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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    Vortex Optics Truth

    There are good Vortex scopes and not so good. You get what you pay for.
  2. Heat


    It will be a zoo. Can you imagine what 36B is going to look like when its the last unit left with any quota to use? Considering a lot of the desert ones are the close ones to CA we are likely to get an eye opener there as well. This is better than the alternative, but kicking the can down the road, no doubt.
  3. Heat


    I agree with your post except maybe the shorter seasons part but may have to shorten it to get it right. Nothing wrong with giving people more choices. Oregon is just one example but they have a few trad only hunts. To be absolutely clear I am not saying to do away with anything. Just give the trad guys one unit out of the dozens each season and rotate it around the regions maybe. Just brainstorming.
  4. Heat

    WTB Rain gear

    For AZ I would look at Kutana if you are considering KUIU. Its sort of in between the Yukon and Chugach. Supposedly has a very durable but breathable shell.
  5. Heat

    WTB Rain gear

    Light weight just in case, Cabelas Space Rain or Marmot Precip. Need more durability Kuiu Chugach. All out you will drown without it, Kuiu Yukon or Sitka's best. Guide I asked about it in Alaska that makes his living in raingear was all about Sitka.
  6. Heat


    Bruce I support your idea, sorry for taking things on a tangent.
  7. Heat


    Actually haven't shot my compound now in like 4 years. Didn't even bring it on my last bowhunt. I took up traditional archery again in my 40s quite a few years ago. Nice try though. I meant what I said, traditional seasons.
  8. Heat


    Recurve/ Longbow, good grief!
  9. Heat


    You decide. But then again we got folks out there who can't decide if they are a boy or a girl so goes to show you how people will convince themselves of anything to justify the means. My position has never changed. People are taking advantage of a lax set of rules. Some of them generally don't have enough honor to say "when". Ya'll want to make me out to be the bad guy or the disabled hater, whatever. Anybody that knows me knows that's not the truth so I could care less.
  10. Heat


    Or Muzzleloader or HAM
  11. Heat


    Lady I Know got a pacemaker put in and the DR signed her permit for the X bow. She's not disabled, just never did hunt in the archery season with a bow and arrows until the crossbow became a possibility.
  12. Heat


    Big difference between being disabled and not knowing when your number is up. That's we are talking about here.
  13. Heat


    I will never understand why people feel entitled to hunt during the archery season when the weapon doesn't suit them anymore. I'd rather approach it by adding opportunity through traditional only seasons. Win win, more hunters hunting, killing less game or the same with WAY more opportunity. Things like Crossbows and Long Range Shooting are hurting our opportunity.
  14. Heat

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    This is hopefully an eye opener for the Department. Count me in for Mandatory Reporting for ALL species of Big Game. Enough of the guessing game.
  15. Heat


    I'm sure you've learned your lesson but next time don't take the shortcut, go straight to the source. There is no excuse not to read and be thoroughly familiar with the regulations, especially the parts that apply to you and your hunts.
  16. Heat

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    Yep, those backstraps will taste the same today as they do a month from now. I just noticed the eyeguards on that bad boy, holy crap!
  17. Heat

    Archery Kills rolling in already

    That thing looks like it was going to grow for another month.
  18. Heat

    Kowa 55 series

    Anybody want to talk me out of buying one? Anyone get it and regret their choice? Supposedly punches a little higher than its weight class. Figure I will carry and use the small one the most probably. Only gripe I hear is the narrow FOV. May not be a big deal for me but hard to say without looking through it. I can use optics with or without my glasses if that is a factor.
  19. Heat

    Upholsterer in AZ for Tent Repair

    I'm sure Yuma is way too far but Specialty Sewing Senter does all kinds of work like that for all the snowbirds with their RV awnings and whatnot. Took care of my wall tent for me when I ripped out some grommets. Worth a shot if you have no other options.
  20. Heat

    Kowa 55 series

    I hate using the word because it is so played out but the Kowa 554 is AMAZING! Absolutely unreal for a 55mm spotter weighing under 2#! Thanks for the encouragement.
  21. Heat

    ISO 7 mag ammo of bullets

    My local SW has 7 Mag out the yin yang. 7mm-08, not so much. Haven't seen that on the shelves for over a year.
  22. Heat

    Lifetime Licenses

    You buy a lifetime license as a resident and they honor it. Simple as that. You pay NR fees but do not get booted by the up to 10%.
  23. Heat

    Cleaning Fix Blade Suggestions

    Buck released a special Buck of the Month 113 today. 154cm steel, rosewood handles, limited run. SWEET knife! If I didn't already have one in S30v I would get one.
  24. Heat

    Cleaning Fix Blade Suggestions

    I like Buck knives. 113, 117, 105, 212 or one of the Bucklites are all great fixed blade knives for hunting.
  25. Heat

    Falconry license

    HyNoon maybe thinking of Nate Danforth?