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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    Buffalo tag

    You guys are going to want to check the east side. The buffs are hitting the burn from this summer.
  2. Heat

    Good Luck!

    Just want to wish all the tagholders the best of luck on the upcoming sheep hunts! May your wildest dreams come true!
  3. Heat

    Taylor Takes Her 1st Muley

    Great redemption buck! Stoked for you guys!
  4. Heat

    Gamegear clothing review

    Thanks for the review! Seen a few ads but have not heard anything until now. Really excited to see Made in USA hunting clothes. Hope they can stick around for awhile.
  5. Heat

    Good Luck!

    One of four Gilas tags was used to collect a nice set of red horns this AM.
  6. Heat

    Have you seen this big boy

    Caterpillar it was suspected that "Ghost" would put on his poncho and sombrero and head south into ol Mexico.
  7. Heat

    Giant Late Rifle Bull

    I'm guessing the guy who did the shooting is the one in the pic like 3 or 4 down with the orange hat and magnum rifle. Congrats on finding such a great bull and getting him killed. Reminds me of a song from my daughters cartoons... "What's going to work, Teamwork"!
  8. Heat

    Backpack- advice?

    If you are serious about hunting, a durable well fitting pack is a must. Can't even count how many "my Badlands broke in the field" posts I have read on hunting sites. I really like Kifaru like some of the other guys here. It was a tough pill to swallow with the price but their stuff is the highest quality. I also would rather pay a little more for goods made in the USA by Americans than save a little coin buying something from China or wherever. Kifaru has the suspension thing down!
  9. Heat

    Jumping the fence?

    Any fence that might happen to remain is a non-factor. They go where they want.
  10. Heat

    Unit 27 Rocky Mountain Bighorn

    Outstanding Ram! Congratulations on your hunt of a lifetime!
  11. Heat

    12A East Early Hunt

    Really nice!
  12. Heat

    196 inch redemption buck

    Way to go guys! That is a great old buck!
  13. Heat

    12A East Early Hunt

    Really cool Jeff! Congratulations on a beautiful Kaibab buck. Thanks for the pics and story.
  14. Half the people on the road drive like maroons. That's the bottom line. No courtesy whatsoever. Me me me.
  15. Bought a First Lite Chama EXP recently. Thoroughly inspected it on the website. No mention of gimmicks, good to go. Order it and a couple of beanies. Shows up at my house and I see it has a stupid pocket on the sleeve. My OCD meter went on high alert. Call me crazy but it is not pleasing to the eye, feng shui, yin yang, or symmetrical in my head and serves no purpose! Seriously, what am I supposed to put in there, a lip gloss? Condom? Credit Card? What kind of metrosexual thinks of this crap? A can of dip or a couple of rounds of ammo, or anything else worth its weight is not going to work in there! Rant over, thanks for letting me vent!
  16. Heat

    Thoughts on some new gear

    Wish I would have figured out the gig on the Dobson's like you did. Im a Medium in everything but these I guess. Too big.
  17. Heat

    Taylor Puts Meat in the Freezer....Again.

    Cool thread Lance! Congratulations to the young hunter! Love it!
  18. No luck yet but there was an elk across the road from where we camp as we pulled in the day before the season. Nada in our spots from last time. In 23N. My wife's tag. Trying to get her first big game animal.
  19. Heat

    freezer type

    Chest for efficiency in insulation and cost to run. Upright for convenience and organization.
  20. Heat

    Got my buck

    Fine job! Way to stick with it!
  21. Heat

    Have you seen this big boy

    That is one old ram right there! Absolutely incredible!
  22. Heat

    Have you seen this big boy

    The Ghost! Not killed by a hunter to my knowledge but animals can and do die of old age, especially in the desert where temperatures reach over 120 in the summer.
  23. Heat

    Taxiderny thiefs caught in prescott

    Bravo Prescott PD!
  24. Heat

    Kodiak Island 2016

    Great pics of some cool bucks Ed! Nice job!
  25. Heat

    Moo cow down

    Nice job! Bison meat is some of the best I've had. You are going to enjoy! Congratulations!