Nick
  16. Heat

    Brian Pinney

    Dang...another great Arizona conservationist is gone. I met Brian on the Heritage Fund Public Advisory Committee for Game and Fish. He was always willing to lend a rationale voice. He was also a generous and friendly fellow who would make someone he just met feel like you were his best friend. We lost a good one boys...May Peace be With Him and his loved ones at this most difficult time. Nick
  17. I almost can't believe this, but I know it is true. This needs to be investigated for sure! Shame on anyone involved! This is beyond ridiculous!
  18. Heat

    Old crow medicine show

    That was such a good show! Thanks DB for posting this again! Wish I could of bought ya a whiskey! I was the skinny feller in the 6th row back (Row C) in the straw cowboy hat with the happy feet. I hope none of you was the guy behind me I told to go to heck when he told me to sit down while I was dancing! "By God Boys, they are American!" Ketch "sherriff joe" Secor!
  19. Heat


    Here's mine. He's decent for a first one, and a memory I will never forget!
  20. Heat

    Greer cabin rentals

    Like DUG, my family also rented the Braided Rug Cabin from Molly Butler last spring in April. We really enjoyed it and would recommend it. That deck DUG mentioned is awesome for some back porch sitting, picking, and grinning! Nick
  21. Heat

    whats the best unit to get a big desert ram in?

    You might want to answer a few questions for yourself and you might have your answer. Do you live near a unit that has sheep? Do you know anyone that has killed a ram? I would recommend applying for a unit that you can maximize your time in, meaning you either hunt one that you know well or one that is close by that you can learn. Big rams are all over the state. Some units are better than others. The average size ram harvested in the unit I hunted was 153" and it is not known for great big rams, so you can do a lot better than 125". Access is a huge issue for hunting sheep. Unit 9/10 is a lot easier to draw than a lot of units, but are you prepared to hike down into what is basically a finger of the Grand Canyon to get your ram? Same thing with some of the units North of the Colorado River. Hunts in Unit 46 are in Wilderness and you have to walk or ride stock many miles before you are even in sheep country. There are some units in Region 6 that have been producing gigantic rams but do you really want to compete with everyone else to draw one of those units. Would you prefer a unit that has less sheep and only one tag or two, or a unit with a healthy population but more a chance to bump into other hunters? Tell us more about the experience that you hope to get and we might be able to narrow it down. Another thing to ask yourself is do you want a Nelsoni or a Mexicana? Of the Mexicana do you want a red horned ram or yellow horns? If these things matter to you, there are certain places that you will want to focus on. 2010 Ram Aged 9+ years old 158" Gross 157.5" Net AZGFD
  22. Heat

    The latest on border security

    If Hussain waves his magic wand, I mean cigarette and says "so let it be written so let it be done" poof!! More like magic joint or blunt! His high school and college days were full of cannabis indulgence yet he continues to prosecute people for doing the same things he enjoyed. He a hypocritical megalomaniac!
  23. Heat

    Old crow medicine show

    Just wanted to remind ya'll that tickets went on sale today. Scored Row C Orchestra in the center! Sweetness! Desertbull, hit me up with a PM, I want to buy you a beer at the show for putting this thread on here!
  24. Heat

    Old crow medicine show

    Thanks for posting this my man! Old Crow Medicine Show is some of the best stuff I've heard in a long time! I'm there!