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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat


    My group found a couple this weekend. They went real good with the pasta sauce!
  2. Heat

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    "I wish more Leo would be up on big weekends busting idiot people like this." I really feel sorry for the people camped next to them, but I hear you!
  3. Heat

    Archery Only Buffalo Hunt

    Ut-oh what???
  4. I want to shoot a buffalo with my bow. I don't have a ton of preconceived notions on how that is going to go down. I would like to ask for some opinions on which hunt would give me my best chance to accomplish this. Keep in mind this is a once in a lifetime species and a very expensive tag so I likely would not have many more than one opportunity at this. I'm leaning towards making my first choice the second any buffalo hunt and the second choice the second cow only hunt. I am guessing that hunting later in the summer or early fall would give a good opportunity to hunt over water since the monsoon would be mostly over by then. Or would you prefer to have the "first' crack at them with archery equipment. Does anyone know if any general or other hunts preceed the first archery only hunt?
  5. 2010 Unit 13A, scores maybe 75. Taxidermy by Jim Hartsock, SW Wildlife. I also drew a Unit 1 Archery tag in 2012 and struck out swinging...
  6. Heat

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    You may be confused with Chevelon Canyon Lake or they changed the rules or something. I could find no such regulation in any publication. The lake description on the Game and Fish website even recommends a worm and bobber. Pretty sure we did the right thing. http://www.gf.state.az.us/h_f/documents/BearCanyonLakeGeneralDescriptionFoyer.pdf
  7. Heat

    Leggy Blonde

    She sure is a beauty! Good Luck selling her!
  8. Heat

    coconino mvum

    I was a few units over and I saw the same thing, maybe worse. Nobody gives a crap or knows the rules and they have no manpower to enforce them. Great point on the woodcutting above.
  9. Sorry to hear of the slow day. That kind of thing happens regularly if you go enough. Sometimes the Captain is looking for that one magic stop where the fish, the current and the bait line up and the sea lions stay away for long enough to have a really good bite. More often than not you just cruise looking around. Hope you have better luck next time. FYI it took me taking a two day before I managed to catch my first yellowtail or albacore so stick with it! Those Coronado Island 3/4 trips really are very hit or miss especially this early in the season.
  10. Heat

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    Fishing and Camping trip on the Rim was a total success. Found a semi-secluded camping spot near Bear Canyon Lake where we got away from most of the numbskulls. We were still close enough to hear the idiots firing their automatic weapon until 11 PM the first night, but we survived until they ran out of ammo. What kind of idiot shoots at night anyway? Especially when there are numerous sign all over prohibiting target shooting! Other than that we really had a nice relaxing weekend. Got to run my own wall tent and stove for the first time which was pretty cool. My one year old daughter's first camping trip and she seemed to do just fine. As far as the fishing I only made it to the Lake once but some folks from our group made it a total of 3 times and we/they caught fish every time. First cast within 3 minutes or so and my cousin had one on. I managed to catch a few too, so I was very satisfied. Worms were working on the stocked rainbows but one or two fish seemed much chunkier and maybe held-over from last year. All in all a great trip! No grip and grin worthy fish pics, but I do have one or two of the campsite with my baby I can post later. Thanks!
  11. Heat

    2015 House Rock Buffalo Hunt

    Way to Go Rob! That is such an AWESOME bison man! Look at the horn boss overlay on that dude! Very nice! Way to hang in there through tough weather. My friend's dad got one a couple of weeks ago. Outstanding effort man! Great pics too.
  12. Heat

    Thoughts on the "wilderness" hunts.

    Best of luck to you my friend!
  13. Heat

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    Thanks to all of you who positively contributed to the thread and the PMs, I appreciate it!
  14. Heat

    My bobcat is all finished up!

    When it comes to cats the taxidermist either has "it" or they don't. Wild Heritage seems to have "IT" bigtime! Awesome critter and taxidermy! Congratulations on a beautiful piece of art!
  15. Heat

    Thoughts on the "wilderness" hunts.

    Start going to the Sheep Clinics and talk to everyone that will stop and listen for a second. You never know who might be able to help you out! Lots of guys who have already killed their ram are dying to go again and help someone else. Here's the draw odds you were after: 6016 - 1 tag, 140 1st Choice Applicants or .007 or .7% 6041 - 2 tags, 111 1st Choice Applicants or .018 or 1.8% 6042 - 7 tags, 321 1st Choice Applicants or .0218 or 2.18% There were no hunts for 6043 or 6044 last year. You can probably divide the numbers above in half to get a wild guess. Remember your true odds will be even less than this since the drawing will also look at second choices as well, although that may or may not increase your overall odds of drawing a tag. Pick units where you know you will have a chance at killing, even if that means less than the biggest rams around. That's just my opinion. To maximize your odds try to pick units that did not have its tags all selected from the Max Point portion of the drawing or you might be out of contention before they even look at your app. The unit I drew and hunted had all of its tags go to the random part of the drawing so that maximized my odds. I know this because I had tag number one and I only had 8 bonus points when I drew, way less than max! I also applied and drew when it was still paper only apps so that eliminated a lot of guys that did not front their money.
  16. Heat

    let's hear about your packs!!!

    I'm using a Kifaru Late Season and a Kifaru Duplex Frame with Longhunter Lid and Cargo Panel. Either way I'm set to pack meat on my first trip to camp if I kill something. The Late Season won't carry as much as comfortably as the Duplex. That thing is like a Cadillac!
  17. Heat

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    Sorry I asked, sometimes I gotta wonder about this site! Negativity seems much more the norm nowadays rather than an exception!
  18. Heat

    Dear America

    That would have been the LA riots in 1992, not the Watts riots in 1965.
  19. Heat

    Chambers Bowhunting (hog hunting)

    I read numerous reviews on this place, unfortunately they were all over the place from really good, to really bad, and anywhere in between. I guess it really comes down to each individual's expectations going in. This seemed to be the case for most operations when I did extensive research. I couldn't really get a comfortable feeling to lead a group anywhere without some personal experience first.
  20. Heat

    Opening Day Goulds

    Nice Gobbler! Good Luck on the Buff!
  21. Don't let some of these guys and their pissing contest run you off David! They mean well, just go off on some tangents once in a while. You've come to a great place to get info. Keep the questions coming!
  22. Heat

    How Do You Dispose of Old Boat Hull?

    Give it to someone who wants a raised garden bed, which seem to be the rage right now.
  23. Heat

    Archery Only Buffalo Hunt

    2, LOL! But I'm a resident and have a chance at ANY tag in this state, except for Desert Bighorn where I have reached my Lifetime Bag Limit.
  24. Heat

    Archery Only Buffalo Hunt

    Archery only means archery only, but I appreciate the suggestion otherwise if it was any weapon.
  25. Heat

    Tips for consistency?

    I'm going to take it a step further back...Are you certain your bow is set up correctly for you? Is the draw length correct? Is the weight easy to hold? Is the peep set up correctly? Form issues are a huge next step. Grip must be consistent from shot to shot or your arrows never will group. Same goes for anchor point. These are non-negotiable. It really helps if you are not torquing your bow, but first and foremost is consistency. The next think I would maybe look at is tuning. Is your bow tuned to the arrows? Are your cams, wheels in time/sych and within spec for your DL? DW? Does your set up require tiller or yoke tuning? Does your rest require microtuning? Are you certain there is no rest contact with your arrow after release? These are all good things to think about if your shooting is not what you would expect.