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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    12AE Logistics

    Miller's SW was up there the year my stepson had a youth hunt maybe a few years ago at the ADA Youth Clinic Camp. Might want to check with them.
  2. Heat

    still have hope

    If a trip is coming together I might be able to make it happen also depending on the dates. I'm pretty wide open for the next month. After that I'm out of pocket over Labor Day then back to wide open until mid October. I'm down with San Diego or Mexico.
  3. Heat

    still have hope

    Muy Bueno!
  4. Heat

    Watch Guys Step Inside

    When my Dad passed away I supposedly inherited his Rolex. My brother got the life insurance. When it showed up it was ticking like a timebomb. My Dad was either a total sucker or my stepmother thinks I am. Not worth fighting over and I have hardly mentioned it but thought you guys might get a kick out of that. If you knew me that is just how stuff goes for me. On the brightside I also inherited his Wilson Bros era Black Widow recurve which is priceless to me and worth more to me than any old watch. Take that for what its worth!
  5. Heat

    Check out this trail cam vid

    That spot is like a neighborhood dive bar...you know, great place to stop in and have a crappy drink, make some noise, take a leak, drop a deuce, in whatever order works for you.
  6. Heat

    27 South 28 North Rocky Tag

    I have a friend that had the tag and I was one day from leaving to help on the hunt when he killed his ram, his fifth with a bow. I might be able to help.
  7. Heat

    Any sheep hits?

    Wow! Lucky dude!
  8. Heat

    Kifaru guide lid

    That's a perfect piece to go along with a Duplex frame or similar. I use that and a Grab it or Cargo Panel for unlimited options! Great piece, good luck selling it.
  9. If your "kid" is 5'9 and 34" waist you are looking for Mens clothes! Just saying...
  10. Heat

    Synthetics vs wool

    The only merino unders I own are First Lite and they are excellent garments. No shrink, no stink, nice and comfortable in a wide range of temps.
  11. Heat

    Who drew a bison tag for fall 2018?

    I was on a limited opportunity hunt in 2016 during late July. Conditions will be quite different but you can probably get a good idea what to expect reading past threads. Would be happy to share any info I have. Good Luck!
  12. Heat

    Credit Card Hit!

    This comes up every year...Cabela's web site does not show pending charges. Nothing shows on their website until the charges have actually gone through, which takes about 3 or 4 days sometimes. It does show your credit limit, balance, and available credit. If you know how to do basic arithmetic you can figure out whether you have charges pending or you can call Cabela's and ask about pending charges from AZGFD as mentioned above.
  13. That would make my day as well!
  14. Heat

    Camp Masters....

    I'll tell what one shouldn't do...park right next to me to camp when there are literally thousands of other places to set up. Not sure what's up with some citiots but you would think its obvious that people go to the woods to get away from other people. Don't get me started on generators! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I feel better now. Won't ever understand that mentality but it helps to blow off a little steam now and then!
  15. Heat

    Northrim hunt June 8th?

    Congrats on your bison! Not that's what I'm talking about. Way to work together to get two on the ground. I highly commend you sir!
  16. Heat

    Bill Quimby

    RIP to Mr. Quimby. My sincere condolences to his friends and loved ones. Never had the pleasure to meet him but I respected his advice and experience. We are going to miss his perspective. God Bless!
  17. Heat

    Bear spray advice

    Can I have dibs on your Bear Spray, assuming it doesn't get used? Headed to Glacier in August.
  18. Heat

    Synthetics vs wool

    My Pendleton western wool shirt with the pearl snaps is my favorite shirt hanging in my closet. Keeps me cozy through a very wide range of temps. I need to find another when they go on sale.
  19. Dude, I am sorry you are dealing with this. Hope things turn out for the best for you. I have no experience or knowledge on any of this, but to me it looks like they need to get that second and third toe from grinding into each other. The rest who knows! Let us know what you decide on. If it was me I would get at least 3 professional opinions and talk a lot with the Man Upstairs! Good Luck Amigo!
  20. Heat

    Synthetics vs wool

    The quick answer is both depending on the situation. Synthetics wick better and are durable but will stink up quick. Wool doesn't dry out as fast and isn't as durable but absorbs odors and still insulates when wet. That said I wear wool socks year round. I wish Cabela's or someone made a thin version of their Microtex in solid colors for outdoor activities. That honestly is the best of both worlds for cool/ cold weather clothes.
  21. Heat

    Flatlander for the new committee.

    I spoke to the Chairman of the Commission earlier this week (before this thread got started) and he told me a few other people had already recommended him. I told him I believed he was the right man for the job for what its worth.
  22. Heat

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    It sprinkled in the armpit today.
  23. Heat

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    I guess none of you guys have been to Silicone Island near Martinez Lake? Not quite Copper Canyon crazy but plenty of all that!
  24. Heat

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    So the authority on armpits has spoken ya'll! Yuma does suck compared to something like Greer I suppose but I'm curious how you know so much about it to be talking in such absolute terms? I've been lots of places across the USA, Europe, and Mexico. Not anywhere near as bad as many other places. Try Ajo for starters. Been there, done that, no thanks! It just doesn't rain much there either.
  25. Heat

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    0% chance of rain for Yuma. Shocker!