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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    A post just because it doesn't seem right

    I remember when I was a student at the U of A in Tucson all the Slick Willy gun ban stuff was going on. I went in to a smaller mom and pop type place to buy an sks. They had it, I wanted to buy it but they guy wouldn't sell it too me because I was 20 and not 21. I politely explained to the guy that the law was 18 years old for rifles and shotguns. He didn't go for it. I went down the street to Jensen's and bought what I wanted and was on my way. Some people are either way too paranoid or straight up idiots but it sounds like the poster didn't know the policy. Pretty cool for the owner to come on and set the record straight, even though I personally disagree with his policy on 10 days in Arizona and 20% restocking fee. I get delayed on 4/5 purchases and it has never, ever taken more than 3 business days to clear NICS. Nick
  2. Heat

    Big Bull Found dead in Unit 1

    Way to work together guys! We owe it to the resource and the future of our sport to give everything we have to recover an animal that we draw blood on. Sometimes it's not in the cards, but when you put all your resources together things can turn out well like this. Awesome all the way around! Congratulations to all involved. Sounds like there are still some honest and gracious men left in this State! Bravo!
  3. Heat

    My First Elk Hunt and My First Elk Unit 3C

    Great looking bull! Congrats on your success!
  4. Heat

    stratify hunts

    I don't agree with the proposal. I think the hunt should remain 2 full weeks. You never know when the rut will peak and with that longer time frame you are much more likely to catch it during your hunt. I am pretty much opposed to any proposal that would decrease success to increase participation except in extreme cases.
  5. Heat

    WTS: Books!!

    Pretty cool to see the Ghost Towns in Arizona book still floating around. It was written by one of my distant relatives. Nick
  6. Heat

    Lost Bull Found!!!! Can't beat a Bloodhounds nose!!

    This is such a cool story! Dogs really are man's best friend!
  7. Heat


    Nice work Lance! Heck of a buck!
  8. Hey Fulch, saw your buddy out for a morning stroll today!
  9. Heat


    Actually like some other guys mentioned its a Canada Goose. Canadians are those old people that show up in RVs in November and fill up trailer parks, drink Canadian Mist, and watch hockey games.
  10. Ok enough suspense, let's hear the rest! LOL! Great hunt so far, thanks for sharing! Nick
  11. Heat

    Colorado Antelope

    Awesome tune up for your Bighorn hunt! Thanks for sharing! Nick
  12. 1. Shooting field point groups is one thing, broadheads is another. At this point of the game you should be shooting broadheads! 2. 1" circle for each 10 yards of distance is a good gauge. 2" at 20, 4" at 40, 6" at 60, etc. Some guys say you need to hit a chew can at 50 or 60 yards or whatever. There's a lot more guys who say they can do it, than guys who can actually hit the can with every arrow, every time. 3. Be sure you are not getting string contact with your arm or fletching contact with your rest or riser. That can make it very difficult to get a good group. 4. Good Form is a necessity, not a option. 5. Kids kill deer with bow under 40 lbs all the time. No need for 70 lbs. I bet your groups tighten up with a decrease in poundage. Hit one of these guys up that are willing to help. That is cool of them to offer! Good Luck and keep coming back with more questions. You owe it to the elk to get this figured out or you should limit your shots to distances where you KNOW you will kill the elk AND recover it. Nick
  13. Stupid bird, get out of the road!
  14. Heat

    And then there were ....157....

    Sorry man, wasn't disagreeing, just expanding on my point. You guys nailed it for picking a unit. Good job!
  15. Heat

    My mexico buck

    Sweet buck Ernesto!
  16. Heat

    And then there were ....157....

    Flatlander you have a good point, but your assumption for that to happen is very unlikely in my opinion. There are 157 or so applicants with 2 choices available during that round. Don't take much for those guys to eat up the 18-20 tags or whatever are available. I would be willing to bet the farm your example with it sliding down to 21 points did not happen in this situation.
  17. Heat

    And then there were ....157....

    No. You did not draw your tag from the 20% pool. For sheep 20% of the overall sheep tags, not 20% of the tags from the hunt are given to those with max points. If you did not have max points last year, you drew in the 80% random part of the draw. Your 21 points earned you a lower number than the vast majority of everybody else and earned you a sheep tag. Many units will not have tags selected during the 20% set aside for max point holders so it is possible to have tag #1 and have less than max points. I know this because I had tag #1 during my hunt and I only had 8 points. One of my buddies had 11 points and drew the same hunt with a higher tag number.
  18. Heat

    11m archery bull sept27\oct10

    This bull came out of 11m on his way to 6B, where I took this photo. Of course I had a cow tag that year. Thats not a bad place to start.
  19. Heat

    My First Tom (Archery)

    Man that is awesome! Congratulations on your archery lion!
  20. Heat

    What Caliber to get??? - Need Suggestions

    My .270 has killed mule deer, pronghorn, desert bighorn, and bull and cow elk. I think it's the perfect western big game rifle. Edit: Just went back and read that you are mostly going for WT and Javi. Given that I would not overlook a .243. We're talking critters around 100 lbs. That is plenty of gun for that purpose. No need for a magnum or even a long action rifle. Nick
  21. Congratulations! What an honor for you and your deer!
  22. Heat

    OTC Bull Tag

    Nothing like a nice bull and a scope bite to go with it! Cool story, congratulations on your first bull elk! Nick
  23. Heat

    What do do you think.

    Heffelfinger will be a good resource, but this Wildlife Biologist has to go with the lumpers on this. There is only one species of WT deer in AZ and that is Coues. Nick