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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    One Sheep Tag!!!

    Got a couple of texts from Tom today... "moe and curly spotted 3 rams on the N side of xxx Mtn, 1 is NICE!" "they went out of sight W-A-Y up there - trying to figure out game plan." Sounds like things are starting to get good! PS - names changed to protect the innocent...
  2. Heat

    Nice buck on G&F page

    That's a good one!
  3. Seldom Drawn, I appreciate your opinion and I agree with you if the kid was only going to hunt. I also should have mentioned that this was a 24" gun that was less than ideal for shooting trap which is what he is concentrating on for now, but he is learning to shoot skeet also. I have yet to see anybody who shoots a pump gun equal to an over/under or an auto on the skeet range. It really doesn't exist in serious competition. That is where I was going with the comment about the 500. I also should have mentioned that we have 3 other pump shotguns in the safe. thanks, Nick
  4. Heat

    Broadhead tuning help please!

    What type of rest are you using? If its a whisker bisquit sometimes you have to do things opposite of normal to counteract the spring action from the bristles. This would be basically the opposite of what they tell you in the Easton tuning guide. Walk back tuning is my favorite to get broadheads to group. Looks like you are on the right track. Remember to make micro adjustment and always have a reference to return things to "normal". Good Luck, Nick
  5. Heat

    Opening day ram!

    Thats a very nice ram. Congratulations!
  6. Heat

    One Sheep Tag!!!

    Down where Tom is camped he probably has a tough time getting internet connection but he is getting text messages in and out from time to time. I was down there with Tom yesterday but unfortunately I had to come back to work this week. He has a particular ram picked out and he is probably going to be hunting that ram for the first two weeks or so. There are a few others on his hitlist that are very nice as well. He has a pretty big gang of folks down there from the Sheep Society and elsewhere helping him out. Its pretty rough country but there are some very experienced and savvy hunters there to assist. I'm sure they'll find one before too long. PS Comm1 killed on the first day. Maybe some of the guys that were helping him will go help Tom. Can't wait till Robbie's pics get posted on here.
  7. Heat

    Wtb recurve

    Check RMSGear online, Trad Gang and Stickbow classifieds, and Ebay. I found an excellent $550 bow with a repaired riser for $200 on Trad Gang. Lots of deals to be found if you are patient and know what you want. Good Luck! It's like rediscovering archery all over again shooting my recurve.
  8. Thanks for putting the word out guys! I haven't heard otherwise until this. Thanks!
  9. Heat

    Taxidermy Nightmare!

    Hopefully he will jump in here but I would recommend a phone call to Jim Hartsock. Not only is he an incredible taxidermy artist, he is a solid businessman, and a genuine pleasure to be around. I am confident he will steer you in the right direction whether he finishes your mount or not. Southwest Wildlife who is a Sponsor on here. Look him up. I sincerely hope this turns out well for you in the end. Good luck!
  10. Thanks for the sound advice Larry. He's going to shoot trap at a fun shoot next week, but who knows, he may get more into skeet later. Trap will probably be his focus for awhile. Something versatile is probably a really good thing right now. I'm not familiar with SKB, so I guess I have some research cut out for me.
  11. Heat

    Mule deer and Antelope in AZ

    I agree with Casey. There is too much hunting pressure on too few deer. We are pushing the lower limits on the buck to doe ratios. Extended drought is also a huge factor. Predators have an impact but their populations are cyclical, and you would expect a rebound from the deer given good conditions. We have only had a few actual good years of rain in the last 14 years or so. That makes it awful tough on critters, especially the ones that live in this arid county like the Desert Mule Deer. I can recall my DBS hunt in Region IV where that I saw literally hundreds of sheep and less than half a dozen deer total in the entire 4 or 5 months of scouting. That my friends is pathetic!
  12. Heat

    Who uses external frame packs?

    Kifaru Duplex or Bikini Frame and whatever combo of bags, slings, pockets, pouches you desire. Their suspension is excellent. Worth a look for sure!
  13. Heat

    A couple rifle bulls from 23N

    That bull on the right is a monster! Look at the difference in the skulls! My word! The other bull is a great one too. Great job to the hunters! Nick
  14. Unit 1 over 3B any day! There are a lot of tags now hence a bunch of people but there will always be virtually unhunted pockets of country. Good luck!
  15. Here's an article that describes the upcoming transplant. Your Welcome Region 5! LOL! Just Kidding of course! http://www.yumasun.com/articles/bighorn-90354-sheep-tucson.html
  16. Heat

    Unit 23N Cow Elk Hunt

    After blowing it on my Unit 1 Archery Bull hunt last year, I was looking forward to a cow hunt with my wife this year. This was the first time either one of us hunted cow elk with a rifle. I usually hunt with a bow, but I want to start my family hunting with me, so I put my archery addiction aside for a year and put in for cow. Luckily we drew the last 3 tags of the hunt, Numbers 48, 49, 50. Her son was going to come with us too but school comes first and he didn't perform so he had to stay home with my mom. This was Amanda's first big game hunt. She was pretty pumped after scoring 100% on her Hunter's Education class and learning a ton. We found a killer spot to camp and got settled in for the opening day. We found a pretty nice area to hunt, but didn't see anything that morning. We took a drive to another part of the unit to hunt in the evening. After a very short walk into the woods down an old road we were on elk. They were unaware of us so we had a good opportunity. I wanted Amanda to get the first chance since I've killed an elk and other critters before. Amanda took one shot and they didn't even react. So rack another one in and boom. Nothing. Still standing there. We probably should have been away from a road because we had someone drive down the same road we were near and that spooked the elk. Instead of just stopping when they saw us, they turned around and drove off. Could of just stopped and turned the truck off but whatever. Day two we jumped a cow and calf out of camp in the morning and got close but no cigar. Afternoon spot we shadowed a herd that had a bull bugling but couldn't get close. Day three AM same as Day Two, just the other direction. We saw them, but they saw us first. No time for a good shot. We decided to take a break in the evening. My wife is pregnant and I didn't want to push her too hard. Day four morning was really cool. Within a hundred yards of camp we see a cow and calf with a couple more elk together. Amanda wanted me to shoot at this point. Waited a few second to clear an small oak and boom. Miss, crap. Rack in another and she just did a do si do, facing the other direction broadside. Boom, smack! Oh ya! We went back to camp and got the truck. By that time she was stone cold dead, and only went about 20 yards after the shot. Nice and clean, no tracking necessary! Called my cousins to see if they could help and they were on the way. We cleaned and bagged it up and got it cooling in no time. Family kicks butt! We hunted one more evening but no more elk spotted. We made a mutual decision to not get greedy and headed home. Classic elk hunt. Loved every minute of it! Thanks for reading!
  17. Heat

    Unit 23N Cow Elk Hunt

    Thanks guys, daren sent you a PM.
  18. Heat

    Mature buck or freak?

    My buddy killed a freak buck in velvet during the rifle season a few years ago with no nuts. Maybe that?
  19. Heat

    Good yr for a 10 yr old

    Wow what a year! That picture of the boys on the mule and the horse with the lion is priceless. Good job Dad! Nick
  20. Heat

    Dewey's Bull, Malay Gap Archery Elk

    Good stuff. Nice bull! Sorry to hear about your meat, but very cool story on how you found him. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Heat


    Way cool! Congrats!
  22. Heat

    My son's first elk

    Great Job guys!
  23. As long as you don't take our Region 4 sheep to transplant into Region 5 its all good! Just kidding! Good luck guys! I initially had concerns about this project, but I support what Ben and the guys are doing. Nick