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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    Roxy Ray, she gonna be missed.

    Sorry man, that is a tough deal. You can be sure you did the right thing though. My sincere condolences!
  2. Today is Fred Bear's Birthday. What a great day to remember his contributions to the world of hunting and archery. His Bear bows and his persona are legendary in every sense.
  3. Heat

    AKC Papered Lab Puppies for Sale???

    Willy approves of this request!
  4. Eliminating point guard will help draw odds more than one of those deals I bet.
  5. Cool! I should be good.
  6. Ya man, tag numbers were down in quite a few units. I thought the reductions were appropriate but the point creep this year is probably going to be horrendous!
  7. No tags for me or my wife. I've been banking deer points for this very reason. Kaibab archery here I come! Anybody know what bonus pass level is on that hunt these days? Pretty sure I have enough.
  8. Heat

    I'm Still Alive -- barely

    Dang Tony, sorry to hear about this. I really hope you are back on your feet again soon amigo! Hang in there!
  9. Heat

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    Next time only give one email address, yours! Sorry this happened. My wife has her cards, I have mine. We don't mix and match so the only person to blame in a situation like this is myself.
  10. I do both. I build some and buy some when convenient.
  11. And then theres broadheads...At least $10-12 bucks each as well for most. Some are $30 each. Makes some of us think twice before we start sending arrows everywhere.
  12. Heat

    Unit Suggestions for Pops

    PM sent
  13. Heat


    Perch is legit! Had it in Michigan a couple years ago. Some of the best fish you can eat fried, no doubt! Right there with trigger.
  14. Heat

    Points for unit 1

    This is correct. To add a little detail, 38% of the people with 8 Points were drawn in the bonus. Without a doubt most if not all of these applicants were residents. You had to have 11 to be in the 100% category. Non-residents probably started dropping out at 10 points. Given that I would say at least 8 maybe 9 this year for a resident to have a chance in the bonus pass. Odds go up from there.
  15. Heat

    Backpacking Sleeping bag recommendations

    Check out Rokslide and Bowsite for reviews from some hardcore hunters. Its hard to beat a Western Mountaineering bag based on the reviews I've seen. They have semi-rectangular bags which lots of people like if a mummy bag is too constricting. Marmot Helium is also a good bag in the range you are looking for. Seeing good reviews for Nemo too. I have a North Face synthetic bag that has held up very well but its big and heavy, but reliable. Its a Goliath 3D, but they don't make it anymore.
  16. Heat

    Points for unit 1

    They are referring to the bonus pass not the 1/2 pass random draw.
  17. Heat

    Big City Buck

    Congrats on your archery buck man! Sometimes its best to just wait them out like that.
  18. Heat

    What’s the deal with Hoyt

    This is why I have gone in the opposite direction for the most part. I shoot recurves with 50's era technology. Not much has changed with a recurve since then. Ya, theres ILF and different materials for strings and bows but as far as performance goes I'll bet my 1960 Kodiak will spit arrows as well as any trad bow made in this century.
  19. Heat

    First deer ever!

    Way to go man! Congrats on your buck!
  20. Heat


    Word on the street is that Thorpe has pulled the Bills from consideration. My real question is who put him up to this. Its good to know your enemy. Something to think about before the election in November, especially if he is your Representative. We don't need this California RINO doing business in the State Capital if you ask me.
  21. Heat


    I've helped build many catchments on public land and zero of them had anything to do with a rancher. These bills are ridiculous!
  22. Heat

    WMAT Turkey hunt

    Get Marty Gatewood as a guide if possible and you will kill! He's an awesome hunter and a super nice guy.
  23. Heat

    Lost a good friend

    Sorry about your friend man.
  24. Heat

    Finally ended my free range bison quest!!!

    Nice bull man! Be careful though, like sheep these bison get in your blood. I can't wait to go help somebody on another bison hunt.