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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat


    https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mechanic-In-A-Bottle/51471688?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1122&adid=22222222228073123592&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=184892301099&wl4=pla-292882200452&wl5=9028077&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=101593696&wl11=online&wl12=51471688&wl13=&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0tPvpv3X3gIVSp7ACh1d9AA3EAQYAyABEgL92_D_BwE My issues came about from leaving pump gas in the mower for too long. You need to burn it all up or use the fancy stuff in the can without ethanol. That pump crap will junk up your carb quick!
  2. Heat


    If it is a fuel issue from bad gas, try mechanic in a bottle if all else fails. Have a mower that crapped out after a month. Sat for over a year. Used the mechanic in a bottle and the high test stuff in the can and viola, back in business. My wife couldn't believe I fixed something, LOL!
  3. Heat

    Son's Black Belt Journey: Request

    Sounds like a worthy cause but I don't fly fish! Any ideas for those unwashed, uncivilized heathens like me that use spinning gear?
  4. Heat

    short clip of something i have not seen before.

    Dang man that is scary! My condolences to the deceased. I will never forget my first overnight trip being down below and thinking to myself how f'ed we would be if the boat had a collision and how much trust we were putting on the crew! Take their safety briefing seriously I guess and hope the Coasties can hear you!
  5. Heat

    San Juan With My Son

    Very nice!
  6. Heat

    Wyoming Adventure

    Way to go Adam, that one was worth driving to Wyoming for! Thanks for sharing man, awesome.
  7. Heat

    Thoughts On A Shotgun: Keep or Sell?

    I'm with the keep it crowd. My great grandfather and grandfather on my Dad's side didn't pass on a dang thing other than maybe a propensity to also be an alcoholic. I'm trying my best to break that cycle. My two most valued possessions are an old Sears Ted Williams shotgun and an old Wilson Brothers era Black Widow recurve bow that were my Dad's. Those hunks of metal and wood aren't worth a lot of money but they represent a hunting heritage that my Dad and I shared and hopefully some kid down the line can hold them with the pride that I have and pass them on as well.
  8. Best of Luck to you! My Kaibab bison hunt is an experience I will never forget!
  9. Heat

    New hipbelt for outdoorsman pack

    Kifaru has the best waist belt and suspension in the business. Not sure if the belt will work with your pack or not but you can buy a waist belt seperately from Kifaru. If all else fails, sell that and buy a Kifaru and be done with it. Since I bought mine I don't even bother looking at packs anymore. I'm set for life.
  10. Heat


    Heck with a crossbow, use an arrow gun. If the Department and Commission are dumb enough to let people use those during the archery season you might as well take advantage of that.
  11. Heat

    Vegas Superbowl Weekend

    Dude if you like the pizza in Manhattan you need to go to Queens or Brooklyn! My grandparents lived in Flushing, Queens and I will remember the Gloria Pizza slices for the rest of my days! Their shop was right by the entrance to the 7 train and we would always stop for a slice on the way into or back from the City.
  12. Heat

    Chinook Salmon

    Muskegon River, Michigan Chinook Salmon These bad boys are no joke!
  13. Heat

    Chinook Salmon

    I didn't catch any but I know they are in there. Saw some fatties of some kind of trout. The salmon were in the middle of the spawn. It was killer watching the females fan out the nest and the males sticking right with her. Between the muscle of those fish and the current of the river its a wonder I even got one.
  14. Heat

    Chinook Salmon

    I was fishing with spinning gear. 9' MH Ugly Stick Elite rod, Size 50 Quantum Throttle spinning reel. Maxima 15# test line. Never broke my line but those things were straightening out hooks like they were bailing wire. If any of you guys ever fish for these buy some stout gear! I learned my lesson too late that the stock hooks on the lures we were using were not adequate for the job. I landed one fish out of maybe 10-12 hook ups.
  15. You should contact Russ Jacoby. He has a pulse on everything bison on the Kaibab. Even if you are not hiring him Russ is a great source of information.
  16. I heard the same. They are baiting them into a corral and loaded them up alive. Where they end up is anybody's guess. These bison have cattle DNA so not sure what good they would be to re-establish a herd. One thing that is plainly obvious is the Park did not want to have hunters kill them.
  17. Heat

    Kaibab Road Conditions?

    The roads on the Kaibab drain well for the most part. Mostly rocks and gravel in most of the areas I've been. Not much mud IME.
  18. Heat

    Base Layer?

    Check out First Lite, they have stuff on clearance. Their wool is pretty good.
  19. Heat

    Unit 11M bull hunt

    Looks similar to the one I shot last year. Congrats!
  20. Heat


    Same here.
  21. Heat


    Saw 7, maybe 8 bears in one day in Montana last month. This old sow is the biggest black bear I've ever seen! Not from a trail camera, old school point and shoot. About 40 yards away right here.
  22. Heat

    Change in the weather for next week

    We got about 3/4 of an inch in about a half hour yesterday. First substantial rain of the year for us. You know what they say "when it rains, it pours"! Expecting quite a bit more tonight. My patio has a bunch of pavers so the water has nowhere to go besides one drain pipe, which gets swamped pretty quick, especially when it gets clogged with leaves. I got some water in my laundry room yesterday so I got some sandbags last night and made a coffer dam around my back doors and in front of my laundry room. Hopefully I can keep up with it if it comes down in a torrent again tonight.
  23. Heat

    Back to Back Bulls

    Great comeback after a rough start! Congratulations!
  24. Heat

    My 2018 Archery Bull

    That's a dandy! Big congrats to you!
  25. Heat

    Fossil Hunting

    I was at work when I found it. Conducting a cultural resources survey of a project area. There were dozens of pieces scattered over an area maybe a couple acres. Only found a few pieces of skeletal bone but mostly pieces of the shell. We compared a piece of the scapula to a modern tortoise skeleton and it was almost identical, with the pieces we found being much larger, consistent with the fossil record of other mega sized critters of the Pleistocene era.